10 foods that under no circumstances should not be given to cats. The outcome can be fatal!
Owning a cat is very difficult to please their pets when choosing their daily diet, because these animals are very choosy about food. They can not have that, it would seem ideal to them, but go crazy with the most unexpected products. Unfortunately, despite the instincts, animals do not always know what is harmful to them. That is why we, the owners should closely monitor their nutrition.
So, from the diet, the cats should be excluded following products.
1. Milk and cream. B>
Adult cats are lactose intolerant, so the digestion of dairy products may be too challenging for them to stomach.
Possible effects: diarrhea and other health problems.
2. Fatty foods and meat. B>
Do not give your pet a lot of fatty food.
Possible effects include diarrhea and dehydration.
3. Bones. B>
Never feed your cat bones! Despite the fact that her teeth might well chew them, we must remember that a piece of bone can become lodged in the throat or puncture internal organs.
Possible consequences: scratching or tearing of internal organs.
4. Raisins. B>
Never give your cat cakes, cupcakes or cookies with raisins. For her, it is poisonous!
Possible effects include diarrhea, frequent urination, lethargy and general weakness.
5. Avocado. B>
Closely monitor so that the cat does not eat avocado. This fruit is very toxic to her.
Possible consequences: death.
6. Onions. B>
Naturally, there is a small chance that your pet came into our heads to eat onions, but still need to be alert. Even the husks of this vegetable can be dangerous.
Possible consequences: substances present in onions, red blood cells are destroyed in the cat's blood. This can lead to anemia and cause serious health problems.
7. Garlic. B>
Never try to feed the cat dishes which include this product!
Possible consequences: as onions, garlic can cause anemia.
8. Alcohol. B>
Strange, but for some people it seems funny that their cat may involve alcohol. Remember, never, under any circumstances, do not let the animals to alcohol! For them it is pure poison.
Possible effects: severe poisoning and dehydration which can be fatal.
9. Coffee and chocolate. B>
Make sure that these products do not come across your favorite, because they are very dangerous for him.
Possible consequences: caffeine can lead to heart failure animal.
10. Raw eggs. B>
Many cats with pleasure devours this product, but it does not mean that it is useful for them. Take care that the raw eggs was no longer in the diet of your pet.
Possible consequences: digestive problems.
Remember that we are responsible for those who tamed. Always carefully follow what is eating your livestock, whether it's a cat, dog, hamster or even a parrot. Health and Life pets in our hands.
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via ofigenno ru
So, from the diet, the cats should be excluded following products.
1. Milk and cream. B>
Adult cats are lactose intolerant, so the digestion of dairy products may be too challenging for them to stomach.
Possible effects: diarrhea and other health problems.

2. Fatty foods and meat. B>
Do not give your pet a lot of fatty food.
Possible effects include diarrhea and dehydration.

3. Bones. B>
Never feed your cat bones! Despite the fact that her teeth might well chew them, we must remember that a piece of bone can become lodged in the throat or puncture internal organs.
Possible consequences: scratching or tearing of internal organs.

4. Raisins. B>
Never give your cat cakes, cupcakes or cookies with raisins. For her, it is poisonous!
Possible effects include diarrhea, frequent urination, lethargy and general weakness.

5. Avocado. B>
Closely monitor so that the cat does not eat avocado. This fruit is very toxic to her.
Possible consequences: death.

6. Onions. B>
Naturally, there is a small chance that your pet came into our heads to eat onions, but still need to be alert. Even the husks of this vegetable can be dangerous.
Possible consequences: substances present in onions, red blood cells are destroyed in the cat's blood. This can lead to anemia and cause serious health problems.

7. Garlic. B>
Never try to feed the cat dishes which include this product!
Possible consequences: as onions, garlic can cause anemia.

8. Alcohol. B>
Strange, but for some people it seems funny that their cat may involve alcohol. Remember, never, under any circumstances, do not let the animals to alcohol! For them it is pure poison.
Possible effects: severe poisoning and dehydration which can be fatal.

9. Coffee and chocolate. B>
Make sure that these products do not come across your favorite, because they are very dangerous for him.
Possible consequences: caffeine can lead to heart failure animal.

10. Raw eggs. B>
Many cats with pleasure devours this product, but it does not mean that it is useful for them. Take care that the raw eggs was no longer in the diet of your pet.
Possible consequences: digestive problems.

Remember that we are responsible for those who tamed. Always carefully follow what is eating your livestock, whether it's a cat, dog, hamster or even a parrot. Health and Life pets in our hands.
Share this information with your friends - it can be useful to many of them!
via ofigenno ru
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