Separation and love

At the edge of the field stood Love and Separation and admired the young couple. Separation Love says, "I bet I separate them ?!" Love says:
"Wait, let me do them only one approach, and then you can approach them as much as you want - and then we'll see if you can tear them apart," Separation agreed.
Love came to the young couple had touched him, looked into their eyes and saw between them ran a spark ... Love moved and said: "Now it's your turn»
Separation replied: "No, now I can not do anything - now their hearts are filled with love. I will come to them later.
Time passed. Separation looked into the house and saw a young mother with a baby, his father. Separation was hoping that love has passed and therefore hopefully crossed the threshold of their home. But, looking into their eyes, she saw Blagodarnost.Razluka turned and said, "I will come to them later"
As time passed, Separation again came to them - in the house of noisy kids come home from work tired husband, mother comforting children. Separation hoped that much now, it will certainly be able to separate them - in fact during this time and Love and Gratitude has long had to erode from their serdets.No, looking into their eyes, she saw the respect and understanding. "I drop by later" - said Separation.
Time passed. Again came to their house apart. Watching it - children are adults, gray-haired father explains something to your children, wife preparing something in the kitchen. She looked into their eyes and sighed in disappointment: she saw in them confidence. "I will come later," - said Separation and left.
It was another time. Separation looks back into the house, looks, and then run the grandchildren, sitting by the fireplace, prigoryunivshis, an old woman. Separation looks and thinks to himself: "Well, looks like my time has come & quot; She wanted was to look into the eyes of an old woman, but she got up and left the house. Separation followed her. Soon came the old woman in the cemetery of the village and at the tomb. It was the grave of her husband.
"It looks like I'm late - thought of separation - the time made me my job" and separation looked into teary eyes of the old woman. And in them she saw Memory - The memory of love, gratitude, respect, understanding and trust ...