Nazuki, Kakheti pies.

500 ml.moloka
1 cup sugar
120 ml.rastitelnogo oil
150 g.slivochnogo oil
2 eggs
2 egg yolks
0, 5 cup raisins (and it is possible and more))
1 tbsp dry yeast
Prescription 1 sachet (10g) vanilla sugar. I did not add, it is not very useful. just another spoonful of sugar added
3 of ground clove bud
-molotaya cinnamon pinch
1. Make the sponge: in warm milk dissolve yeast, put the sugar, leave for 15 minutes. Add the two kinds of oil, still leave to rise for 15 minutes.
2. Sift the flour slide, make an indentation in it and pour the brew, add the eggs and start and start to pour the flour from the edges of the hill. Knead the dough, knead at least 20 minutes. Cover with a linen towel and let rise (1 hour). Move then let rise a second time, 1-1, 5 hours.
3. Wash the raisins, put on a towel and pat dry. Roll in flour. Put the raisins into the dough and stir in raisins, try to distribute evenly. Ground cinnamon, cloves pounded and vanilla sugar (I had a regular sugar), mix and also add to the dough.
4. Roll the dough into a sausage ready, divide the dough into 8 pieces equal approximately 200g.
5. Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Parts of the test will blind flat oval bread, let rasstoyatsya, 15-20 minutes.
6. Lubricate the beaten egg yolk, place in oven and bake until golden brown, 20-25 minutes. Put nazuki on a clean cloth and let it cool a bit before serving.
I divided the dough into 8 pieces, both prescription. But get a huge cakes! 12-15 cm in diameter, no less) it has its own charm: we broke the cakes as big roll. But you can make pies and more a la carte: Divide the dough into a greater number of servings, but are smaller; 0) And if you are ready for two or three people, it can take half a serving of ingredients.