A resident of Belarus
Meet this girl named Tamara. Girl long time dream to move to Germany. And now, having studied for several years at the Pedagogical University, she dropped everything and went to carry out his dream. She lived there for 5 years and has managed to not only work nurse, but also begin to make music. "I decided to look for a job on their own, without contacting the agency. Ask a friend from Germany to advertise in the newspaper - says Tamara. - I was contacted by a family and invited them to work nanny ».
Negotiations were conducted six months. "We often call up and copied. They sent me a contract, talked about their requirements - says interlocutor. - We decided that I would take care of the younger girl Ada 6 hours a day ».
There is a special program search nannies - Au pair. "The contract is made for the year. The receiving party is obliged to acquaint visitors with the nanny culture. For example, if the family visits the museum exhibition or traveling to another city, you should take with you and nurse - explains Tom. - This work is designed for girls 18-26 years. Thus they should not be a husband and children. Visiting German language courses obligatory ».
Many foreigners find work through agencies. "You can select the city where you want to live, and the age of the child, if you plan to become a nanny - says our heroine. - But it is not always what is written in the contract, reflect the real picture ».
The first week in Germany, all went according to plan. Tamara showed the area and invited to the party. "I am glad that spent 6 hours, and I will walk, go shopping, travel. But there it was - says Tom. - I had to work up to 6 hours, and 12. Parents need somewhere to absent himself, so I have to look after the child ».
After some time, our heroine was obliged to look after and other children. "I had to take a second child from kindergarten to take him to a music school. And I have the same at the hands of another, and this small! - Outraged woman. - There were days when I was working with a high temperature. I had no one to replace ».
Each week the family was working plan for the nurse. More precisely, for cleaners, cooks and nannies in one person. "One day I was asked to clean the floor. I refused to help. Then the second time had the same service. And on the third day mopping already included in my plan - says Tamara. - Come and cook twice a week, and clothes ironing. And I hate it! »
"The Year I lived in a house of this family. The hardest part - not to cross the line and separate the personal from work. Because it's hard to keep a distance, when you live like a family - says the heroine. - Children up to me also very attached. " Apparently, the line still has worn off, and Tom could be for this family anything more than just a nanny. Girl for 3 years does not work in this house, but recently she was invited to become godmother of Ada.
Tamara abandoned her studies in Belarus and was admitted to the German high school. "I decided to study in Germany. Went on special courses to prepare for exams. Of the 150 foreigners, which we did, only 6 people passed the exams at the highest level. And I was one of them. With these points could come in any educational institution - says the girl. - Now I have a future social worker ».
The curriculum is designed for 3 years. "There is a completely different system. Until all the exams will not hand over a bachelor's degree will not receive. And can be for 5 years all this stretch - continues Tom. - Only one semester to do social contribution, to get a student ID card and travel ».
"Now, as a student, I can at any time go to another university. Because all of the documents in my hands. If you enroll, I'll just say "goodbye" and go from his high school, - says the girl. - Here applicants and students have no limits. This system I like ».
The ratio of teachers to students girl too happy. "In Belarus, associate professor of speech across not tell. I remember asking a question, and you answered, "Why did not look, did not consider? The student should information from the ground to get! "Do you into a fool. Why do I enroll in a higher education institution, to pay the money, if you can not ask a question? All any check lists - angry Tamara. - In Germany, very respectful towards us. Nothing is to be printed, all the notes are. If you miss a class, you can write the teacher. He immediately send all the necessary information ».
Often, classes are held in an informal setting. "There are retreats. A group of students with the teacher goes out of town for 5 days. There we go through psychological training, we play, "- complements the interlocutor.
However, not all foreign students live easily. "In Germany, the 16 federal states. Everywhere education system is different. Someone studying free, receives a scholarship, travel and hostel, and someone behind all this you have to pay - explains Tamara. - City provides social assistance to students. But if you come from a country that is not a member of the EU, then you are not entitled to a scholarship. We here can be very difficult. However, many foreigners find workarounds ».
In their free time, she earns at the youth center: helping children with homework. "Money in my life enough. In Germany, a man of moderate means can live well and in no need. This is not the average Belarusians who sort of put $ 500. I'm such Belarusians know very little. There are those who earn or 2 million, or more than 10, "- says Tom.
To get used to a different culture girl still difficult. "Here I was shocked by the behavior of young people. Young people are very cheeky, defiant behave. I can not put up with all this - says Belarusian. - Here the children themselves provided. They can not punish, criticize. Parents involved in a career and children watching a nurse ».
"In Germany, as elsewhere, there are different people: and generous and greedy. It happens that you come to someone's home, and there eat while you do not offer. Because it was prepared only for themselves. Others, on the contrary, will woo guests, treating delicacies. But Belarusians still more open and really welcoming, "- says the girl.
"It is difficult to meet these gallant men, as we have. No one will open the door to a woman or give her a hand. All on an equal footing - explains Tom. - If a guy invites a girl in the cafe, it does not mean that he will pay for it. However, I will give it suits ».
"It is not surprised when I see a beautiful, slender man with a full and well-groomed woman. Familiar Germans who visited Belarus, admire our girls. Because the Germans do not wear skirts and dresses, not painted, just to put that on myself - said interlocutor. - One day I went to work in a skirt and heels. So all stared at me: why am I so dressed up? »
Worldview, we are very different from the Germans. "To Belarusians family is important. Everybody is trying to maintain a relationship with aunts, uncles, - says the girl. - In Germany, the same is difficult to meet grandparents who look after their grandchildren. Here the elderly are not bent in the cottages as ours, travel, go to the cafe, play mini-golf ».
Now Germany is preparing to celebrate Christmas. "I like the way the Germans celebrate holidays. Especially Christmas! In November Christmas markets are opened. The shelves are full of gifts, a variety of treats. Festive mood creates music that sounds everywhere. It smells of plums, tangerines, cinnamon and mulled wine - Tom admires. - There is a Christmas calendar. Every day, from 1 to 25 December, the parents put the gifts for their children in special bags ».
Tamara is constantly communicating with people from different countries. "Still, the Belarusians is inherent racism. And here thanks to my friends, I learned a lot about other cultures, get rid of prejudices. Religion began to look completely different. We all live on the same planet. Must somehow establish relations ", - convinced the heroine. However, some Germans still trying to protect their children from foreigners. "According to statistics, in classes where there are more immigrants, low GPA. That is worse than the foreigners studying. Therefore, parents try to send their children to schools where only deal Germans "- says the girl.
Summer Tamara visited Belarus. "Oh, how happy I was when I saw in Minsk as bike lanes! In 15 years, we rode with a friend in the country. Because peers could and laughed. Then people on bikes went to the garden, - recalls the interlocutor. - And now all of our young people, as well as in Germany, on bikes! »
Today in the life of our heroine, sharp turn. Tamara had already learned to rock parties and ask for an autograph. "The boys play rock. I write lyrics and sing. We go to festivals, stand on the same stage with famous people. It turns out that in Germany a lot of Russian-speaking groups. Once we arrived at the festival, and there musicians from Hamburg, Berlin, Frankfurt and all sing in Russian, - says the girl. - Now I often receive offers from other musicians are invited to their teams. I'd like to release his own album and possibly make a living in music ».
Source: dengi.onliner.by
Negotiations were conducted six months. "We often call up and copied. They sent me a contract, talked about their requirements - says interlocutor. - We decided that I would take care of the younger girl Ada 6 hours a day ».

