Birthday cats in Russia
On the first day of the first month of spring spontaneously established tradition in Russia marks the Day of cats. Interestingly, many people, in turn, have established national days of celebration of the closest person to the inhabitants of the home. For example, in the USA cats celebrated on October 29 in Poland - February 17 in Japan - on 22 February. And the reason for all the national days of the cats became World Day of cats, which is celebrated on August 8.
How to celebrate the World Day of cats?
In different countries this holiday cat owners say differently. But most of all cats celebrated throughout Europe as a whole and in the UK in particular. This is not surprising, since in England a cat saves at least 10 tonnes of grain per year, and a few dozen animals from mice officially guarded the relics at the British Museum. When it's World Holiday cats, pets, consisting on the "service of the state" strongly encouraged - mainly by means of the best feline delicacies. In addition, they even sew a special "form" and equip comfortable houses.
Then went to Austria, where in honor of the World Day for cats has established a special prize: each cat that guarded warehouses from the mice for several years, it is believed a lifetime pension. It is given milk, broth and meat.
In China, March 1st as World Day of cats celebrated not everywhere, but the Chinese in honor of this day decided to take these animals under special protection in law. Earlier, China's cats are often used in food, but now, under the new law, anyone who dares to this waiting substantial fines or even imprisonment for 15 days.
In addition, cats during their World Celebration "Congratulations" by creating for them all the best. In different countries, open parks for walking the cats and special cat shops, sewed the whole collection of clothes for cats (and for that matter often come from the most famous world designers) and made special toys and tools for their training and are cafes and "cat" of the hotel where you can pet a while to settle more comfortably.
With prazdnichkom congratulate their pets!
How to celebrate the World Day of cats?
In different countries this holiday cat owners say differently. But most of all cats celebrated throughout Europe as a whole and in the UK in particular. This is not surprising, since in England a cat saves at least 10 tonnes of grain per year, and a few dozen animals from mice officially guarded the relics at the British Museum. When it's World Holiday cats, pets, consisting on the "service of the state" strongly encouraged - mainly by means of the best feline delicacies. In addition, they even sew a special "form" and equip comfortable houses.
Then went to Austria, where in honor of the World Day for cats has established a special prize: each cat that guarded warehouses from the mice for several years, it is believed a lifetime pension. It is given milk, broth and meat.
In China, March 1st as World Day of cats celebrated not everywhere, but the Chinese in honor of this day decided to take these animals under special protection in law. Earlier, China's cats are often used in food, but now, under the new law, anyone who dares to this waiting substantial fines or even imprisonment for 15 days.
In addition, cats during their World Celebration "Congratulations" by creating for them all the best. In different countries, open parks for walking the cats and special cat shops, sewed the whole collection of clothes for cats (and for that matter often come from the most famous world designers) and made special toys and tools for their training and are cafes and "cat" of the hotel where you can pet a while to settle more comfortably.
With prazdnichkom congratulate their pets!
