Shanghai gonorrhea.

Debilyary - Bosun's Tale - Zef
Shanghai gonorrhea. Tale
There was a boatswain. Chunky a mustache erect, hairy chest, dressed in headdresses, feet curves, no front teeth. He served on a big boat. I went across the seven seas to distant lands. Service was good at the boatswain: afternoon blew whistle, chasing the sailors on the deck, the cabin boy in a latrine at night fag. Captain is not afraid in the Bermuda Triangle with the tank into the ocean Ssali. Seagulls shit on his chest, port whore for half price given.
Long or a short, one boatswain went on his boat in the South Seas. He walked and walked, suddenly looks - starboard island. In the middle of the island palm tree grows, and under a palm tree naked woman sits. Boatswain's run to the captain: "stops - screams - the car on the dick! Starboard naked woman! "The captain stopped the car, throws the anchor, and tells the boat down. We sat down with the boatswain captain in the boat, the oars six sailors planted. Swam to the island, we came to a palm tree, looking at the woman. A woman turned out to be terrible, worse Kapitanova wife's ass Vistula legs hairy, tits - like a spaniel's ears, eyes slanting, on top of bald head, his mouth shit stinks of Mande cockroaches running around, nose long hair grow - all in the nozzle. < br />
She went to him and this woman says, "Hello, sailors. Three years on this island, I'm not ebavshis, urine is not as bored by dick. You sailors, fuck me, and I'll reward you generously, not only you will not find it ».
From these words six sailors were pale and puke on the spot. Even the captain, much of what has been experienced, and he threw up himself right on the white tunic.
A boatswain, as if nothing had happened, Baba turned his back to her, put the cancer, cockroaches in the Mande dispersed and vdul her so that she gnawed teeth palm.
Finished boatswain pants buttoned, belomorinu lit. A woman straightened, slivers of palm povykovyryala teeth and said in his ear: "Thank you, sailor, nice you fucked me. But I'm not an easy woman. I - the daughter of the king cormorants. I'll give you a morjachok, a magical Shanghai gonorrhea. Will he live in your pants, you did not bother anyone in the fucking not be passed. I do not treat it with potassium permanganate, do not treat it bitsillinom anyone about him do not tell. What will matter, say the magic words: "Fuck me fucking in a coffin, the god of your soul, those dick in her mouth through the ears - go out to the rescue, my Shanghai gonorrhea." This is where you and he will rescue ».
She turned cormorants, soared into the sky, seranula boatswain on the cap, and disappeared somewhere.
Saddened by the boatswain. "That's - I think - worked, unbuttoning his pants, he took out the end, clocked cockroaches, fucked her, rough-legged fool. And she told me in all things - gonorrhea Shanghai. What I did not see gonorrhea, or what? "However, he decided not to treat gonorrhea, a souvenir left. Since he lived at the Shanghai gonorrhea boatswain in his pants. Piss interfered, pus from the end does not drip, does not disturb the boatswain. How boatswain Jung in a latrine or fag - he has not caught gonorrhea. In short, the boatswain, and forgot about the gift of cormorants princess.
Much or how little time has passed, one evening, the boatswain stood at the left side, belomorinu smoked, but spat overboard. Suddenly the sea began to boil. He emerged from the water of sea snakes, climb onto the deck. Eyes like a lifeline, tail cable's length from the mouth foam flows of blisters are assholes.
"Pizdec you, boatswain, - says sea snakes - I'll eat you in the dick, ass bearded, together with pipes." Scared boatswain almost crap. But he remembered here about a gift cormorants princess. Shouted: "Fuck me fucking in a coffin, the god of your soul, those dick in her mouth through the ears - go out to the rescue, my gonorrhea Shanghai».
He flew out of Shanghai gonorrhea botsmanovyh pants, grabbed the snake and tied three nautical knot.
Pleaded snakes here, "Untie me boatswain, do not ruin my small zmeёnyshey. And I'm for that pack of Infinite Belomor gifts. Will lifetime Belomor smoking, and it never ends ».
"Okay - meets the boatswain - whether you think." Shanghai gonorrhea unleashed a sea serpent and back to the boatswain crawled into his pants. A sea serpent gave the boatswain Infinite pack of Belomor, dived into the water, let the big bubble ass and disappeared.
He walks on the deck boatswain smokes White Sea. Day smokes two smokes, he smokes, treats captain, navigator treats, treats starmeha - pack all ends. Not deceived boatswain sea serpent.
A boat was on the ship's doctor - a rare bastard. Old such wizened, non-drinking, non-smoking, greedy and envious. He looks at the boatswain, and thinks, "What the dick boatswain every day Belomor smokes, treats them all and never had the White Sea ends? We ought to find out. " And so, and so he asked the boatswain, but he is silent, remembers that he shags princess said. Hidden ship's doctor on a boatswain malice, but can not do anything.
Much or how little time has passed, one evening, the boatswain stood on the quarterdeck, belomorinu smoked, but spat overboard. Suddenly the sea began to boil. He emerged from the water a huge squid, climbs onto the deck. Eyes like a steering wheel, the tentacles of two cable's length from the mouth of the fire escapes, smoke coming from asshole.
"Pizdec you, boatswain, - says a huge squid - I tear you in the dick, bitch bowlegged as an old water bottle." Pale boatswain surprise. But the thought of a gift cormorants princess. Shouted: "Fuck me fucking in a coffin, the god of your soul, those dick in her mouth through the ears - go out to the rescue, my gonorrhea Shanghai».
He flew out of Shanghai gonorrhea botsmanovyh pants, grabbed the squid tentacles and tied him to five knots.
