How to Pray to Christ’s Near Friend, John the Forerunner, to Receive the Protection and Mercy of Heaven
Today, March 9, is a very important day for believers. In the calendar of Orthodox holidays it is called Finding the Head of John the Forerunner. It was he who at one time predicted the coming of the Messiah, becoming the predecessor of Jesus Christ. The preacher made an important mission and lived his whole life in accordance with his conscience.
It is necessary to spend this holiday correctly. What traditions are associated with the holiday, what can and cannot be done and, most importantly, what prayer is worth reading, I tell you in detail later in the article.
Finding the head of John the Forerunner John the Baptist led an ascetic lifestyle. He lived in the desert and preached Christianity. It was the Forerunner who baptized Jesus Christ in the clear waters of the Jordan, calling him the new Messiah. He helped people to make amends for their sins and get on the right path. And this could only be done through sincere faith in Christ the Savior.
To the authorities, John was a thorn in the eye. He was not afraid to speak the truth and to denounce the bad deeds of the rulers of that time. This happened to King Herod once. With his brother still alive, he took his wife Herodias and appropriated her for himself. “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” says the 7th Commandment. John said this directly to the king’s face.
But Herod did not tolerate the bold words of the preacher. He put him in prison, saving his life, because all the Jewish people stood up for him. But no miracle happened. One day, the stepdaughter Herod demanded as a gift for her dance the severed head of John the Forerunner. And the king kept his word, pleased his wife's daughter. The executioner cut off the prophet's head.
The disciples buried his body, but Herodias forbade him to do it together with the head of John the Baptist. She hid it in her palace, from where she was carried out and buried in a jar by a caring maid. The first finding of the head of John the Forerunner occurred when on the burial site of the noble Innocent wanted to build a temple. The head was dug out of the ground and hidden in a newly built church.
After some time, the temple dilapidated and collapsed, and the head of the Baptist remained there. But she was found again. These were pilgrim monks, one of whom, according to legend, was indicated in a dream by John the Forerunner himself.
The relic was kept by various people: pious and not very. Fortunately, as a result, the head of John the Baptist was transported to Constantinople. But even there she did not find the desired peace. Only in 850, after another wandering, the relic was again under reliable supervision. The third and final finding of the head of John the Forerunner has come to pass!
In the Orthodox Church, it is customary to celebrate separately the 1st and 2nd finding of the head of John the Forerunner (March 8 in a leap year and March 9 in a non-leap year) and the 3rd finding (7 June). These days in churches there is a solemn service, including various religious rituals. For example, prayer songs.
With the feast of the Finding of the head of John the Forerunner is associated with many traditions and prohibitions. For example, on this day it is customary to go to church for worship and pray. The prayer to John the Baptist is considered one of the strongest. Share the text below.
To the Baptist of Christ, the honest Forerunner, the extreme prophet, the first martyr, the fasting and the desert master, the purity of the teacher and the close friendship of Christ! I pray, and I come to you not to deny me from your intercession, do not forsake me of sins fallen by many; renew my soul by repentance, like a second baptism; cleanse me, the sins of the defiled, and compel me to bow down, but enters the kingdom of heaven in no way evil. Amen.
Today you can do your usual business. However, it is very important to avoid stressful situations, do not overwork. On this day you can not argue and argue with other people. It is also best not to pick up any sharp objects, be it scissors or a knife.
You can not cut any round objects, as this is a direct reference to the chapter of John the Forerunner. This ban applies especially to red vegetables and fruits. For the same reason, it is forbidden to serve food in round dishes, because it was there that the head of the preacher was placed after the cutoff.
It is sinful on March 9 to arrange lush feasts and loud festivities. If you are a believer on this day, it is better to postpone the celebration to another day. In addition, you should not do house cleaning. It is believed that in this way you can bring trouble to yourself.
Spend today wisely. You still have time to go to church. If you can’t, you can pray at home. May God take care of you!

It is necessary to spend this holiday correctly. What traditions are associated with the holiday, what can and cannot be done and, most importantly, what prayer is worth reading, I tell you in detail later in the article.
Finding the head of John the Forerunner John the Baptist led an ascetic lifestyle. He lived in the desert and preached Christianity. It was the Forerunner who baptized Jesus Christ in the clear waters of the Jordan, calling him the new Messiah. He helped people to make amends for their sins and get on the right path. And this could only be done through sincere faith in Christ the Savior.
To the authorities, John was a thorn in the eye. He was not afraid to speak the truth and to denounce the bad deeds of the rulers of that time. This happened to King Herod once. With his brother still alive, he took his wife Herodias and appropriated her for himself. “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” says the 7th Commandment. John said this directly to the king’s face.

But Herod did not tolerate the bold words of the preacher. He put him in prison, saving his life, because all the Jewish people stood up for him. But no miracle happened. One day, the stepdaughter Herod demanded as a gift for her dance the severed head of John the Forerunner. And the king kept his word, pleased his wife's daughter. The executioner cut off the prophet's head.
The disciples buried his body, but Herodias forbade him to do it together with the head of John the Baptist. She hid it in her palace, from where she was carried out and buried in a jar by a caring maid. The first finding of the head of John the Forerunner occurred when on the burial site of the noble Innocent wanted to build a temple. The head was dug out of the ground and hidden in a newly built church.

After some time, the temple dilapidated and collapsed, and the head of the Baptist remained there. But she was found again. These were pilgrim monks, one of whom, according to legend, was indicated in a dream by John the Forerunner himself.
The relic was kept by various people: pious and not very. Fortunately, as a result, the head of John the Baptist was transported to Constantinople. But even there she did not find the desired peace. Only in 850, after another wandering, the relic was again under reliable supervision. The third and final finding of the head of John the Forerunner has come to pass!

In the Orthodox Church, it is customary to celebrate separately the 1st and 2nd finding of the head of John the Forerunner (March 8 in a leap year and March 9 in a non-leap year) and the 3rd finding (7 June). These days in churches there is a solemn service, including various religious rituals. For example, prayer songs.
With the feast of the Finding of the head of John the Forerunner is associated with many traditions and prohibitions. For example, on this day it is customary to go to church for worship and pray. The prayer to John the Baptist is considered one of the strongest. Share the text below.

To the Baptist of Christ, the honest Forerunner, the extreme prophet, the first martyr, the fasting and the desert master, the purity of the teacher and the close friendship of Christ! I pray, and I come to you not to deny me from your intercession, do not forsake me of sins fallen by many; renew my soul by repentance, like a second baptism; cleanse me, the sins of the defiled, and compel me to bow down, but enters the kingdom of heaven in no way evil. Amen.
Today you can do your usual business. However, it is very important to avoid stressful situations, do not overwork. On this day you can not argue and argue with other people. It is also best not to pick up any sharp objects, be it scissors or a knife.

You can not cut any round objects, as this is a direct reference to the chapter of John the Forerunner. This ban applies especially to red vegetables and fruits. For the same reason, it is forbidden to serve food in round dishes, because it was there that the head of the preacher was placed after the cutoff.
It is sinful on March 9 to arrange lush feasts and loud festivities. If you are a believer on this day, it is better to postpone the celebration to another day. In addition, you should not do house cleaning. It is believed that in this way you can bring trouble to yourself.
Spend today wisely. You still have time to go to church. If you can’t, you can pray at home. May God take care of you!
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