Very instructive! For those who have not read
15-year-old daughter was not at home. Mom looked into her room and noticed with a sinking heart, the letter left her daughter at the table and addressed her.
With shaking hands, she took the letter and read as follows:
Dear Mummy!
Please forgive me, but I decided to go to my new boyfriend.
I love him so much. He - great with all your tattoos and piercings.
And what his motorbike! But this is not the most important thing - the fact that I was pregnant. Ahmed said that we will be very happy in his trailer.
Home put in the forest. It is very beautiful. Ahmed wants to have many children, and this is my dream. I learned a lot from Ahmed.
By the way, marijuana - quite harmless grass. We'll grow it in the courtyard of our trailer for us and our friends, and they will return to treat us with cocaine and ecstasy.
In the meantime, pray with us that scientists quickly found a cure for AIDS, Ahmad was able to feel better. He deserves it.
Mommy! Please do not worry about me!
I am already 15 years old, and I can take care of herself. Someday I will come to your house, so you could see his grandchildren.
Your loving daughter.
P.S. Mom! I wrote the truth! I'm actually at a party at the neighbors.
I just want to tell you what can happen in life is much more unpleasant things than the estimates in my diary, which is in the top drawer of my desk.
With shaking hands, she took the letter and read as follows:
Dear Mummy!
Please forgive me, but I decided to go to my new boyfriend.
I love him so much. He - great with all your tattoos and piercings.
And what his motorbike! But this is not the most important thing - the fact that I was pregnant. Ahmed said that we will be very happy in his trailer.
Home put in the forest. It is very beautiful. Ahmed wants to have many children, and this is my dream. I learned a lot from Ahmed.
By the way, marijuana - quite harmless grass. We'll grow it in the courtyard of our trailer for us and our friends, and they will return to treat us with cocaine and ecstasy.
In the meantime, pray with us that scientists quickly found a cure for AIDS, Ahmad was able to feel better. He deserves it.
Mommy! Please do not worry about me!
I am already 15 years old, and I can take care of herself. Someday I will come to your house, so you could see his grandchildren.
Your loving daughter.
P.S. Mom! I wrote the truth! I'm actually at a party at the neighbors.
I just want to tell you what can happen in life is much more unpleasant things than the estimates in my diary, which is in the top drawer of my desk.