Letter to Charlie Chaplin's daughter.

Charlie Chaplin, the father of 12 children, in 1965, being the wiser old man of 76 years, wrote a letter to his daughter Geraldine dvadtsatiodnoletny, seeking yourself in the dance at the Paris scene. Letter emotional, deeply personal, but at the same time suitable to each of us.
This is an example of his father's love and concern, sadness and joy, pride and experience, accumulated wisdom and keep it in childhood. "I've never been an angel," wrote the genius of cinema, "but I've always wanted to be a man. Try and you ».
Read this letter and think about what you have taught your parents, and what you want to teach your children.
"My girl!
It's night. Christmas night. All armed men my little castle slept. Sleep your brother, your sister. Even your mother was asleep. I almost woke asleep chicks getting to this half-lit room. How far are you from me! But let me go blind if your image is not necessary always before my eyes. Your portrait - here on the table, and here, near my heart. And where are you? There, in a fabulous Paris, dancing on the majestic theater stage on the Champs Elysees. I know this, and yet it seems to me that in the silence of the night I hear your footsteps, see your eyes that shine like stars in the winter sky.
I hear that you play in this festive and light play the role of Persian Beauty, captive Tatar khan. Be beautiful and dance! Be a star and shine! But if the enthusiasm and gratitude to the audience you are intoxicated, if the fragrance of flowers presented to swallow your head, then sit in a little corner and read my letter, listen to the voice of your heart. I am your father, Geraldine! I'm Charlie, Charlie Chaplin! Do you know how many nights I sat by your bedside when you were a baby, telling you the tale of Sleeping Beauty, about waking the dragon? And when my dream to wax dim old eyes, I mocked him, and said: "Go away! My dream - a dream of my daughter! »
I have seen your dreams, Geraldine, saw your future, your date. I saw a girl dancing on stage, fairy, moving across the sky. Heard the audience said, "See that girl? She is the daughter of the old buffoon. Remember, his name was Charlie? "Yes, I'm Charlie! I'm an old buffoon! Today is your turn. Dance! I danced in a wide ragged pants, and you dance in a silk dress princess. These dances and applause will sometimes offer you to heaven. Fly! Fly there! But get down on the ground! You have to see people's lives, the lives of those street dancers who dance, shivering with cold and hunger. I was like them, Geraldine. In those nights, in those magical nights when you fall asleep, lulled by my fairy tales, I was awake.
I looked at your face, listening to your heart beats and asked myself: "Charlie, do this kitten will ever know you?" You do not know me, Geraldine. A lot of tales told I'm in those nights, but his tale - never. And it is also interesting. This is a tale about a hungry clown who sang and danced in the slums of London, and then collect alms. Here it is, my story! I knew what hunger is that this will not have a roof over their heads. More than that, I have experienced a humiliating pain wanderer-jester, in whose breast raged the whole ocean of pride, and this pride hurt injured toss a coin. And yet I live, so leave it.
It is better to talk about you. After your name - Geraldine - should my name - Chaplin. With this name more than forty years, I make people laugh on earth. But I cried more than they laughed. Geraldine, in a world in which you live, there are not only the music and dance! At midnight, when you come out of the great hall, you can forget the rich fans, but do not forget to ask the taxi driver that will take you home, his wife. And if she is pregnant, if they do not have money for diapers for the unborn child, put the money in his pocket. I ordered the bank to pay for these thy costs. But all other pay strictly on the account. From time to time ezdi the subway or bus, walk and explore the city on foot.
Keep an eye to the people! Look for widows and orphans! And at least once a day say to yourself, "I am the same as they are." Yes, you're one of them, a girl! Moreover. Art, before giving wings to man so that he could fly up, usually breaks his leg. And if the day comes when you feel themselves above the audience, immediately catch the scene. At the first taxi go to the neighborhood of Paris. I know them very well! There you will see many dancers like you even more beautiful, graceful, with great pride. Blinding spotlight of your theater will not be there at all. Spotlight for them - the Moon.
Just look good, look closely! Do not dance if they better than you? Admit it, my girl! Always, there is one who dances better than you, who is playing better than you! And remember: in the family, Charlie had no such snapper who swore to cab or mocked beggar sitting on the banks of the Seine. I will die, but you will live. I wish you had never known poverty. With this letter I am sending you a check book, so you could spend as you wish. But when the two francs to spend, do not forget to remind ourselves that the third coin - not yours. It must belong to a stranger who needed it. And this you can easily find it. One has only to want to see these strangers the poor, and you will meet them everywhere. I speak to you about the money, because they knew the diabolical force. I spent a lot of time in the circus. And always very worried about high-wire.
But I must tell you that people are more likely to fall on solid ground than walkers with precarious rope. Maybe one of the Formal Evening you bedazzle any diamond. At the same time it will be dangerous for you rope and fall for you is inevitable. Maybe one day you will captivate the beautiful face of a prince. On the same day, you will be inexperienced tightrope walker and inexperienced always fall. Do not sell your heart of gold and jewels. Know that most huge diamond - the sun. Fortunately, it shines for all. And when the time comes, and you will love, you love this man with all my heart. I told your mother that she wrote to you about it. She understands love more than me, and her very best to talk to you about it. The work you hard, I know.
Your body is covered with a piece of silk. For the sake of art can appear on stage and naked, but to return there must not only dressed, but cleaner. I am old, and maybe my words sound funny. But, in my opinion, your naked body should belong to those who love your naked soul. Do not be afraid if your opinion on this issue ten years ago, that is owned by passing time. Do not worry, these ten years you grow old. But be that as it may, I want you to be the last man of the people who will be the subjects of the island. I know that parents and children are together eternal duel. Voyuy with me, with my thoughts, my girl! I do not like obedient children. And while my eyes are not tears flowed as of this writing, I want to believe that today's Christmas night - the night of miracles.
I want to see a miracle happened, and you really understood everything that I wanted to tell you. Charlie has grown old, Geraldine. Sooner or later, instead of white dresses for the stage you'll have to go into mourning, to come to my grave. Now I do not want to upset you. Only from time to time to peer into the mirror - there you will see my features. In your veins my blood. Even when the blood in my veins is cool, I want you to not forget his father Charlie. I was not an angel, but always wanted to be a man. Try and you.
I kiss you, Geraldine. Your Charlie. December 1965 & quot;