17 the most desperate routes for the adrenaline hunters
Fifty two million seven hundred thirty six thousand four hundred sixty seven
We used to divide people on holiday in 2 types: those who are basking on the beach under the sun, and those who completely bypasses the city and all its attractions. But there is a special kind of tourists who go in search of thrills.
Especially for those who want an unforgettable vacation, Site gathered 17 seats from all corners of the planet, after which you will return another person.
Hiking trail (China)
For someone: Wishing to prove their own fearlessness.
The most dangerous Hiking trail in the world located on mount Huashan, near Xian city in Shaanxi province, China. "Trail of death" made of narrow boards hanging over a bottomless chasm, with no railings and fences.
The Troll Wall (Norway)
For someone: For those who have been dreaming about base jumping.
According to legend, the rocks turned into trolls that once lived in these parts. Today in front of the wall can meet the trolls — many of them, only in the form of Souvenirs. This place is very popular not only among tourists who come here for spectacular photos and impressions, but beyserov. Rocks are among the most difficult objects for base jumping because of the projections, reaching 50 meters.
Walk the glass trail (China)
For someone: For the conquerors of the incredible heights
The third bridge in China's Hunan province, where you can go the catcher in the transparent floor. The trail is called the "Wriggling dragon" and it encircles the mountain at an altitude of about 1.5 kilometers. The bridge offers a view of the road with 99 bends.
Trolltunga (Norway)
For someone: For those who are going to do to overcome the fear of heights and make a couple of gorgeous photos.
At a height604 meter above sea level is an unusual ledge, very similar to the elongated tongue. The Norwegians argue that the form of a ledge such as the language of the mythical trolls, so the place got its name. The boldest manage not only to stand on the edge, but to jump the whole company by checking the "language" of strength.
Kjerag (Norway)
For someone: For those who want to practice balance.
Most tourists rises to the North, not for beautiful views of the fjord, but in order to see the famous stone — Kjeragbolten who is stuck between two vertical rock walls. You can reach it without the aid of climbing equipment, but it is worth considering that the depth of the abyss beneath the stone — more than 1 km.
Diving with sharks (CA, the Bahamas, Cuba, Australia)
For someone: For those who are willing to swim with the toothy predators, and with the most courage — Pat.
The adrenaline you provided when you will see how the shark moves closer to the instructor, opens powerful jaws and takes the fish directly from his hands. You shark will not deprive of attention: it will continue to float over you while you watch over her, and particularly photogenic predators look at the camera and you will be able to make a couple of spectacular shots.
Diving with manta rays (Bali)
For someone: For those who are not yet ready for the sharks.
Bali is a perfect place for diving, you will be comfortable both beginners and experienced divers. Giant manta (manta rays) are not dangerous to humans, but they will impress you with the size. This is the largest species of rays (about 4-4,5 meters), who will swim beside you, above you and below you.
Running Of The Bulls (Spain)
For someone: For those who like to run very fast.
It is the national Spanish tradition, the essence of which — to escape from specially released from the pen Bykov, cows or calves. The route is about 1 km (from the corral to the arena on city streets). Wooden barriers from bars, which are located throughout the route will help to escape from the bulls, we just have time to climb or to crawl under them.
Volcanic surf (Nicaragua)
For someone: For those who are bored with the usual surfing.
Surfers climb the volcano and slide down the ashes on a thin Board of plywood or metal. The dangers of the sport are falling, cuts, particles of volcanic ash, poisoning with toxic gases, burns, flying molten lava. But if you use protective gear, is all right.
The hammock on the altitude (the Alps)
For someone: For those who love hammocks, but I'm tired of swinging between the trees.
In the Italian Alps is a very unusual annual festival and all its participants hang out in the hammocks on ropes stretched above the gorge of the mountain Monte Piana. The daredevils participating in the festival, call themselves slackerly (slackers) — idlers because most of their day, they hang out in hammocks hundreds of feet from the ground and taking selfies.
Walking tall (Toronto)
For someone: For those who always wanted to take a walk outside of the building.
Anyone can walk on the very edge of the tower, located at an altitude of 356 meters (The 116th floor). Visitors to securely attach a special safety system designs of the CN Tower, but not tightly, and so, to be able to walk along the edge, looking down.
Jacob's Well (Texas)
For someone: For those who promise not to explore the bottom of the cave.
Unusual underwater cave with a diameter of 4 meters, facing the outside in one of the ponds of the city of Wimberley, Texas. Cave vertically goes deep into the rocks for a few dozen meters, then branched into underwater corridors stretching into unknown directions.
National Park", Madidi" (Bolivia)
For someone: For those who want to compete in strength with nature.
Feature of reserve is that literally all of this creates the danger: in order to survive, every living organism in this place he developed his own poison. It is here that inhabits the poisonous moths, ants, snakes, jaguars, bears and wild pigs, sometimes attacking people. The most terrible of the insect here is the kind of flies bot fly Dermatobia hominis — all members of the expedition somewhere in the body have been found at least one larva of the gadfly. The water is teeming with rays and poisonous mushrooms, and even plants have poisonous leaves and seeds.
Royal trail (Spain)
For someone: For those who are not looking for easy ways.
The trail is located between the Chorro falls and gaitanejo in the province of Spain. The road is located on a very large distance from earth, its length is 3 km and the width is only 1 meter. Many people prefer extreme if you pass the trails choosing places without handrails, using safety equipment in the form of a tether with a carabiner, which were fastened to the steel safety cables.
Jellyfish Lake (Palau)
For someone: For those who have a totem animal — a jellyfish.
The lake is located in the archipelago of Rocky Islands (Palau) and known isolated populations of two species of jellyfish — the Golden (papua Mastigias) and the moon (Aurelia). Due to the lack of many natural enemies jellyfish have multiplied to 2 million individuals. In addition, the tentacles of the jellyfish have lost their stinging cells (which are responsible for the defeat of the enemy or food source), so this lake is popular with divers and tourists.
A garden of poisonous plants Alnwick (England)
For someone: For those who like everything is forbidden.
This is one of many public gardens, adjacent to the castle Alnwick in Northumberland, England. But the main difference is that here are many the most dangerous plants of the world that can easily kill a man. Behind the black gates of the garden grows about 100 varieties of prohibited plants, of which doing drugs. The main objective of the Park is to convey to the people how harmful and dangerous drugs, what great detail says the guide.
Pool Devil (South Africa)
For someone: For those who have ceased to hold the pools in the hotels.
It is a natural pool located at the edge of the famous Victoria falls (has a width of about 1 800 metres and height of 108 meters). In the dry season (from September to December) when the water level in the river is getting low, tourists can swim,not afraid to fall into the abyss. The pool is the guide that will show you where to go in the water, and insure if necessary.
Waterslide (Brazil)
For someone: For those who life is not without speed
Insano is a water slide located in the entertainment complex "Beach Park" was awarded with the Guinness world records. It reaches a height of 41 meters (for comparison — a little higher than 14-story building), the whole descent takes about 4-5 seconds, the average achieved speed drive on this slide is of the order of 105 km/h.
Photo on preview, wikipedia, Image by joepyrek used under CC
via www.flickr.com/photos/joepyrek/8301662174
We used to divide people on holiday in 2 types: those who are basking on the beach under the sun, and those who completely bypasses the city and all its attractions. But there is a special kind of tourists who go in search of thrills.
Especially for those who want an unforgettable vacation, Site gathered 17 seats from all corners of the planet, after which you will return another person.
Hiking trail (China)

