When I feel that everything in life goes awry, I set fire to a bay leaf.
Laurel leaf is not just a unique spice that will give a pleasant aroma to dishes. The noble laurel has long been venerated in different states. It symbolized wisdom, strength and endurance. In ancient Greece, the laurel was considered a sacred tree, and the wreath of its leaves was decorated with the heads of winners of various competitions. The homeland of the Lavra is the Mediterranean and Asia Minor. Today. bay-leaf You can grow on a windowsill or terrace in a pot.
Peels Laurel leaf is one of the main seasonings in any dish. And you can meet this spice in the dishes of many peoples of the world. But it has long been believed that bay leaf has not only a specific aroma. In many occult sciences and esotericism, the bay leaf and the bay tree itself are endowed with magical properties. But is that really true? In this matter decided to understand the editorial board "Site".
Believe it or not, our world is not only made up of what we see around us. Subtle matter and energy surround us every day. Sometimes there are times when you feel physically that you need to clean the space around you and in your home. And it's not just about cleaning, even general cleaning.
Stagnation of energy in the house, it is always bad. This energy blocks cash flow, luck, and new ideas. Therefore, experts recommend periodically conducting a simple ritual to clean energy in your home. After it, the soul becomes easier, and new thoughts and ideas appear in the head.
For centuries, our ancestors set fire to dried bay leaf and carried it through their homes. It was believed that all negative energy and bad emotions were expelled from the house.
Our ancestors believed that after such a ritual, positive energy and balance are restored in the house. To destroy the energy balance in the house could both the bad thoughts of the owners themselves, and the bad views of neighbors or enemies. All this accumulated in the house, and the hostess periodically carried out the ritual of purification.
Today, folk life hacks are used with renewed vigor. More and more people are using the knowledge of their ancestors and using it in everyday life. In many countries and cultures, the method has long been used. fumigation. In addition to bay leaf, various herbs are used, including sage. It all depends on the region and what grows in it.
What do you need to know before you start fuming your home with bay leaf? Do this ritual only in a good mood and with positive emotions. With a grateful attitude to the positive energy that will enter your home.
This ritual will help not only clean the energy in the house, but also help to establish relationships with other household members. You better clean the house first. It is best to prepare dishes made of heat-resistant material so as not to provoke a fire. Put the bay leaf in this vessel and set fire to its edge. At this point, you need to think about positive things for yourself and your family.
After fumigation, you need to carefully ventilate the house. This will help to get rid of the negative energy that has already been weakened by the ritual. After this ritual, peace and harmony will reign in your home. Children will have improved academic performance, new ideas and the opportunity to spend more time with the whole family.

Peels Laurel leaf is one of the main seasonings in any dish. And you can meet this spice in the dishes of many peoples of the world. But it has long been believed that bay leaf has not only a specific aroma. In many occult sciences and esotericism, the bay leaf and the bay tree itself are endowed with magical properties. But is that really true? In this matter decided to understand the editorial board "Site".
Believe it or not, our world is not only made up of what we see around us. Subtle matter and energy surround us every day. Sometimes there are times when you feel physically that you need to clean the space around you and in your home. And it's not just about cleaning, even general cleaning.

Stagnation of energy in the house, it is always bad. This energy blocks cash flow, luck, and new ideas. Therefore, experts recommend periodically conducting a simple ritual to clean energy in your home. After it, the soul becomes easier, and new thoughts and ideas appear in the head.
For centuries, our ancestors set fire to dried bay leaf and carried it through their homes. It was believed that all negative energy and bad emotions were expelled from the house.

Our ancestors believed that after such a ritual, positive energy and balance are restored in the house. To destroy the energy balance in the house could both the bad thoughts of the owners themselves, and the bad views of neighbors or enemies. All this accumulated in the house, and the hostess periodically carried out the ritual of purification.
Today, folk life hacks are used with renewed vigor. More and more people are using the knowledge of their ancestors and using it in everyday life. In many countries and cultures, the method has long been used. fumigation. In addition to bay leaf, various herbs are used, including sage. It all depends on the region and what grows in it.

What do you need to know before you start fuming your home with bay leaf? Do this ritual only in a good mood and with positive emotions. With a grateful attitude to the positive energy that will enter your home.

This ritual will help not only clean the energy in the house, but also help to establish relationships with other household members. You better clean the house first. It is best to prepare dishes made of heat-resistant material so as not to provoke a fire. Put the bay leaf in this vessel and set fire to its edge. At this point, you need to think about positive things for yourself and your family.

After fumigation, you need to carefully ventilate the house. This will help to get rid of the negative energy that has already been weakened by the ritual. After this ritual, peace and harmony will reign in your home. Children will have improved academic performance, new ideas and the opportunity to spend more time with the whole family.
A prescient hostess always keeps bubble wrap in the fridge and advises you to do the same.
Recently, a brother I haven’t seen in years came to visit me and gave me an envelope of money.