A bit of nostalgia for childhood (17, photo and text)
Everyone in my personal development follows the development of its kind. He first unicellular, then like a fish, and then gets on all fours, then on two, learning to talk, build homes, create weapons, hunting ...
Today I invite you to remember the tools by which we maimed, traumatized each other, infuriated teachers hunted doves and tried to kill each other in childhood and adolescence.
Bows with elastic underpants instead of string, swords made of planks from wooden boxes of glass and panels of the covers from the vyvarok I will not describe.
I'll start with the most likely, widespread child throwing weapons of our time - a slingshot.
The first slingshot, with whom I met as a child, made of thick wire and Hungarian. Shoot of them had spools - half bent segments or aluminum wire was broken twice as tightly twisted papers. The most zealous soldered bending aluminum spool and a bit more tin - to weight. Especially cool was thought to make the droplet got sharpened.
It looked all around here so:
Some believed that it is more convenient when the slingshot horns curved like so:
Cripple a slingshot was impossible (except when in the eye), but ruffle, especially if a few people begin to pursue one - easily.
School teachers, of course, the students tried to remove a slingshot, but because there was also a secret option - a Hungarian with eyelets that are worn on the fingers:
Our parents, seeing all this frivolous mess, grinned ... "Here in our time ..." - they used to say ... In general, the older generation transmitted to us the secret of this classic slingshot - made of wood (usually hickory) and medical rubber band with sewn casing thread:
From a slingshot could shoot stones, ball bearing, but more often used as projectiles "bzdycha" (green plums). Of these slingshots at each other we did not shoot (dangerous) - become our targets pigeons, cats, cans and glass bottles. It was a wonderful weapon - a beautiful and powerful.
A close relative of the slingshots were throwing the device out of the tube and fingertip.
It looked roughly like this:
The tube from the bearing throws the ball and got in the attached at the other end of her fingertip, which had to delay and ... every man for himself.
However, among the more common barreled weapon was air. The most simple and harmless it was kind harkalka - long part of the standard student ballpoint pen for 15 cents, with the help of which one could quite precisely spitting chewed paper or small plasticine balls. Zhёvannoy paper Strahl to get in the back, "shells" sticking to the school jacket and everyone could see for some time that the person is actually hit. Platilinom use only the most shameless scoundrels, and they wanted to get into the hair. Especially the girls. Clean the clay out of the hair difficult - sometimes even had to cut out the whole strand. Harkalki great feature was the fact that it is almost impossible to remove in class: she had been a part of the handle! "What shall I write ?!" - outraged the shooter who is trying to deprive personal weapons ...
For the boundaries of the school grounds, yards, it was more serious in the course of the spirits of the gun. It has an aluminum or plastic tube (straightened over a gas hob hoop segments), and a shell represented the sharpened metal pin 10-11 centimeters in length inserted into the cylinder from rezinoporollona:
There were also more modern blowguns - from bicycle pumps. They fired clay.
Sometimes the pump even primatyvali a homemade wooden box and fasten all this medical tourniquet. Harness delayed, released, he set in motion the piston.
Another extremely popular type of propellant (neduhovogo) weapons were darts - from sewing needles, four matches, wrapped thread and paper stabilizer:
It was a real epidemic. In school they brought tens and stuck in all and in all. Once someone dart down the cleaner in an empty bucket. She capture everybody who was in a radius of five meters and dragged to the director. The director invited the parents for a long time with them and talk to us, calling for some reason our darts "homemade syringes».
Here. Thrown to serve, as a rule, only for pampering and for competition in accuracy. But there were other things - for the cause.
Of all the "pieces for the case" really in the business, ie, in fights often used svinchatka - conical lead crap that invest in a fist (the top is between the middle and ring or between the middle and index praltsami) to weight the impact. Apply svinchatku managed only during a fight one on one, without witnesses or in fights that arose spontaneously. If the planned "Duel", which came to see a crowd of people, the self-styled seconds were always examined his hands and pockets of opponents before the fight and withdrew svinchatki: it was believed that to fight with svinchatok - unfair.
And, well, we will lead, of course, was extracted from the car battery, an abundance of lying about here and there throughout the Soviet Union.
Some were brass knuckles. Also lead. Most often, that's a form:
These were worn on the fingers.
More rare configuration:
I'm probably not very clear painted. In general, it was similar to the hilt with the heavy hilt.
I do not remember anyone Knuckles applied in practice. Increasingly pontovatsya.
Individuals carry a large, heavy bored inside the nut:
It was believed that they can be put on your fingers and also use in a fight. But with me this never happened.
But in a period of 13-14 years is often used in a real fight is another kastetopodobnaya crap. Here's:
It was made of wood. "Should" be done from pears (do not know why), but they did, of course, of what God sends.
Appearance of the first video clubs and with them the movie "about Bruce Lee," contributed to the rapid entry into the teen fashion nunchaku. These are two sticks connected by a chain or rope. Historically - tenacious threshing seeds. Nunchaku was not only lazy. They were made of something horrible, but most - of the circular in cross-section legs of stools:
They show off everything to each other and for ourselves with these same nunchaku - my mother dear. But most attempts to beat them at least a bag with some by shit, usually ended with the man hit himself on his hands, and even on the brain. But their holili and cherished - they sewed beautiful covers, themselves made on these covers embroidery, etc. While not all tired.
But other campaigns weapons sometimes floats - thick canvas bag on a string with a loop filled with ball bearing or pebbles -
Well, is not that even quite a move ... it was enough just to call this bag on your arm, shoulder or leg of the enemy - and he clutched his bruised place and refused to continue the fight by appealing to the conscience of the owner of the bag. In order not to disrupt the bag with rope, it not only primatyvali / tied, but sewed, sparing no thread ...
So ... What else is there? Well, about a samopaly ohodnichy and under construction chuck I will not speak: it was only sporting guns ... Oh! For self-defense, some comrades carried a mace in my bag (which, however, called a mace) - strong stick with one hand wrapped in a black cloth tape, and other upholstered steel sheet or simply studded with nails:
The fact that someone kotogo something this stupid really hit, I had never heard.
And here's one question tormented me ... I remember doing some funny crap from classic wooden clothespins. Its twisting roughly inside out, fastened the same piece of iron, which it was originally sealed by ... On the outside of each half (which now becomes the inside) made hollow - so that when folded halves, turned hole ... and then what? What was it all for the crap? What to use, if used, yet? The main thing I remember, that he made a dozen of these, but what was it? Sclerosis ... Maybe someone remembers? Do not let die of curiosity retrograde. Here's something to behold this was:
Posted in [mergetime] 1226322605 [/ mergetime]
PS. Interestingly, by the way, than injure each other today's children? They have something like that? Or World of Warcraft and any heirs Doom completely heal from this childhood crap?
© yatsutko
Today I invite you to remember the tools by which we maimed, traumatized each other, infuriated teachers hunted doves and tried to kill each other in childhood and adolescence.
Bows with elastic underpants instead of string, swords made of planks from wooden boxes of glass and panels of the covers from the vyvarok I will not describe.
I'll start with the most likely, widespread child throwing weapons of our time - a slingshot.
The first slingshot, with whom I met as a child, made of thick wire and Hungarian. Shoot of them had spools - half bent segments or aluminum wire was broken twice as tightly twisted papers. The most zealous soldered bending aluminum spool and a bit more tin - to weight. Especially cool was thought to make the droplet got sharpened.
It looked all around here so:

