Good with him turned out, probably, the doctor :))
One day, the boy came to test for infectious diseases, and to get him there the following question: "hymenolepiasis."
And he, the greatest bank, it no ear or snout. Even he does not know what it is (and it is a worm, a parasite that inhabits the gut).
Neighbors, as usual, are not up to it, and just keep quiet, he also somehow can not.
Then the man greatly namorschivaet turnips and think about the name of the disease, though, trying to be out of it is something learned. And the solution was found.
When translated from the Latin (of course in the version of our hero) "hymen" - hymen (which is generally true), and "lipidosis" - the deposition of fat.
And it turns out ... It turns out "obesity hymen" (resourceful student as something not thought that with such a diagnosis it is fantastic to infection and not even gynecology).
At the same time, he did not stop until the end of recreating all appended to the disease of the century.
Next was a brilliant response, which began with the definition of the disease, its causes, symptoms, clinic. All this time, the examiner had already quietly crawled under the table.
However, the apotheosis was the statement:
- Of course, this disease can be treated conservatively, but the effect is not great.
Therefore, for best results should be used in the operation of a cross-shaped incision of the hymen ...
This examiner could not resist and quickly put the young genius to not just laugh at it.
However, four of the ingenuity of all the set.
Sent by Alexander
And he, the greatest bank, it no ear or snout. Even he does not know what it is (and it is a worm, a parasite that inhabits the gut).
Neighbors, as usual, are not up to it, and just keep quiet, he also somehow can not.
Then the man greatly namorschivaet turnips and think about the name of the disease, though, trying to be out of it is something learned. And the solution was found.
When translated from the Latin (of course in the version of our hero) "hymen" - hymen (which is generally true), and "lipidosis" - the deposition of fat.
And it turns out ... It turns out "obesity hymen" (resourceful student as something not thought that with such a diagnosis it is fantastic to infection and not even gynecology).
At the same time, he did not stop until the end of recreating all appended to the disease of the century.
Next was a brilliant response, which began with the definition of the disease, its causes, symptoms, clinic. All this time, the examiner had already quietly crawled under the table.
However, the apotheosis was the statement:
- Of course, this disease can be treated conservatively, but the effect is not great.
Therefore, for best results should be used in the operation of a cross-shaped incision of the hymen ...
This examiner could not resist and quickly put the young genius to not just laugh at it.
However, four of the ingenuity of all the set.
Sent by Alexander