Where love cats
A selection of the most amazing and interesting places where love and adore cats.
Island, where cats are more important than people: Tashiro, Japan
On the Japanese island Tashiro cats are better than people. This is no exaggeration. Cats are quietly roam anywhere and multiply uncontrollably. And local residents, whose number is much smaller than the number of their furry neighbors strongly care about the cat population of the island, the food koteek and regularly veterinary examinations.
In order not to cause any discomfort cats on the island prohibit the importation of dogs. Tourists are expected to cozy lodge in the form of the cat baskets and houses, as well as numerous temples and shrines erected to honor the cat - the main deity of the island, bringing to local belief luck. Do the somehow beneficial purring on the fate of the islanders is unknown, but local legend cats is not the first year attracts tourists from around the world.
Cat and acrobats perform in the theater cat: Moscow
Four-legged artists teetering on mirror balls, walking on thin rope, ride horses and even touring the circus ring on skateboards - all this can be seen in the Moscow theater Moscow Cats.
Theater, which with 1990 is called "Cat House", was created by Yuri Kuklachev, talented artist and clown trainer. To date it is the only theater in the world of cats. Here live about 120 furry artists, though in each view typically employ no more than 20. Over the years the theater here was created more than 10 performances. Colorful show leaves no one indifferent, even the most avid dog lover.
ollektsiya ceramic cats, numbering over 2200 figures: Birmingham, England
Love of cats can be expressed in different ways. So 60-year-old Englishwoman Pamela Cole collects ceramic figurines in the form of favorite animals. In her collection of almost 2200 figures, and every year the number of exhibits is increasing. To store its vast collection of woman specifically identified several rooms in his house.
Just a hobby eventually turned to Pamela in the meaning of life and a kind of work. All his spare time Englishwoman spends on the search for new figures around the world. Most often, the new "pets" Ms Cole finds in online stores and antique shops. In addition, it has established a worldwide network for people who fascinate and attract memorable favors in the form of cats.
For a small fee you can relax in a cafe filled with cats: Tokyo, Japan
Recently in Japan, are becoming increasingly popular "cat cafes." For a modest fee you can dine in a room filled with live cats. Recourse to such a service mostly residents of Japanese cities, deprived of communicating with animals, as in many apartment buildings here forbidden to keep pets.
In such places the cat completely "run the show." It is they who choose to climb on your lap or on whose foot rub, coerce or to something in the cafe they were not accepted.
In a strange history museum neighbor cats and "Kitty kitsch": Kuching, Malaysia
Residents of Malaysia believe that cats bring good luck. If this is true, then the museum in the Malaysian city of Kuching is packed with luck. An unusual exhibition opened in 1993. devoted to these wayward, but so cute animals. Museum, apparently, is doing everything possible that the content of the city to its name: "Kuching" is translated from the local language as "cat city».
A total of about 2,000 museum exhibits. Here you can learn all about the history of the cat family, meet with the beliefs associated with cats and see the numerous stuffed these animals. The most valuable item in the museum is considered a real Egyptian mummy cat, which was made around 3500, the year BC.
Cat's Street Festival: Ypres, Belgium
Kattenstot festival in Belgium has a strange and somewhat creepy story. It arose in the days of the Middle Ages, when the city annually jester dropped from the highest tower of the city live cats. Where did this tradition is not known. Perhaps this was due to a belief that cats are associated with witchcraft.
In 1817, put an end to the barbaric practice, and from that time the townspeople try to redeem himself in front of representatives of the cat. Every year the city hosts a colorful festival dedicated to cats. On this day, hundreds of children dress up in costumes cats, build huge carnival platform, holding a solemn procession. Holiday ends almost in the old man in a suit under the clown screams and applause from the crowd takes off from the town hall of toy kittens.
Spouses equip your home so that the cat in it was as comfortable as possible: San Diego, California
In San Diego, the couple lives, which madly love cats. After a number of their pets exceeded ten, the couple realized that it is necessary to reconstruct the house. Along the walls and ceiling were overbuilt with neon illuminated stairs, scratching posts added height from floor to ceiling, and the walls are laid between the tunnels.
House dedicated cat owner from San Diego has not only become an ideal abode for cats. Decorated with statues and paintings with cats, painted in bright colors and carpeted color leopard skin, the house has become a real tourist attraction. In one of the open days wonderful house just 4 hours was attended by about 900 tourists.
International Cat Show: US
«Cat Fancier» - one of the most prestigious associations, organizes exhibitions of cats in America. At such events many different cats compete for the title of "most beautiful cat».
The atmosphere at such exhibitions are always festive: animals sedately sitting in boxes or on the hands of their masters, and allows you to admire him. Sometimes, though, it is very difficult to determine who's actually the owner - a person or animal.
Gallery "Fine Art", completely dedicated to cats: Amsterdam, Holland
Gallery "Fine Art" in Holland - one more subject areas. Here are exhibited numerous works of art - paintings, sculptures, engravings, photographs. The entire exhibition devoted entirely to cats. So a wealthy Dutchman decided to honor the memory of his dead cat.

