Why it is necessary to say a prayer to John of Kronstadt on November 1 and what to ask him
On November 1, Orthodox believers celebrate the birthday of dear Father John of Kronstadt. Many people celebrate this holiday as the birthday of a good friend or close relative. With the name of the father associated so much good that can not be described in words. Prayer to John of Kronstadt can comfort the heart even in the darkest days.
Editorial "Site" He tells us who John of Kronstadt was and why he is so beloved by believers. At the end of the article you will find a prayer that can be read on the Day of His Remembrance.
Holy Righteous John was born on November 1 in the village of Sura. The family of the saint was poor, but deeply religious. The boy was born weak. Thinking that he would not live long, his parents immediately baptized him and named him John. After that, the child began to grow and grow. Even though his childhood was poor in material terms, his parents revealed to him all the wealth of true faith.
When the boy was 9 years old, he was taken to the Arkhangelsk parish school. It was difficult for him to be literate, but the boy prayed diligently to God and asked for his protection. The Lord heard his prayers, and grace overshadowed him. As he said, “Instantly the veil fell from his eyes.” Since then, learning has been easy for him.
For brilliant achievements in studies after school, he was accepted to the St. Petersburg Academy. The young man continued to study diligently, helped his mother and continued to pray diligently day after day. After graduating from the Academy, he was ordained a priest and appointed priest of St. Andrew’s Cathedral in the city of Kronstadt.
From the first day after the ordination, Father John gave himself entirely to the ministry. He decided to devote his entire life to God. He lived with his wife as brother and sister and remained a pure virgin for the rest of his life. He never stopped praying for a day.
He taught people the righteous life, helped those in need, and preached the word of the Lord day by day. There was no limit to his diligence. Some even laughed at him, considering him insane. However, he steadfastly continued his journey. Sometimes, coming to a poor family and seeing poverty, he himself went to the store or to the pharmacy for a doctor.
Father taught children. The children adored him, just as he adored them. He always stood up for them, helped and tried to convey all his knowledge. Everyone who knew him personally remembered him all his life. He was an extraordinary man, he could kindle faith in people.
The prayer of Father John was extremely strong. He soon became known as a miracle worker. People began to flock to the river and ask for help. He personally prayed for each petitioner. And there are just an incredible number of stories about how even the most hopeless people recovered thanks to the prayer of Father John.
A lot of money passed through the hands of Father John. But he was never interested in them. One hand receives, the other immediately gives. In 1882 in Kronstadt was opened "House of diligence". It had its own church, a school for boys and girls, a shelter for orphans, a hospital, a shelter and various workshops. There the poor could earn, and in the shelter to get shelter.
Also on the initiative of Father John, a rescue station was built on the shore of the bay. In his homeland he built a beautiful temple. It is difficult to describe all the good things he has done in his long life. That is why the faithful appreciate and respect him.
The birthday of the saint is the day when you can ask him for help and intercession. Prayer to John of Kronstadt on this day is simply obligatory. Go to your father and he will ask the Lord for you. Even after his righteous death, the father responds to the prayers of all who ask.
Prayer to John of Kronstadt, “O great wonderworker and pre-eminent servant of God, God-bearing father John!” Look at us and listen graciously to our prayer, as great gifts like the Lord, may we intercede and pray for us. For these sinful passions are overtaken and devoured with malice, the commandments of God are neglected, repentance of the heart and tears of sighing have not brought, for this reason I am worthy of disillusionment with many sorrows and sorrows.
But you, righteous Father, have great boldness towards the Lord and compassion for your neighbors, having, pray to the All-Generous Lord of the world, that He may try His mercy on us and tolerate our iniquities, will not destroy us for our sake, but will give us time for repentance graciously.
O Holy One of God, help us to observe the Orthodox faith immaculately and to preserve the commandments of God piously, lest all lawlessness possess us, lower the truth of God will be ashamed in our iniquities, but let us be worthy of attaining the end of the Christian, painless, shameless, peaceful and Mystery of God’s communion.
We also pray to you, righteous Father, for the Church of our Saints to the end of the age of confirmed existence, but to our fatherland, ask for peace and prosperity in the righteousness of God and preserve from all evils, so that our peoples, by God, preserve in the unity of faith and in all piety and purity, in the babble of spiritual brotherhood, sobriety and harmony, testify: God is with us! In Him we live, and we move, and we are, and we will remain forever. Amen.
We sincerely believe that God will hear your prayer and fulfill all your requests. The main thing is to pray with all my heart and ask for the most secret.

