And what is the stars?

- And what is the stars?
Mary pointed to the sky, pointing to a group of bright spots.
- This constellation Taurus. Pleiades. It is true they are beautiful?
- Yes. - Spellbound girl could not look away - You're so clever, Ray. Everything about the stars know it.
Ray blushed slightly.
- No of course. Not all. Just I get involved in this.
Ray and Mary lay on the grass in the field near a lone tree, looking at the night sky.
- What's that for the stars?
- It's three kings. They point to the sunrise on December 25th.
- Cool. I did not know what they are called. You know so much. You're so cool.
Ray sat down and bowed his head, hidden under the hair look. His companion also sat up and stared at him in surprise. Flick of the wrist, he gently took Mary's hand and began to move to him, but immediately felt a sharp jolt in the shoulder. The girl away from him.
- What are you doing? Kiss me like what? I told you that we're just friends. Are you still not understand?
- Yes. I got it. - Ray said little tired voice, and again lay down on the grass.
Mary went to look at him in surprise.
- Do you love another?
- Maybe.
- And he will too?
Silence hung over a single pair. A pleasant summer breeze enveloped her hair lying Ray. He was not thinking about something mundane. He was not worried about this life. And even though only a broken heart, he continued to look serious look at the stars.
- She does not care. - Ray said in a half whisper.
- What? - Mary asked in surprise, continued to sit.
- The universe anyway. She spit. To me, you, our feelings, our lives. These stars will shine even millions and billions of years. People are born and die by them, and the unfeeling indifference point will continue to look at us, yutyaschihsya on this small island of life in lifeless space.
- I do not understand. Why are you telling me this?
- You've never be as beautiful as it is now. And I'm not so young and bold. In the morning we disperse and never see each other again, because I go to the city to study at the Academy, you stay here. We will live your boring life with nostalgia remembering childhood that have been here together.
- But still live so long.
- Are you sure? For our galaxy, one person's life seems only a moment, and the universe will not even notice it. You spend it his best years, surrounded by people you do not need, for the sake of life that you did not want. And then you dozhivёsh his incomparably short period of time, and you get another chance will not be presented.
Mary looked back at Ray, with a straight face looking at the sky, trying to make out the edge of the universe. His words plunged her into an ocean of sadness and nostalgia for the carefree childhood. She remembered all the happiest moments of his short life. Infinite sadness washed over her mind. Staying one Mary is no longer wanted.
- All right, Mary. I understood you. You are the mistress of your life. And I accept your choice. On this I have everything. It was fun all the time. Goodbye.
With these words, Ray stood up and walked leisurely pace to the side of the road. He was nothing like. He felt no sadness or joy. Deep apathy filled his thoughts. He knew that soon will begin a new life where he would have to leave behind all that he loved and everything it wanted. The road already lay at his feet. Before the village was a little less than a kilometer.
- Reeey ... Reey. - A voice from the back Man distracted.
When he obrnulsya he saw running toward him, wiping the tears of Mary. She ran to him and threw herself on his neck.
- Do not leave me alone, please. Do not leave.
Crying girl dribbling his shirt. Ray smiled.
- This is stupid. Let's go home.
- Ameer Ali, "Jolly Roger»