Predictions of the Visionary Father John of Shanghai about our time
Russian refugees and Russian emigrants around the world honored Father John of Shanghai. Take a look at this amazing photo! Archbishop John with parishioners on the island of Tubabao in the Philippines in front of the entrance to the tent temple. Enterprising ministers have organized temple, hospital and hotel in army tents. Refugees from Shanghai were evacuated here. The Holy Father stayed in Tubabao for 3 months.
John of Shanghai lived and did great things in Russia and America, in Serbia and China, in France and even on the remote Philippine island of Tubabao. The Lord obeyed the law: to serve in the language of the country in which he was. In Marseille - in French, in China - in Chinese, in Greece - in Greek. He was respected and revered as a saint everywhere. He had an amazing gift of love. He loved the children and helped them. Organized a shelter for street children in the impoverished Shanghai slums. He did not sit at the table for dinner until the boys who served him were put at the table.
John of Shanghai and San Francisco had a big heart. He helped the refugees, because he was suffering. At the age of 25, he, a nobleman with a higher education, had to sell newspapers in Yugoslavia. Like all refugees back then, the family was very poor. Mikhail Maksimovich, as was the name in the world of John of Shanghai, paid for his studies at the theological faculty at the University of Belgrade. He also provided for elderly parents. So I had to run down the street with newspapers, earning every penny hard.
Father John is known for his foresight and deep insight. His powers are incorruptible. Bishop Nicholas (Velimirovich), addressing the seminarians, said about John Maximovich: “Children, listen to Father John; he is an angel of God in human form.”
John of Shanghai predicted the events described in John's Apocalypse when John of Shanghai read Revelation by John the TheologianA book from the New Testament about the end times, he was very surprised. To young John came spiritual insights described hundreds of years ago by the Theologian. The future was opened to St. John of Shanghai, a very humble and righteous man. Father John has not been with us for 59 years. The last days he warned about have arrived.
“Before the end of earthly life there will be confusion, wars, strife, disease, famine, earthquakes. People will suffer from fear, will exhale from the expectation of disasters. There will be no life, no joy of life, but a painful state of falling away from life. But there will be a fall away not only from life but also from faith, and when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? People will become proud, ungrateful, denying the Divine Law: together with falling away from life, there will be the impoverishment of moral life. There will be an exhaustion of good and an increase in evil.”
“God is a fire to eat” (Hebrews 12:29). When an object touches a fire, it changes: either it burns or it is tempered. When a man touches God, he either dies or is saved. Fire is always fire! But touching it makes ash and steel, depending on what it touches. This also happens to man, and it all depends on what he brings to the fire of God, in what state he touches God. Our sins are the straw burned in this encounter. You need to know about the Last Judgment and treat that day and event as you should. You need to cleanse your soul, you need to pray. This event must be treated clearly and consciously.”
Father John of Shanghai predicted that in difficult times, in the last days, only the humble will be saved. Only those who care about their spiritual life.
One of the signs of love is not to be annoyed. Dark anger, irritability like a web hangs in the world over peoples, families and hearts. And this human irritability, sometimes caused by trifles, poisons life.”
John of Shanghai was born in Kharkiv province on June 4, 1896. From childhood he was drawn to spiritual life. A Catholic French governess who watched a very young child pray, fast and read the lives of saints was deeply impressed. She eventually converted to Orthodoxy.
“Modesty is a difficult form of goodness! A person who painfully thinks about how to put himself below the other and how to put himself above the other is not capable of creative work. Especially to the higher, spiritual... Vanity is a sign not only of moral but also of mental stagnation. Nor is modesty a sign of weakness, as some fear modesty. She, and only she, is the strength and valor of the spirit. And in the life of societies and peoples, “pride comes before destruction.” The level of culture is directly proportional to the modesty of the social and international.
And therefore the Word that created the worlds took upon itself the life of a humble Man and passed through the path of suffering, showing the spirit of modesty as a light leading to the infinite glory of the Heavenly Kingdom. The humility of Christ Jesus became the seal of truth in man.”
We are not given to foresee the future, but we must be prepared for the fact that at any moment the words of the visionary elder Father John of Shanghai about the end times can be fulfilled. Only by taking care of our soul, doing good deeds and helping our neighbors can we be saved. Thank you for staying with us, dear reader.