Editorial "Site" He tells us who John of Kronstadt was and why he is so beloved by believers. At the end of the article you will find a prayer that can be read on the Day of His Remembrance.
Holy Righteous John was born on November 1 in the village of Sura. The family of the saint was poor, but deeply religious. The boy was born weak. Thinking that he would not live long, his parents immediately baptized him and named him John. After that, the child began to grow and grow. Even though his childhood was poor in material terms, his parents revealed to him all the wealth of true faith.
When the boy was 9 years old, he was taken to the Arkhangelsk parish school. It was difficult for him to be literate, but the boy prayed diligently to God and asked for his protection. The Lord heard his prayers, and grace overshadowed him. As he said, “Instantly the veil fell from his eyes.” Since then, learning has been easy for him.

For brilliant achievements in studies after school, he was accepted to the St. Petersburg Academy. The young man continued to study diligently, helped his mother and continued to pray diligently day after day. After graduating from the Academy, he was ordained a priest and appointed priest of St. Andrew’s Cathedral in the city of Kronstadt.

From the first day after the ordination, Father John gave himself entirely to the ministry. He decided to devote his entire life to God. He lived with his wife as brother and sister and remained a pure virgin for the rest of his life. He never stopped praying for a day.
He taught people the righteous life, helped those in need, and preached the word of the Lord day by day. There was no limit to his diligence. Some even laughed at him, considering him insane. However, he steadfastly continued his journey. Sometimes, coming to a poor family and seeing poverty, he himself went to the store or to the pharmacy for a doctor.
Father taught children. The children adored him, just as he adored them. He always stood up for them, helped and tried to convey all his knowledge. Everyone who knew him personally remembered him all his life. He was an extraordinary man, he could kindle faith in people.

The prayer of Father John was extremely strong. He soon became known as a miracle worker. People began to flock to the river and ask for help. He personally prayed for each petitioner. And there are just an incredible number of stories about how even the most hopeless people recovered thanks to the prayer of Father John.
A lot of money passed through the hands of Father John. But he was never interested in them. One hand receives, the other immediately gives. In 1882 in Kronstadt was opened "House of diligence". It had its own church, a school for boys and girls, a shelter for orphans, a hospital, a shelter and various workshops. There the poor could earn, and in the shelter to get shelter.

Also on the initiative of Father John, a rescue station was built on the shore of the bay. In his homeland he built a beautiful temple. It is difficult to describe all the good things he has done in his long life. That is why the faithful appreciate and respect him.
The birthday of the saint is the day when you can ask him for help and intercession. Prayer to John of Kronstadt on this day is simply obligatory. Go to your father and he will ask the Lord for you. Even after his righteous death, the father responds to the prayers of all who ask.

Prayer to John of Kronstadt, “O great wonderworker and pre-eminent servant of God, God-bearing father John!” Look at us and listen graciously to our prayer, as great gifts like the Lord, may we intercede and pray for us. For these sinful passions are overtaken and devoured with malice, the commandments of God are neglected, repentance of the heart and tears of sighing have not brought, for this reason I am worthy of disillusionment with many sorrows and sorrows.
But you, righteous Father, have great boldness towards the Lord and compassion for your neighbors, having, pray to the All-Generous Lord of the world, that He may try His mercy on us and tolerate our iniquities, will not destroy us for our sake, but will give us time for repentance graciously.
O Holy One of God, help us to observe the Orthodox faith immaculately and to preserve the commandments of God piously, lest all lawlessness possess us, lower the truth of God will be ashamed in our iniquities, but let us be worthy of attaining the end of the Christian, painless, shameless, peaceful and Mystery of God’s communion.
We also pray to you, righteous Father, for the Church of our Saints to the end of the age of confirmed existence, but to our fatherland, ask for peace and prosperity in the righteousness of God and preserve from all evils, so that our peoples, by God, preserve in the unity of faith and in all piety and purity, in the babble of spiritual brotherhood, sobriety and harmony, testify: God is with us! In Him we live, and we move, and we are, and we will remain forever. Amen.

We sincerely believe that God will hear your prayer and fulfill all your requests. The main thing is to pray with all my heart and ask for the most secret.
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