Rare breeds of cats
Cao Mani
This unique cat with bright, unusual eyes, often - colored. Sometimes their eyes have a golden hue, with both. Sometimes blue as sapphires. In this case, hair should be pure white. Different color eyes and hair are not allowed. Representatives of the breed is very small, since the light gene - gene degeneration, and cats that are born with spots, from the eyes of a different color, even purebred parents. The first mention of Cao Mani date back to 1350. They started breeding in Thailand, but rather on the territory of Siam, and they were only members of the nobility, it was thought that the cat brings good luck and wealth.

Now purebred Cao Mani remained little more than 200, most - in the nursery Thailand. The breed is considered to be degenerate if the cat is too small eyes, eye color faded, no stroke, muzzle flattened or round. In general, fine and rare breed - a real rarity. In the US, kitten kao mani is not less than $ 20 000. Cats Cao Mani often deaf, it does not seem to be considered a fault. Cao Mani balanced cat, individual farmers, other animals do not like, but do not attack at the hands do not ask for and do not so affectionate. But quietly walk and swim. But if Cao Mani aggressive, it is considered a fault and a sign of degeneration breed.

Snow Shu ("Snow shoe», Snow Shoe)
In the 1960s. one of the Siamese breeder Dorothy Hinds-Daugherty of Philadelphia accidentally discovered an amazing color kitten: White shoes on their feet. There were three kittens, and breeder tried unsuccessfully to bring new ones. Then her case continued another breeder, crossing the American Shorthair and Siamese.

A few years later these cats began to withdraw specifically, and in 1983 appeared to adopt the standard of the new breed: a special mark on the face in the form of an inverted V. White socks must reach the ankle on the front legs and knee to bend at the rear. Snow Cats shu very affectionate, balanced and friendly, very quickly trained and differ alive inquisitive mind. Get along well with children, other pets, including rodents and birds, which do not try to eat it. Ideal breed!

Singapore (Singapura cat)
Rare in color and appearance of the cat. This young breed, which appeared recently. Her color is called "sepia agouti." Cattery worldwide small, can be counted on the fingers. Prices depend solely on breeders, breed signs until almost no one seriously claimed. It is the smallest cat in the world, flexible, gentle, Asian-type and narrow body. Because of its small size, it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The origin of the breed to this day remains a mystery, in 1971, the first time the cat was brought by the US physicist Hal Meadow. Cats began to cross with Abyssinia, Siam and burmantsami. Breeders have to coat color of cats became slightly pink, which makes amazingly beautiful cats.

This cat- "tail", she goes on the heels of his master, takes from man all tokens can endlessly play and jump. However, feeling the mood of the owner, it does not enter and will not interfere. Plays with other animals, children, very gentle and soft meows. Convenient and "compact" pet.

Turkish Van (Turkish Van cat)
For the first time the cat found near Lake Van in Turkey. This endemic species. They differ not color, it is normal. They love the water, swim and bathe often frogs. Hunting and sometimes even sleep in the water. Cat fisherman! At Vans are colored eyes, almost all spots on the nose, and the breed is considered a sign of a white body, colored tail and a white V-shaped mark on the nose. Wana strong, dexterous.

If they do not give to hunt for fish (by the way, they catch large specimens), they will catch the owner's legs and are quite capable knocked down a child, clasping his paws for feet. If the house has other animals, van certainly take the position of the ruling. Cats are very proud of these, will not allow them to control how they want. Fins are only if they want to do. On hand to take themselves do not give - do not like, well, except that teach early childhood, and it is necessary to teach: cats need to constantly comb that hair is not matted. Playful sometimes to excess, not from them no rest. And at Vans music and a rich spectrum of tones of voice. It is the whole music box.

American Wirehair cat
Very rare and small breed. In the United States, there are not more than 20 cats. The name of the breed is not justified: fur cats Myakonkov as plush. Hairs arranged randomly, and visually it seems that the hard coat. About the breed is so little known that it is possible to say - do not know anything. Flexible, moderately playful cat. Very accustomed to the house, the owner does not like long his absence. Suffer from travel and stress.

In general, the quiet-loving, gentle pets for couch potatoes. Good catch mice. Coat color varied. In the Wire kitten fur resembles felting, and many scammers sell kittens whose genetics marred by incorporating features of other breeds. Toddlers haired cats fur curls from birth and throughout the body. In Russia, breeders simply do not.

California Spangled
Very strange that the breed, apparently, is not popular. This is a real mini-leopard. Since the color for some reason is not claimed, the number of cats in California is constantly decreasing. This breed is among the new, recently retired. Since the cat home, the character she has not yet been fully established. All representatives of the breed behave differently, but in general are relatively calm, friendly, nice to children and other pets.

Cat from Kenya, original breed name sounds like "Kadzondzo" translated from Kenya which means "bark". Coat color is really reminiscent of the patterns on the crust. For the first time the cat saw a resident of Denmark, who had introduced it to Europe in 1978. Cats quickly obvykayutsya in the new house, unpretentious in content. And are inexpensive, but they are difficult to get.

Ahaziah Azules ("Sisyrinchium»)
In the state of New Mexico in 1984, a curious man saw a litter of feral cats baby with piercing blue eyes clean. It turned out that it is a dominant trait, and started breeding kittens. In 1991 TICA published a standard long- and short-haired breeds, according to which color Sisyrinchium may be different. The name of the breed is of Spanish origin, as ojios azules in Spanish means "Sisyrinchium".

As grandparents goluboglazikov - yard animals, then azulesy perfectly adapted to the environment, friendly, intelligent, teachable. Love people and animals.

How was the image of & quot Maleficent
Nicole Trunfio in a photo shoot & quot; Secret Garden & quot; Shop's magazine