Crossbows, slingshots and other samopaly
Let us remember childhood in the Soviet Union, namely improvised weapons, which we so loved to play.
And every trial shot trying to improve their weapons and some became quite dangerous.
And you do something from this list?
Onions, usually, we were made of tree branches elm (berestok) is not very thick, so good spring. Arrows for bow made of dry stalks of reeds, loading them in front of a metal nail. String made of thick clothesline. Arrow shot from the bow of the upright, rose so high that it disappeared from view. Aimed fire, we did not conduct a bow, and a fun shooting in height and distance.
Slingshot was made of the same wood as the bow - elm. Rubber bands we cut from old diving suits, masks, etc. Bundles tied knots are not, and gave in thread. Slingshot heel cut out of the skin. Shooting was conducted round-shaped stones, nuts M6-M8, particularly prized balls bearings, ideal for a good size and weight at small sizes.
Stick-metalka (shmargalka, Therefore our)
This instrument was made of cane (ocheret) was used, as a rule, in the winter, because it was then approach the ice to the longest cane. The gun is a striking simplicity, actually shmargalka - a meter stick of cane, the last of which cut his knee blind window. If you insert into this box thin side spear Rush, under certain skills will not be difficult to send the spear 100-150 meters away (shmargalka shoulder extends about 1 meter). Due to the natural trajectory due to gravity, spear lands at an angle of 30-45 degrees and usually stuck in the snow, just noting the crash site. Very shmargalku produced using a knife for 2 minutes, another 5 minutes required for the procurement of copies, a sharp blow on the shoe stalk near the ground (ice), the spear out of cut cane from the root, break it otherwise damaging the very difficult. And then the competition, who will fly on a spear.
It was a lower-level small arms Soviet schoolchildren. To do so gorohostrel: to strip, tape, a wooden clothespins, other did not exist. To the other end of the strap fastened "gum of cowards" laundry gum, zigzag stitched thread, everything. Take a pea, put a rubber band and clip the clothespin in - weapons ready to fight. Instead of peas and small stones were used.
Spichkochstrel (clothespin, shooting matches)
All very simple, wooden clothespin versed in one side of the groove is made channel for the match, and a place to slip spring on half twisted together, as shown in the figure, the spring is inserted. For cocking spring retracted to engage the notch staff, and the lower part of the spring is pushed forward until it clicks, all weapons cocked. Into an input match and ignited at will or not, the spring tight as the trigger gun, match flies from 3 to 5 meters. If the shot is made set on fire with a match, then the descent occurs simultaneously with the "teal" of a matchbox.
Crossbow (dangerous)
By the wooden planks fastened with tape tube from a pen at a distance of half an ampoule of the pen was attached clamp type "crocodile". Ahead strap fastened ring aviation gum. Now she ampoule, the upper part of it was cut to a depth of 5 mm at the bottom, instead of a rod, inserted a large needle (so crossbow and was very dangerous at the firing range - 10 meters, it was very dangerous to the eyes). Enjoyed such a crossbow, usually in the winter indoors. Fired on matchboxes or any other targets, due to the needle arm stuck in any surface.
A very common weapon. The most important part was getting a wooden gun. Gun very cherished, because to cut out a gun, even with tools for a child - it's not five minutes it took half a day or even all day. Happiness is the one whose father helped make the gun, usually such guns were rounded shape as the real thing. To secure the brackets to skobochniku recommended to nail a piece of sandpaper - this eliminates accidental shot and allowed to run around with guns. Gum for skobochnikov were a separate topic. In the shops in those days there was no gum, and we ran to the warehouses in which unloading cement, there were given gauze bandages with elastic bands. Dressings rend for gas masks. Usually went there once a month, the road was long distance, and the danger of being caught parents become closer than ever.
Bead + chuck (sometimes duharik)
This is a later instrument, which arose in the late '80s, at least in my town. Like all brilliant, the invention is simple and cheap as borscht. An electric cartridge E27 top tensioned balloon and secured with tape. Rowan shot better Aronia (spot colorful, especially on clothes). Weapons became a cult classic, due to its outstanding qualities: - high accuracy at short distances up to 15 meters, comes into force on wind speed - high range up to 50 meters, ashamed to admit it, but I personally planted a man on a bicycle with 25-30 meters in soft spot, shooting at random, - light weight - small size - the availability of ammunition (Rowan) My father, being a cheerful, with interest reacted to the new invention of boys, and carefully considered, summed up - is nonsense, then even offered himself as a live target for the evaluation of combat power. It was autumn, we came back out of the garage and I said, if I understood, he wants me shot him? I stopped by releasing the continuing movement of his father, 10 meters, and an adult Therefore pulled the ball. Rowan hit the exact center of the left buttock. Further movement of his father became similar to those that played a man from the movie "Home Alone" when Kevin shot him from a pneumatic gun.
Vozdushki, duhovushka, duharik
The figure shows that I used the same gun as for skobochnika. In life, too, as often happens, the next stage of evolution "skobochnika" became turning into "vozdushki." There are many reasons: to find a decent board was problematic, for it went to the warehouse or warehouses where, if you're lucky, there is a pack of anything made of wood planks with the desired width. The pump is usually used on your bike with modifications. Fashion is fickle praises to the pistons of felt, then returns to the standard leather piston. Any attempt to break into the process of creating an air gun adults ended in complete and crushing fiasco. Trunks, screwed by older thread, for some reason always shot worse than pasted on children izolentnoplastilinovye snot. The pistons are made of duralumin turners adults, with rubber O-rings, led to jam in the cylinder and is always lost in productivity old, carved out of valenki porshenkam nailed to a wooden stud strip and oiled. Such guns fired clay or potatoes, plasticine charge reinforced shot or ball bearing had a significant destructive force and can kill at a distance pigeon.
Samopal do so: a metal pipe of suitable size, first scrubbed sandpaper and sand the whole than you to shine inside. Then at the end of sklepyvali fast and reliable and was folded at an angle. Further, a stopper made of lead, this lead filled tube pieces is heated until the lead is melted and allowed to cool. Ramrod measured depth and on the contrary lead to 2 mm did propyl file, until a thin hole for ignition. Tube with tape or wire reinforced on the wooden handle. Depending on the method of ignition weapon called ignition (matchbox ignited a match, which is mounted on the trunk) or samopal (ignition from some poor resemblance shock trigger). Explosive composition schischenny served with matches, served as a bullet shot or ball bearing instead pyzhe crumpled paper.
Source: dekatop.com
And every trial shot trying to improve their weapons and some became quite dangerous.
And you do something from this list?


