Wise Tamara Globa announces September forecast for all zodiac signs

The change of seasons is a great time to change your life for the better. We would be happy to help you with that! Tamara Globa has already prepared a fresh one for her faithful admirers astrological forecast for September. Let’s find out what awaits each of the zodiac signs this month.

September is the month of Virgo and the period when the rational prevails over the emotional. But in 2022, things will be a little different. Over the next 7 months, many people will try to find their place in life. The first month of autumn will play a key role for young people.

It is important for Aries to be in a team this September, whether it is work or family affairs. With the people you trust, you can reach great heights. The month will please travel and business trips. At this time, Globa advises to engage in intellectual and practical activities.

Those born under the sign of Aries need to pay special attention to their earnings and work. In September, there will be many opportunities to improve your financial situation. Don't miss your chance!

Love and work are life spheres around which the life of Taurus will revolve in September. You will try to make more money to invest in something profitable or make repairs. Your family and friends will support you in any endeavor. Expect lots of attention and gifts.

The end of the month is a great time to think about having a baby. Those who are due to give birth in the last days of September are very lucky. The birth will be quick and smooth.

The active period in the life of Gemini begins in September 2022. Pay as much attention as possible to your work, family and children. Starting from the second half of the month, you can safely engage in the arrangement of your home. Have you ever dreamed of remodeling or remodeling your furniture? Now is the time!

A profitable September awaits Cancer this year. There will be a lot of work. So try to take this into account and not take on more tasks than you can perform. Get ready for a lot of new acquaintances and projects. Some of them may fall by the end of the month. The rest will definitely be successful.

Forecast for September for Lions, Virgos, Scorpions and Sagittarius Lions this September will be more active than ever. The first month of autumn is the best way to start new work projects and improve your professional knowledge. You are also waiting for pleasant acquaintances and travels.

In addition, try to spend more time in the circle of relatives and friends. Do not forget that they will always support you and will be there if you need help.

Throughout September, Virgos will solve material issues. You have to decide where to spend money and how to save it. Keep your head cold so you don’t do anything stupid. It will depend on how the next six months go.

Do not go for adventures and be wary of new acquaintances. Some of them will help you solve your financial problems. However, there are people from whom it is better to stay away. Virgos will be in the spotlight throughout September.

Scorpions this month will learn to adapt to the rapid change of events around. In September, you will begin to change not only your life, but also the lives of your loved ones. It is important not to cut off the shoulder and think ahead before taking serious action.

Those born under this sign of fire should not be afraid to ask for help. Especially since family and friends will always support and give good advice. Tamara Globa also says that Scorpions in September can wait for replenishment in the family: the cherished 2 stripes on the test or the appearance of a pet in the house.

September will not be easy for Sagittarius. This is a time when visionary plans can and should be made. At the same time, disputes and disagreements with loved ones and the surrounding world are possible. When traveling, expect adventure. It is not far off to meet the love of your life.

What awaits Capricorns, Aquarius and Pisces Work, movement on the career ladder and business trips - this is what awaits Capricorns in September. Globa warns that this is just the beginning of a completely new period, which will last at least six months. The end of this month will be very profitable. But there will be people who want to cheat you. Keep your ears open!

Aquarius, September is a great time to study. It’s time to improve your skills and skills. But we should also not forget about the family. Contact with your family is more important this month than ever. In addition, this month is suitable for active social and sports activities.


Astrological forecast for September for Pisces primarily concerns the housing issue. It is possible to move to a new apartment or repair in an old one. This month we will also have to pay special attention to finances. And Pisces should take care of their family, relatives and friends. Help them all you can!

I hope Tamara Globa's prognosis has pleased you. In the comments, what do you plan to do this month?


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