Island, where cats are more important than people: Tashiro, Japan
On the Japanese island Tashiro cats are better than people. This is no exaggeration. Cats are quietly roam anywhere and multiply uncontrollably. And local residents, whose number is much smaller than the number of their furry neighbors strongly care about the cat population of the island, the food koteek and regularly veterinary examinations.
In order not to cause any discomfort cats on the island prohibit the importation of dogs. Tourists are expected to cozy lodge in the form of the cat baskets and houses, as well as numerous temples and shrines erected to honor the cat - the main deity of the island, bringing to local belief luck. Do the somehow beneficial purring on the fate of the islanders is unknown, but local legend cats is not the first year attracts tourists from around the world.

Cat and acrobats perform in the theater cat: Moscow
Four-legged artists teetering on mirror balls, walking on thin rope, ride horses and even touring the circus ring on skateboards - all this can be seen in the Moscow theater Moscow Cats.
Theater, which with 1990 is called "Cat House", was created by Yuri Kuklachev, talented artist and clown trainer. To date it is the only theater in the world of cats. Here live about 120 furry artists, though in each view typically employ no more than 20. Over the years the theater here was created more than 10 performances. Colorful show leaves no one indifferent, even the most avid dog lover.

ollektsiya ceramic cats, numbering over 2200 figures: Birmingham, England
Love of cats can be expressed in different ways. So 60-year-old Englishwoman Pamela Cole collects ceramic figurines in the form of favorite animals. In her collection of almost 2200 figures, and every year the number of exhibits is increasing. To store its vast collection of woman specifically identified several rooms in his house.
Just a hobby eventually turned to Pamela in the meaning of life and a kind of work. All his spare time Englishwoman spends on the search for new figures around the world. Most often, the new "pets" Ms Cole finds in online stores and antique shops. In addition, it has established a worldwide network for people who fascinate and attract memorable favors in the form of cats.

For a small fee you can relax in a cafe filled with cats: Tokyo, Japan
Recently in Japan, are becoming increasingly popular "cat cafes." For a modest fee you can dine in a room filled with live cats. Recourse to such a service mostly residents of Japanese cities, deprived of communicating with animals, as in many apartment buildings here forbidden to keep pets.
In such places the cat completely "run the show." It is they who choose to climb on your lap or on whose foot rub, coerce or to something in the cafe they were not accepted.

In a strange history museum neighbor cats and "Kitty kitsch": Kuching, Malaysia
Residents of Malaysia believe that cats bring good luck. If this is true, then the museum in the Malaysian city of Kuching is packed with luck. An unusual exhibition opened in 1993. devoted to these wayward, but so cute animals. Museum, apparently, is doing everything possible that the content of the city to its name: "Kuching" is translated from the local language as "cat city».
A total of about 2,000 museum exhibits. Here you can learn all about the history of the cat family, meet with the beliefs associated with cats and see the numerous stuffed these animals. The most valuable item in the museum is considered a real Egyptian mummy cat, which was made around 3500, the year BC.

Cat's Street Festival: Ypres, Belgium
Kattenstot festival in Belgium has a strange and somewhat creepy story. It arose in the days of the Middle Ages, when the city annually jester dropped from the highest tower of the city live cats. Where did this tradition is not known. Perhaps this was due to a belief that cats are associated with witchcraft.
In 1817, put an end to the barbaric practice, and from that time the townspeople try to redeem himself in front of representatives of the cat. Every year the city hosts a colorful festival dedicated to cats. On this day, hundreds of children dress up in costumes cats, build huge carnival platform, holding a solemn procession. Holiday ends almost in the old man in a suit under the clown screams and applause from the crowd takes off from the town hall of toy kittens.

Spouses equip your home so that the cat in it was as comfortable as possible: San Diego, California
In San Diego, the couple lives, which madly love cats. After a number of their pets exceeded ten, the couple realized that it is necessary to reconstruct the house. Along the walls and ceiling were overbuilt with neon illuminated stairs, scratching posts added height from floor to ceiling, and the walls are laid between the tunnels.
House dedicated cat owner from San Diego has not only become an ideal abode for cats. Decorated with statues and paintings with cats, painted in bright colors and carpeted color leopard skin, the house has become a real tourist attraction. In one of the open days wonderful house just 4 hours was attended by about 900 tourists.

International Cat Show: US
«Cat Fancier» - one of the most prestigious associations, organizes exhibitions of cats in America. At such events many different cats compete for the title of "most beautiful cat».
The atmosphere at such exhibitions are always festive: animals sedately sitting in boxes or on the hands of their masters, and allows you to admire him. Sometimes, though, it is very difficult to determine who's actually the owner - a person or animal.

Gallery "Fine Art", completely dedicated to cats: Amsterdam, Holland
Gallery "Fine Art" in Holland - one more subject areas. Here are exhibited numerous works of art - paintings, sculptures, engravings, photographs. The entire exhibition devoted entirely to cats. So a wealthy Dutchman decided to honor the memory of his dead cat.