Onions, usually, we were made of tree branches elm (berestok) is not very thick, so good spring. Arrows for bow made of dry stalks of reeds, loading them in front of a metal nail. String made of thick clothesline. Arrow shot from the bow of the upright, rose so high that it disappeared from view. Aimed fire, we did not conduct a bow, and a fun shooting in height and distance.

Slingshot was made of the same wood as the bow - elm. Rubber bands we cut from old diving suits, masks, etc. Bundles tied knots are not, and gave in thread. Slingshot heel cut out of the skin. Shooting was conducted round-shaped stones, nuts M6-M8, particularly prized balls bearings, ideal for a good size and weight at small sizes.
Stick-metalka (shmargalka, Therefore our)

This instrument was made of cane (ocheret) was used, as a rule, in the winter, because it was then approach the ice to the longest cane. The gun is a striking simplicity, actually shmargalka - a meter stick of cane, the last of which cut his knee blind window. If you insert into this box thin side spear Rush, under certain skills will not be difficult to send the spear 100-150 meters away (shmargalka shoulder extends about 1 meter). Due to the natural trajectory due to gravity, spear lands at an angle of 30-45 degrees and usually stuck in the snow, just noting the crash site. Very shmargalku produced using a knife for 2 minutes, another 5 minutes required for the procurement of copies, a sharp blow on the shoe stalk near the ground (ice), the spear out of cut cane from the root, break it otherwise damaging the very difficult. And then the competition, who will fly on a spear.

