Weather forecast

Modern electronics tends to intuitive, so the young engineer Rob Godshaw (Rob Godshou) decided that the forecast should also be intuitive. For this concept Cryoscope he created, configured in the form of aluminum cube. In order to assess what will be the temperature outside, just touch the device. When creating the concept Cryoscope was used the Peltier effect, which will create the device, absorbing or releasing heat by passing an electric current through two dissimilar conductors. In other words, the device can, if necessary, increase or decrease its own temperature. The gadget is connected to an external power source and controller Arduino, which is responsible for handling the weather forecast from the Internet and convert it into commands for Cryoscope. Now, to see how warm the weather will be tomorrow, just touch the surface of the palm device. For insurance in the bottom of Cryoscope are two LEDs that duplicate surface thermal signal.
Source: scienceblog.ru/2012/02/15/teper-prognoz-pogody-mozhno-poshhupat/