Some believed that it is more convenient when the slingshot horns curved like so:

Cripple a slingshot was impossible (except when in the eye), but ruffle, especially if a few people begin to pursue one - easily.
School teachers, of course, the students tried to remove a slingshot, but because there was also a secret option - a Hungarian with eyelets that are worn on the fingers:

Our parents, seeing all this frivolous mess, grinned ... "Here in our time ..." - they used to say ... In general, the older generation transmitted to us the secret of this classic slingshot - made of wood (usually hickory) and medical rubber band with sewn casing thread:

From a slingshot could shoot stones, ball bearing, but more often used as projectiles "bzdycha" (green plums). Of these slingshots at each other we did not shoot (dangerous) - become our targets pigeons, cats, cans and glass bottles. It was a wonderful weapon - a beautiful and powerful.
A close relative of the slingshots were throwing the device out of the tube and fingertip.
It looked roughly like this:

The tube from the bearing throws the ball and got in the attached at the other end of her fingertip, which had to delay and ... every man for himself.
However, among the more common barreled weapon was air. The most simple and harmless it was kind harkalka - long part of the standard student ballpoint pen for 15 cents, with the help of which one could quite precisely spitting chewed paper or small plasticine balls. Zhёvannoy paper Strahl to get in the back, "shells" sticking to the school jacket and everyone could see for some time that the person is actually hit. Platilinom use only the most shameless scoundrels, and they wanted to get into the hair. Especially the girls. Clean the clay out of the hair difficult - sometimes even had to cut out the whole strand. Harkalki great feature was the fact that it is almost impossible to remove in class: she had been a part of the handle! "What shall I write ?!" - outraged the shooter who is trying to deprive personal weapons ...

