I noticed a neighbor’s bay leaf in the toilet, dared and asked why it was there.
Guess the riddle: it is not eaten raw, but boiled - thrown away! Guess what? That's right, we're talking about bay leaves. Humanity has known about the existence of this noble plant since antiquity. Then the laurel wreath was put on the head as a symbol of glory, victory, greatness, talent and peace. Centuries passed and it became known that bay-leaf It can be used much more widely.
Today we will talk about one of the most unconventional ways. You'll love it!
The most popular use of laurel was found in cooking. Cooks use bay leaves as a spice whole or as a powder. Seasoning will be needed when preparing marinades, soups, broths and even desserts. It is perfectly combined with meat and fish dishes. Spice leaves are added 5-10 minutes before ready, and then thrown away. They need to put quite a bit, otherwise the natural bitterness of the laurel can spoil the taste of the dish.
Evergreen laurel tree is known not only as a spice or decoration. Its extract is used in cosmetology, medicine and even during magical rituals. Modern people do not decorate their heads with laurel wreaths, but use this symbol of glory and victory in their tattoos.
Useful properties of bay leaf
But there are limitations. For example, in large quantities, substances in the composition of the bay leaf can cause mild malaise. Carefully laurel extract should be used for people with health problems. Decoctions of bay leaf are contraindicated for lactating and pregnant women.
Laurel leaf for humans: application in everyday life Found application of laurel leaves and in everyday life. Thanks to essential oils in the composition of laurel leaves are used to destroy unpleasant aromas emanating from bathrooms and sewers. To do this, you need to set fire to a couple of dry leaves and leave to smoke in an unnecessary tin - the effect will be like aromatic sticks.
To hide the specific smells in the bathroom or toilet, you can put on the shelf a bag filled with a mixture of fragrant herbs and bay leaves.
Use laurel leaves in magical rituals
What use this seasoning will find in your farm is up to you. One thing is clear: bay leaves are sure to be useful for something!

Today we will talk about one of the most unconventional ways. You'll love it!
The most popular use of laurel was found in cooking. Cooks use bay leaves as a spice whole or as a powder. Seasoning will be needed when preparing marinades, soups, broths and even desserts. It is perfectly combined with meat and fish dishes. Spice leaves are added 5-10 minutes before ready, and then thrown away. They need to put quite a bit, otherwise the natural bitterness of the laurel can spoil the taste of the dish.

Evergreen laurel tree is known not only as a spice or decoration. Its extract is used in cosmetology, medicine and even during magical rituals. Modern people do not decorate their heads with laurel wreaths, but use this symbol of glory and victory in their tattoos.
Useful properties of bay leaf
- Laurel leaf has anti-inflammatory properties, is a natural antiseptic and can have an anesthetic effect. Tinctures of bay leaves are used for rinsing the mouth and throat with SARS, for washing abrasions, rashes.
- The aroma or decoction of bay leaves has a mild sedative effect in insomnia and increased nervous excitability.
- Tincture of bay leaves is used in complex therapy during seasonal diseases in order to strengthen immunity and fight viral infections.
- Laurel decoction has a diuretic effect and accelerates metabolism in the human body.
- In the form of tinctures, the bay leaf softens in a person coughing attacks, showing expectorant properties.
- The extract from bay leaves is part of tonic masks for the skin, it is used to give shine and strength to the hair.
- People also practice chewing bay leaves for medicinal purposes and to eliminate bad breath. By the way, they chew cloves for the same purpose.
But there are limitations. For example, in large quantities, substances in the composition of the bay leaf can cause mild malaise. Carefully laurel extract should be used for people with health problems. Decoctions of bay leaf are contraindicated for lactating and pregnant women.
Laurel leaf for humans: application in everyday life Found application of laurel leaves and in everyday life. Thanks to essential oils in the composition of laurel leaves are used to destroy unpleasant aromas emanating from bathrooms and sewers. To do this, you need to set fire to a couple of dry leaves and leave to smoke in an unnecessary tin - the effect will be like aromatic sticks.

To hide the specific smells in the bathroom or toilet, you can put on the shelf a bag filled with a mixture of fragrant herbs and bay leaves.
Use laurel leaves in magical rituals
- They make conspiracies on a sheet of laurel and make wishes that do not carry evil.
- Laurel leaves serve as a talisman to attract money and prosperity.
- The laurel leaf is kept with it from the evil eye and damage.
- Hang a bunch of bay leaves at the entrance as a talisman.
- Laurel leaves are placed under the pillow to ward off bad dreams.
What use this seasoning will find in your farm is up to you. One thing is clear: bay leaves are sure to be useful for something!
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