There is a special program search nannies - Au pair. "The contract is made for the year. The receiving party is obliged to acquaint visitors with the nanny culture. For example, if the family visits the museum exhibition or traveling to another city, you should take with you and nurse - explains Tom. - This work is designed for girls 18-26 years. Thus they should not be a husband and children. Visiting German language courses obligatory ».
Many foreigners find work through agencies. "You can select the city where you want to live, and the age of the child, if you plan to become a nanny - says our heroine. - But it is not always what is written in the contract, reflect the real picture ».

The first week in Germany, all went according to plan. Tamara showed the area and invited to the party. "I am glad that spent 6 hours, and I will walk, go shopping, travel. But there it was - says Tom. - I had to work up to 6 hours, and 12. Parents need somewhere to absent himself, so I have to look after the child ».
After some time, our heroine was obliged to look after and other children. "I had to take a second child from kindergarten to take him to a music school. And I have the same at the hands of another, and this small! - Outraged woman. - There were days when I was working with a high temperature. I had no one to replace ».
Each week the family was working plan for the nurse. More precisely, for cleaners, cooks and nannies in one person. "One day I was asked to clean the floor. I refused to help. Then the second time had the same service. And on the third day mopping already included in my plan - says Tamara. - Come and cook twice a week, and clothes ironing. And I hate it! »

"The Year I lived in a house of this family. The hardest part - not to cross the line and separate the personal from work. Because it's hard to keep a distance, when you live like a family - says the heroine. - Children up to me also very attached. " Apparently, the line still has worn off, and Tom could be for this family anything more than just a nanny. Girl for 3 years does not work in this house, but recently she was invited to become godmother of Ada.
Tamara abandoned her studies in Belarus and was admitted to the German high school. "I decided to study in Germany. Went on special courses to prepare for exams. Of the 150 foreigners, which we did, only 6 people passed the exams at the highest level. And I was one of them. With these points could come in any educational institution - says the girl. - Now I have a future social worker ».