It was a lower-level small arms Soviet schoolchildren. To do so gorohostrel: to strip, tape, a wooden clothespins, other did not exist. To the other end of the strap fastened "gum of cowards" laundry gum, zigzag stitched thread, everything. Take a pea, put a rubber band and clip the clothespin in - weapons ready to fight. Instead of peas and small stones were used.
Spichkochstrel (clothespin, shooting matches)

All very simple, wooden clothespin versed in one side of the groove is made channel for the match, and a place to slip spring on half twisted together, as shown in the figure, the spring is inserted. For cocking spring retracted to engage the notch staff, and the lower part of the spring is pushed forward until it clicks, all weapons cocked. Into an input match and ignited at will or not, the spring tight as the trigger gun, match flies from 3 to 5 meters. If the shot is made set on fire with a match, then the descent occurs simultaneously with the "teal" of a matchbox.
Crossbow (dangerous)

By the wooden planks fastened with tape tube from a pen at a distance of half an ampoule of the pen was attached clamp type "crocodile". Ahead strap fastened ring aviation gum. Now she ampoule, the upper part of it was cut to a depth of 5 mm at the bottom, instead of a rod, inserted a large needle (so crossbow and was very dangerous at the firing range - 10 meters, it was very dangerous to the eyes). Enjoyed such a crossbow, usually in the winter indoors. Fired on matchboxes or any other targets, due to the needle arm stuck in any surface.

A very common weapon. The most important part was getting a wooden gun. Gun very cherished, because to cut out a gun, even with tools for a child - it's not five minutes it took half a day or even all day. Happiness is the one whose father helped make the gun, usually such guns were rounded shape as the real thing. To secure the brackets to skobochniku recommended to nail a piece of sandpaper - this eliminates accidental shot and allowed to run around with guns. Gum for skobochnikov were a separate topic. In the shops in those days there was no gum, and we ran to the warehouses in which unloading cement, there were given gauze bandages with elastic bands. Dressings rend for gas masks. Usually went there once a month, the road was long distance, and the danger of being caught parents become closer than ever.
Bead + chuck (sometimes duharik)

This is a later instrument, which arose in the late '80s, at least in my town. Like all brilliant, the invention is simple and cheap as borscht. An electric cartridge E27 top tensioned balloon and secured with tape. Rowan shot better Aronia (spot colorful, especially on clothes). Weapons became a cult classic, due to its outstanding qualities: - high accuracy at short distances up to 15 meters, comes into force on wind speed - high range up to 50 meters, ashamed to admit it, but I personally planted a man on a bicycle with 25-30 meters in soft spot, shooting at random, - light weight - small size - the availability of ammunition (Rowan) My father, being a cheerful, with interest reacted to the new invention of boys, and carefully considered, summed up - is nonsense, then even offered himself as a live target for the evaluation of combat power. It was autumn, we came back out of the garage and I said, if I understood, he wants me shot him? I stopped by releasing the continuing movement of his father, 10 meters, and an adult Therefore pulled the ball. Rowan hit the exact center of the left buttock. Further movement of his father became similar to those that played a man from the movie "Home Alone" when Kevin shot him from a pneumatic gun.
Vozdushki, duhovushka, duharik

The figure shows that I used the same gun as for skobochnika. In life, too, as often happens, the next stage of evolution "skobochnika" became turning into "vozdushki." There are many reasons: to find a decent board was problematic, for it went to the warehouse or warehouses where, if you're lucky, there is a pack of anything made of wood planks with the desired width. The pump is usually used on your bike with modifications. Fashion is fickle praises to the pistons of felt, then returns to the standard leather piston. Any attempt to break into the process of creating an air gun adults ended in complete and crushing fiasco. Trunks, screwed by older thread, for some reason always shot worse than pasted on children izolentnoplastilinovye snot. The pistons are made of duralumin turners adults, with rubber O-rings, led to jam in the cylinder and is always lost in productivity old, carved out of valenki porshenkam nailed to a wooden stud strip and oiled. Such guns fired clay or potatoes, plasticine charge reinforced shot or ball bearing had a significant destructive force and can kill at a distance pigeon.

Samopal do so: a metal pipe of suitable size, first scrubbed sandpaper and sand the whole than you to shine inside. Then at the end of sklepyvali fast and reliable and was folded at an angle. Further, a stopper made of lead, this lead filled tube pieces is heated until the lead is melted and allowed to cool. Ramrod measured depth and on the contrary lead to 2 mm did propyl file, until a thin hole for ignition. Tube with tape or wire reinforced on the wooden handle. Depending on the method of ignition weapon called ignition (matchbox ignited a match, which is mounted on the trunk) or samopal (ignition from some poor resemblance shock trigger). Explosive composition schischenny served with matches, served as a bullet shot or ball bearing instead pyzhe crumpled paper.
Source: dekatop.com