Scientific Myths
We have certain views that are based on personal experience, education, the media and opinion of the people around us. Many of these ideas related to science, we accept as fact, even though he has long been refuted. Here are some of the most popular scientific myths with which we are faced. 1. The Great Wall of China can be seen from space The Great Wall is very long, but it can not be seen from space. Even China's first astronaut Yang Liwei has confirmed that he could not see it with the naked eye creation, not to mention the myth that the Great Wall can be seen from the moon.
Although the Egyptian pyramids can be contemplated with the International Space Station. Best of all of the things created by man, the lights visible from space. 2. Polar star - the brightest star of the North Star is not the brightest star in the night sky, as many believe. Bright it is somewhere in the 50th place. Polaris is very easy to see, because the Earth's axis is almost directed at her. At night, the North Star is still in the same place year-round and points north.
The brightest star visible after the sun is Sirius in the constellation Canis Major. The apparent magnitude of Sirius is equal to 1, 47 (the lower the value, the brighter the star). 3. It is necessary to run in zigzags to avoid the attack of a crocodile One of the oldest survival tips is this: if you want to get away from the crocodile, you need to move in zigzags, because it can not turn quickly. In fact, crocodiles hardly ever hunted on land and prefer to attack from vody.
Maximum speed on the ground they reach about 16 kilometers per hour, which makes it possible to outrun a crocodile as moving zigzag and straight lines. 4 Shot in the tank, the car can explode This effect can be seen only in movies and video games. In fact, the bullet or zasyadet in the tank, or pass through it. In the TV show "Mythbusters" shots in the tank did not lead to an explosion or even fire.
However, if used tracer bullets from a distance, the heat from friction with the air may cause an explosion. But not so easy to blow up a car, as it is shown in Hollywood movies. 5. Red Bulls angry Spanish bullfighter began to use a piece of bright red fabric or muleta back in the 1700s. Since then, I spread the myth that bulls annoying red tsvet.
In fact, the bulls do not care what color to attack, and they have no color preferences. They attack the object, which is the most moving. 6. Lightning never strikes the same place twice Lightning usually strikes in the same place twice. Moreover, this phenomenon is very common. For example, the famous skyscraper Epayr State Building is struck by lightning about 100 times godu.
Lightning is most fond of the tall buildings and trees, but large fields, lightning often strikes several times in the highest object before you move to another towering goal. 7. Glass tverdoe
Glass - is an amorphous solid, which behaves like a liquid with a very high viscosity. This means that it flows very slowly, explaining why stained glass is thicker at the bottom. 8. In space there is no gravity in fact in space so much gravity that she makes the stars revolve around the center of the galaxy, the Earth around the Sun and satellites around the Earth. The reason that the astronauts seem to be weightless in space is that they revolve around Zemli.
They fall down in the direction of our planet, but move in the direction. At the height of the orbit about 400 kilometers above the Earth, gravity is reduced by only 10 percent. 9. There is a dark side of the moon the sun at some point covers every part of the Moon. However, there is a side of the moon, which is never visible from Earth. This is caused by tidal capture, leading to the fact that the moon revolves around its axis is the same period as the orbiting Zemli.
We always see only one side of the moon, but the other side is not dark. When we see the crescent moon, the sun shines for most of the way, we do not see. 10. Nerve cells do not recover for a long time, scientists believed that the hard work of the brain can be disrupted due to the growth of new cells. However, in 1998, Swedish scientists found that brain cells could recover. The centers of learning and memory in the brain can create new kletki.
In addition, US scientists have discovered a process that allows you to create copies of embryonic stem cells that can be transformed into brain cells.
Source: www.infoniac.ru/news/10-rasprostranennyh-nauchnyh-mifov.html