The curriculum is designed for 3 years. "There is a completely different system. Until all the exams will not hand over a bachelor's degree will not receive. And can be for 5 years all this stretch - continues Tom. - Only one semester to do social contribution, to get a student ID card and travel ».
"Now, as a student, I can at any time go to another university. Because all of the documents in my hands. If you enroll, I'll just say "goodbye" and go from his high school, - says the girl. - Here applicants and students have no limits. This system I like ».

The ratio of teachers to students girl too happy. "In Belarus, associate professor of speech across not tell. I remember asking a question, and you answered, "Why did not look, did not consider? The student should information from the ground to get! "Do you into a fool. Why do I enroll in a higher education institution, to pay the money, if you can not ask a question? All any check lists - angry Tamara. - In Germany, very respectful towards us. Nothing is to be printed, all the notes are. If you miss a class, you can write the teacher. He immediately send all the necessary information ».
Often, classes are held in an informal setting. "There are retreats. A group of students with the teacher goes out of town for 5 days. There we go through psychological training, we play, "- complements the interlocutor.

However, not all foreign students live easily. "In Germany, the 16 federal states. Everywhere education system is different. Someone studying free, receives a scholarship, travel and hostel, and someone behind all this you have to pay - explains Tamara. - City provides social assistance to students. But if you come from a country that is not a member of the EU, then you are not entitled to a scholarship. We here can be very difficult. However, many foreigners find workarounds ».
In their free time, she earns at the youth center: helping children with homework. "Money in my life enough. In Germany, a man of moderate means can live well and in no need. This is not the average Belarusians who sort of put $ 500. I'm such Belarusians know very little. There are those who earn or 2 million, or more than 10, "- says Tom.
To get used to a different culture girl still difficult. "Here I was shocked by the behavior of young people. Young people are very cheeky, defiant behave. I can not put up with all this - says Belarusian. - Here the children themselves provided. They can not punish, criticize. Parents involved in a career and children watching a nurse ».

"In Germany, as elsewhere, there are different people: and generous and greedy. It happens that you come to someone's home, and there eat while you do not offer. Because it was prepared only for themselves. Others, on the contrary, will woo guests, treating delicacies. But Belarusians still more open and really welcoming, "- says the girl.
"It is difficult to meet these gallant men, as we have. No one will open the door to a woman or give her a hand. All on an equal footing - explains Tom. - If a guy invites a girl in the cafe, it does not mean that he will pay for it. However, I will give it suits ».
"It is not surprised when I see a beautiful, slender man with a full and well-groomed woman. Familiar Germans who visited Belarus, admire our girls. Because the Germans do not wear skirts and dresses, not painted, just to put that on myself - said interlocutor. - One day I went to work in a skirt and heels. So all stared at me: why am I so dressed up? »
Worldview, we are very different from the Germans. "To Belarusians family is important. Everybody is trying to maintain a relationship with aunts, uncles, - says the girl. - In Germany, the same is difficult to meet grandparents who look after their grandchildren. Here the elderly are not bent in the cottages as ours, travel, go to the cafe, play mini-golf ».
Now Germany is preparing to celebrate Christmas. "I like the way the Germans celebrate holidays. Especially Christmas! In November Christmas markets are opened. The shelves are full of gifts, a variety of treats. Festive mood creates music that sounds everywhere. It smells of plums, tangerines, cinnamon and mulled wine - Tom admires. - There is a Christmas calendar. Every day, from 1 to 25 December, the parents put the gifts for their children in special bags ».

Tamara is constantly communicating with people from different countries. "Still, the Belarusians is inherent racism. And here thanks to my friends, I learned a lot about other cultures, get rid of prejudices. Religion began to look completely different. We all live on the same planet. Must somehow establish relations ", - convinced the heroine. However, some Germans still trying to protect their children from foreigners. "According to statistics, in classes where there are more immigrants, low GPA. That is worse than the foreigners studying. Therefore, parents try to send their children to schools where only deal Germans "- says the girl.
Summer Tamara visited Belarus. "Oh, how happy I was when I saw in Minsk as bike lanes! In 15 years, we rode with a friend in the country. Because peers could and laughed. Then people on bikes went to the garden, - recalls the interlocutor. - And now all of our young people, as well as in Germany, on bikes! »
Today in the life of our heroine, sharp turn. Tamara had already learned to rock parties and ask for an autograph. "The boys play rock. I write lyrics and sing. We go to festivals, stand on the same stage with famous people. It turns out that in Germany a lot of Russian-speaking groups. Once we arrived at the festival, and there musicians from Hamburg, Berlin, Frankfurt and all sing in Russian, - says the girl. - Now I often receive offers from other musicians are invited to their teams. I'd like to release his own album and possibly make a living in music ».

Source: dengi.onliner.by