Squid then pleaded: "Untie me boatswain, do not ruin my small kalmarchikov. And I'm for that bottle of vodka Infinite gifts. Will lifetime vodka plump, and she never end ».
"Okay - meets the boatswain - whether you think." Shanghai unleashed gonorrhea squid tentacles and back to the boatswain crawled into his pants. A huge squid Infinite boatswain gave a bottle of vodka, dived into the water, let the ass of smoke and disappeared.
Boatswain sitting in the galley, thumps vodka. Day thumps two thumps, thumps himself, pours captain, navigator pours, pours starmehu - vodka all ends. Not deceived boatswain huge squid.
A ship's doctor looks at Boatswain and thinks "What the dick boatswain thumps vodka every day, it treats all and never had this vodka does not end? We ought to find out. " And so, and so he rolled up to the boatswain, but he is silent, does not say anything to him. Even more angry with the ship's doctor on the boatswain, but can not do anything.
Much or how little time had passed, was one evening at the boatswain tank belomorinu smoked vodka prihlёbyval yes spat overboard. Suddenly the sea began to boil. He emerged from the water Ichthyander, climbs onto the deck. Evil eyes, cock a steamship pipe, gold teeth in the mouth of an ass fish tail sticking out.
"Pizdec you, boatswain, - says Ichthyander - I'll fuck you in the ass, bitch toothless, and all the sailors talk about it." Bosun grinned his ugly face and shouted: "Fuck me fucking in a coffin, the god of your soul, those dick in her mouth through the ears - go out to the rescue, my Shanghai gonorrhea." He flew out of Shanghai gonorrhea botsmanovyh pants, grabbed him and tied Ichthyander cock seven knots. Ichthyander then pleaded: "Untie me boatswain, do not ruin my bladder. And I'm for that endless Lopatnic Bachelet gifts. Will all my life whores shoot, and you will never run out Bachelot ».
"Okay - meets the boatswain - whether you think." Shanghai unleashed gonorrhea Ichthyander cock and back to the boatswain crawled into his pants. A boatswain gave Ichthyander Infinite Lopatnic Bachelet, dived into the water, a fish tail wagged and gone.
The next day the ship arrived at the port of Nakhodka. Boatswain walks through the city of whores Bachelot lift. Day takes two shoots, shoots himself, the captain takes off, removes the co-driver, starmehu shoots - and Bachelet's not stop there. Not deceived boatswain Ichthyander.
Well, here it is the ship's doctor could not resist. "What the dick boatswain every day takes whores, everybody but me, their causes, and he did not end Bachelot?" He decided to destroy the boatswain.
He came to the ship's doctor Irke-minetchitsa that sailors thirty three different ways end sucked. Gave her two hundred rubles and says, "How do you come to the boatswain, you had thirty three ways to suck, and then ask him why he is the White Sea, vodka and Bachelet never end." And he got in the closet and hid.
In the evening I came to Irke-minetchitsa boatswain. He poured her a glass of vodka, treated belomorinoy gave Bachelet. She called it the end of thirty-three ways to suck. Long or short it sucked, finished the boatswain, sat down, drank three glasses of vodka, lit a cigarette. Then his Irk-minetchitsa and asks: "Why do you, the boatswain, vodka, White Sea and Bachelet never end?" And the boatswain ass drunk - that's bragging. All she told me about a gift cormorants princess. And then I drank three glasses of vodka, fell into bed and started snoring heroic snoring.
Select from the closet here the ship's doctor. A bottle, a pack and did not touch Lopatnic: afraid that the boatswain in the morning will wake up to find it, and upizdit death. And he took from his valise a huge syringe, and wheeled boatswain's ass once twenty-five cubes bitsillina. Boatswain turned over, but did not wake up. A Shanghai gonorrhea from this bitsillina disappeared.
I woke up in the morning the bosun, scratched his ass prick and said Irke-minetchitsa: "Something you, slut, bugs biting hurts. Well, yes dick with you, fool me today in the flight to leave. " He drank a glass of vodka and went to the port.
There is currently boatswain on the panel, a magic bottle of vodka sips. And suddenly looking - in front of him Chief Cop: red face, a hefty belly, boots shining stars on the shoulder straps with gold shine. "What are you, boatswain, in the morning in the ass drunk? - Says Chief Cop - attracted a minute I'll fifteen days for disturbing public order. " Boatswain laughed, spat Chief Cop in a red face, and shouted: "Fuck me fucking in a coffin, the god of your soul, those dick in her mouth through the ears - go out to the rescue, my Shanghai gonorrhea." He did not know that he has no cormorants princess gift that destroyed his ship's doctor bitch.
This cause the Chief Cop, Zenk its pig stared, shouted to the boatswain: "Pizdec you nit filthy! Uebu to dick! In the camps rot! "Came down here from all sides cops with batons, all rushed to the boatswain Caudle. Long fought the boatswain with the cops, but still they overpowered him, knocked to the ground, began to stomp their boots. Recaptured boatswain liver-seleznku selected and the magic bottle, and cigarettes, and Lopatnic. Upekli cops bosun ten years at the worst area in the most boundless barracks. There he was frostbitten convicts dropped. Slept boatswain in the bucket, I ate with a spoon full of holes, and then all fell ill with tuberculosis and died.
But the ship's doctor for his villainy was the vengeance. Wave washed him overboard and drowned it in icy Atlantic waters, as the last rat. So he, fag, and it is necessary.
And Ira-minetchitsa still Nakhodka trades. Meet her bitch ragged - pizdyuley can fight at full rations. For boatswain.