John of Shanghai lived and did great things in Russia and America, in Serbia and China, in France and even on the remote Philippine island of Tubabao. The Lord obeyed the law: to serve in the language of the country in which he was. In Marseille - in French, in China - in Chinese, in Greece - in Greek. He was respected and revered as a saint everywhere. He had an amazing gift of love. He loved the children and helped them. Organized a shelter for street children in the impoverished Shanghai slums. He did not sit at the table for dinner until the boys who served him were put at the table.
John of Shanghai and San Francisco had a big heart. He helped the refugees, because he was suffering. At the age of 25, he, a nobleman with a higher education, had to sell newspapers in Yugoslavia. Like all refugees back then, the family was very poor. Mikhail Maksimovich, as was the name in the world of John of Shanghai, paid for his studies at the theological faculty at the University of Belgrade. He also provided for elderly parents. So I had to run down the street with newspapers, earning every penny hard.

Father John is known for his foresight and deep insight. His powers are incorruptible. Bishop Nicholas (Velimirovich), addressing the seminarians, said about John Maximovich: “Children, listen to Father John; he is an angel of God in human form.”
John of Shanghai predicted the events described in John's Apocalypse when John of Shanghai read Revelation by John the TheologianA book from the New Testament about the end times, he was very surprised. To young John came spiritual insights described hundreds of years ago by the Theologian. The future was opened to St. John of Shanghai, a very humble and righteous man. Father John has not been with us for 59 years. The last days he warned about have arrived.
“Before the end of earthly life there will be confusion, wars, strife, disease, famine, earthquakes. People will suffer from fear, will exhale from the expectation of disasters. There will be no life, no joy of life, but a painful state of falling away from life. But there will be a fall away not only from life but also from faith, and when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? People will become proud, ungrateful, denying the Divine Law: together with falling away from life, there will be the impoverishment of moral life. There will be an exhaustion of good and an increase in evil.”

“God is a fire to eat” (Hebrews 12:29). When an object touches a fire, it changes: either it burns or it is tempered. When a man touches God, he either dies or is saved. Fire is always fire! But touching it makes ash and steel, depending on what it touches. This also happens to man, and it all depends on what he brings to the fire of God, in what state he touches God. Our sins are the straw burned in this encounter. You need to know about the Last Judgment and treat that day and event as you should. You need to cleanse your soul, you need to pray. This event must be treated clearly and consciously.”
Father John of Shanghai predicted that in difficult times, in the last days, only the humble will be saved. Only those who care about their spiritual life.
One of the signs of love is not to be annoyed. Dark anger, irritability like a web hangs in the world over peoples, families and hearts. And this human irritability, sometimes caused by trifles, poisons life.”

John of Shanghai was born in Kharkiv province on June 4, 1896. From childhood he was drawn to spiritual life. A Catholic French governess who watched a very young child pray, fast and read the lives of saints was deeply impressed. She eventually converted to Orthodoxy.
“Modesty is a difficult form of goodness! A person who painfully thinks about how to put himself below the other and how to put himself above the other is not capable of creative work. Especially to the higher, spiritual... Vanity is a sign not only of moral but also of mental stagnation. Nor is modesty a sign of weakness, as some fear modesty. She, and only she, is the strength and valor of the spirit. And in the life of societies and peoples, “pride comes before destruction.” The level of culture is directly proportional to the modesty of the social and international.
And therefore the Word that created the worlds took upon itself the life of a humble Man and passed through the path of suffering, showing the spirit of modesty as a light leading to the infinite glory of the Heavenly Kingdom. The humility of Christ Jesus became the seal of truth in man.”

We are not given to foresee the future, but we must be prepared for the fact that at any moment the words of the visionary elder Father John of Shanghai about the end times can be fulfilled. Only by taking care of our soul, doing good deeds and helping our neighbors can we be saved. Thank you for staying with us, dear reader.
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