Weather dependent: causes and consequences

When there is a sudden change in the weather people react differently to this natural phenomenon, but for veterans they meteopathy is inextricably linked to the deterioration of health.
People for changes in well-being, in varying degrees, feel occasional sharp fluctuations in the weather. If a person is experiencing is simply discomfort, this condition, although it affects performance, but not threatening disorders in the internal organs.
Quite, another matter when because of the spike in the weather occurs hypertensive crisis, sometimes ending in heart attack or stroke. And understandable relationship between the number of chronic diseases in the veteran to the severity of the response to a change in the weather. The more chronic diseases, the greater the threat to health and life of a veteran.
Researchers on the effect of space environmental factors on human health concluded that rural residents are less prone to extremes of weather compared to urban residents. From their point of view, in the polluted atmosphere of the cities accumulate more electricity.
Besides, we should not forget that the nervous system of a person living in the province, as a rule, stronger. As well as irritating effect on the body occurs via the nervous system, and the depth of damage to those more who have nervous system weaker.
The damaging effects of weather extremes in the weather-sensitive people largely depends on the number of those chronic diseases that have been acquired and, as a rule, is only an individual peculiarity. But most often among the climate fall sick, suffering from cardiovascular diseases, which, if extremes of weather are forced to seek help from doctors.
Many suffer especially when simultaneously with the drop in atmospheric pressure occurs and the temperature increases. When combining these two weather factors lets you know its exacerbation of chronic coronary insufficiency, due to a shortness of breath and high blood pressure begins to progress angina, sometimes leading to a heart attack.
This usually happens in the day when, under the influence of the anticyclone of a cyclone, in the atmosphere causing the pressure drop. The researchers also found that when spring or summer is the front air is cold on a warm background, or warm on a cold autumn or winter, even relatively healthy people can not tolerate all these vagaries of the weather.
In all such cases, each abrupt change of temperature and atmospheric pressure accompanied by the appearance in the air, strong electricity.
As you know there is no bad weather, but there is just meteodependent people. If someone has repeatedly experienced the impact of sudden changes in the weather, to protect themselves from these factors has alone. It should be borne in mind that each person is strictly individual, react to weather changes.
Since doctors are not taught to measures to protect people from inclement weather, then we ourselves have to watch how our body responds to these or other meteorological changes. These observations are systematically analysed with the aim to accumulate the baggage of practical measures for the prevention and protection from weather anomalies.
If a healthy person such observations, as if not really needed, the meteodependent people can feel overwhelmed by the surprises of the weather. Each of us have from day to day, overcoming laziness and inertia and conservatism to deal with their ailments.
Using exercises of physical culture, hardening, it is necessary to mobilize all means to improve their immune status and thus strengthening the body's defenses, to put themselves in a more advantageous position compared to those who are more healthy, but out of habit are too lazy to follow him.
The whole point of used measures to protect from adverse weather – it's basically a job that is not confined to certain one-time measures for one, two, three only in the days of sudden change and long-term and persistent work in order to be ready to resist weather threats.
Work to improve health in the long term, the recommendations of professionals should be aimed at improving the microcirculation and have a good influence on blood coagulation. With this purpose specialists of the Institute of medico – ecological problems of the North Russian Academy of medical Sciences recommended once a quarter, to continue 3 weeks 1 – 2 times a day to take another set of drugs: ascorbic acid 0.1 gram, rutin 0.04 grams potassium chloride 0.5 gram, acetylsalicylic acid 0,25 grams.
If these pharmaceutical drugs at the same time will be able to start taking so-called herbal adaptogens — the extract levzei, Eleutherococcus and other, human immune status can only increase. By the way, these natural adaptogens also available commercially pharmacies.
In modern conditions the cardiovascular system is the weakest link in the human body. But fortunately, there is a lot of money to strengthen the cardiovascular system. And in this case medical scientists have developed a three-week course, protection from the effects of bad weather especially for meteodependent people suffering besides coronary heart disease.
The proposed complex includes a complex of morning gymnastics, wiping with a damp towel. Such wiping is necessary to start with a water temperature of about 30 degrees with its gradual reduction to 15 degrees.
A special role in this health complex is given to pedestrian walks held 2 – 3 times a day alternating tempo, lasting up to one and a half hours. Walk before going to bed is mandatory, as mandatory and daily salty pine bath with a temperature of 37-38 degrees in less than 20 minutes.
Such a course of health measures in accordance with medical recommendations, should be carried out twice a year in March and October.
Recommended for the health courses March and October, are not random, and these are the periods when the Earth and all life upon it are most vulnerable to threats of a cosmic nature.
Many of us have heard from authorities medicine that the exacerbation of disease is caused by the fact that during winter the body is weakened because of a lack of vitamins, minerals, solar ultraviolet radiation. In addition to these reasons, we must not forget about the share of inactivity in the problem of the weakening of the body.
But, on the other hand, a similar condition in humans occurs in the fall, when everyone is saturated with vitamins, has a full programme of motor activity and still received even plenty health sunlight.
The reasons for such reactions of people in spring and autumn that our planet in its motion around the Sun crosses these streams of cosmic charged particles that reach the earth's magnetosphere and atmosphere and cause there is a complex set of processes. Changes in Earth's biosphere that affect the health of people.
In the spring and fall we the people, the inhabitants of the Earth, we have bad because of cosmic influences, and especially in these periods suffer meteodependent people. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption - together we change the world! ©
Source: dolgo-zivi.ru
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