For the boundaries of the school grounds, yards, it was more serious in the course of the spirits of the gun. It has an aluminum or plastic tube (straightened over a gas hob hoop segments), and a shell represented the sharpened metal pin 10-11 centimeters in length inserted into the cylinder from rezinoporollona:

There were also more modern blowguns - from bicycle pumps. They fired clay.

Sometimes the pump even primatyvali a homemade wooden box and fasten all this medical tourniquet. Harness delayed, released, he set in motion the piston.
Another extremely popular type of propellant (neduhovogo) weapons were darts - from sewing needles, four matches, wrapped thread and paper stabilizer:

It was a real epidemic. In school they brought tens and stuck in all and in all. Once someone dart down the cleaner in an empty bucket. She capture everybody who was in a radius of five meters and dragged to the director. The director invited the parents for a long time with them and talk to us, calling for some reason our darts "homemade syringes».
Here. Thrown to serve, as a rule, only for pampering and for competition in accuracy. But there were other things - for the cause.
Of all the "pieces for the case" really in the business, ie, in fights often used svinchatka - conical lead crap that invest in a fist (the top is between the middle and ring or between the middle and index praltsami) to weight the impact. Apply svinchatku managed only during a fight one on one, without witnesses or in fights that arose spontaneously. If the planned "Duel", which came to see a crowd of people, the self-styled seconds were always examined his hands and pockets of opponents before the fight and withdrew svinchatki: it was believed that to fight with svinchatok - unfair.
And, well, we will lead, of course, was extracted from the car battery, an abundance of lying about here and there throughout the Soviet Union.
Some were brass knuckles. Also lead. Most often, that's a form:

These were worn on the fingers.
More rare configuration:

I'm probably not very clear painted. In general, it was similar to the hilt with the heavy hilt.
I do not remember anyone Knuckles applied in practice. Increasingly pontovatsya.
Individuals carry a large, heavy bored inside the nut:

It was believed that they can be put on your fingers and also use in a fight. But with me this never happened.
But in a period of 13-14 years is often used in a real fight is another kastetopodobnaya crap. Here's:

It was made of wood. "Should" be done from pears (do not know why), but they did, of course, of what God sends.
Appearance of the first video clubs and with them the movie "about Bruce Lee," contributed to the rapid entry into the teen fashion nunchaku. These are two sticks connected by a chain or rope. Historically - tenacious threshing seeds. Nunchaku was not only lazy. They were made of something horrible, but most - of the circular in cross-section legs of stools:

They show off everything to each other and for ourselves with these same nunchaku - my mother dear. But most attempts to beat them at least a bag with some by shit, usually ended with the man hit himself on his hands, and even on the brain. But their holili and cherished - they sewed beautiful covers, themselves made on these covers embroidery, etc. While not all tired.
But other campaigns weapons sometimes floats - thick canvas bag on a string with a loop filled with ball bearing or pebbles -

Well, is not that even quite a move ... it was enough just to call this bag on your arm, shoulder or leg of the enemy - and he clutched his bruised place and refused to continue the fight by appealing to the conscience of the owner of the bag. In order not to disrupt the bag with rope, it not only primatyvali / tied, but sewed, sparing no thread ...
So ... What else is there? Well, about a samopaly ohodnichy and under construction chuck I will not speak: it was only sporting guns ... Oh! For self-defense, some comrades carried a mace in my bag (which, however, called a mace) - strong stick with one hand wrapped in a black cloth tape, and other upholstered steel sheet or simply studded with nails:

The fact that someone kotogo something this stupid really hit, I had never heard.
And here's one question tormented me ... I remember doing some funny crap from classic wooden clothespins. Its twisting roughly inside out, fastened the same piece of iron, which it was originally sealed by ... On the outside of each half (which now becomes the inside) made hollow - so that when folded halves, turned hole ... and then what? What was it all for the crap? What to use, if used, yet? The main thing I remember, that he made a dozen of these, but what was it? Sclerosis ... Maybe someone remembers? Do not let die of curiosity retrograde. Here's something to behold this was:
Posted in [mergetime] 1226322605 [/ mergetime]
PS. Interestingly, by the way, than injure each other today's children? They have something like that? Or World of Warcraft and any heirs Doom completely heal from this childhood crap?
© yatsutko
