Going to bed early

1. Assign a specific time for sleep. First of all, decide - first, as you need to go to bed, to get enough sleep, and a sufficient number - it is not less than eight hours. Try to always follow this schedule - go to bed and get up at the same time. You are not Superman and do not have supernormal, so be sure that if you go on weekends at five in the morning, you will certainly disrupt the schedule and wake up the next week eight in the morning to be unbearably difficult.
2. Do not wait until you want to sleep. This can never happen until the morning. Lie down, close your eyes, relax, and you will not notice as you fall asleep.
3. Do not wait if you want to sleep already. If you feel sleepy at ten o'clock, and on a schedule you go to eleven, do not wait for an hour. Go to bed, otherwise you may miss the point and interrupt sleep.
4. Stay away from the Internet and TV at least an hour before bedtime. TV, as well as the Internet, has a stimulating effect on people, encouraging his thoughts and emotions. We react to what we show on the screen. Even regular mail checks can prevent your sleep, because having gone to bed, you will think of the letters read by you, your brain is active and you have a long time can not relax.
4. drink coffee for several hours before bedtime. Otherwise you will have to drink it all morning, so as not to fall asleep.
5. Remember that you feel when the alarm goes off. The next time when you want to "a little bit more" sit on the internet, consider whether it is morning of torment - the heavy head, red eyes, tangled thoughts and only desire - to sleep! Is an extra hour spent in front of the monitor will bring you more fun than excellent health and good mood in the morning.
6. Be prepared not to sleep at night, and in advance. Often people put off his dream to last only because they are too tired for the day and in the evening they have absolutely no energy left to prepare for bed. They are too lazy to brush their teeth, disassemble the bed, change into pajamas. They last up to sit in front of the TV, I do not want to make any unnecessary movement. To avoid this, you must be prepared not to sleep for five seconds, and gradually.
7. Think of bedtime ritual. Every night before you go to bed, do something the same. For example, read a book. Over time, this will become a kind of signal your brain that it's time to get ready for bed.