For someone: Wishing to prove their own fearlessness.
The most dangerous Hiking trail in the world located on mount Huashan, near Xian city in Shaanxi province, China. "Trail of death" made of narrow boards hanging over a bottomless chasm, with no railings and fences.
The Troll Wall (Norway)

For someone: For those who have been dreaming about base jumping.
According to legend, the rocks turned into trolls that once lived in these parts. Today in front of the wall can meet the trolls — many of them, only in the form of Souvenirs. This place is very popular not only among tourists who come here for spectacular photos and impressions, but beyserov. Rocks are among the most difficult objects for base jumping because of the projections, reaching 50 meters.
Walk the glass trail (China)

For someone: For the conquerors of the incredible heights
The third bridge in China's Hunan province, where you can go the catcher in the transparent floor. The trail is called the "Wriggling dragon" and it encircles the mountain at an altitude of about 1.5 kilometers. The bridge offers a view of the road with 99 bends.
Trolltunga (Norway)

For someone: For those who are going to do to overcome the fear of heights and make a couple of gorgeous photos.
At a height604 meter above sea level is an unusual ledge, very similar to the elongated tongue. The Norwegians argue that the form of a ledge such as the language of the mythical trolls, so the place got its name. The boldest manage not only to stand on the edge, but to jump the whole company by checking the "language" of strength.
Kjerag (Norway)

For someone: For those who want to practice balance.
Most tourists rises to the North, not for beautiful views of the fjord, but in order to see the famous stone — Kjeragbolten who is stuck between two vertical rock walls. You can reach it without the aid of climbing equipment, but it is worth considering that the depth of the abyss beneath the stone — more than 1 km.
Diving with sharks (CA, the Bahamas, Cuba, Australia)

For someone: For those who are willing to swim with the toothy predators, and with the most courage — Pat.
The adrenaline you provided when you will see how the shark moves closer to the instructor, opens powerful jaws and takes the fish directly from his hands. You shark will not deprive of attention: it will continue to float over you while you watch over her, and particularly photogenic predators look at the camera and you will be able to make a couple of spectacular shots.
Diving with manta rays (Bali)

For someone: For those who are not yet ready for the sharks.
Bali is a perfect place for diving, you will be comfortable both beginners and experienced divers. Giant manta (manta rays) are not dangerous to humans, but they will impress you with the size. This is the largest species of rays (about 4-4,5 meters), who will swim beside you, above you and below you.
Running Of The Bulls (Spain)

For someone: For those who like to run very fast.
It is the national Spanish tradition, the essence of which — to escape from specially released from the pen Bykov, cows or calves. The route is about 1 km (from the corral to the arena on city streets). Wooden barriers from bars, which are located throughout the route will help to escape from the bulls, we just have time to climb or to crawl under them.
Volcanic surf (Nicaragua)

For someone: For those who are bored with the usual surfing.
Surfers climb the volcano and slide down the ashes on a thin Board of plywood or metal. The dangers of the sport are falling, cuts, particles of volcanic ash, poisoning with toxic gases, burns, flying molten lava. But if you use protective gear, is all right.
The hammock on the altitude (the Alps)

For someone: For those who love hammocks, but I'm tired of swinging between the trees.
In the Italian Alps is a very unusual annual festival and all its participants hang out in the hammocks on ropes stretched above the gorge of the mountain Monte Piana. The daredevils participating in the festival, call themselves slackerly (slackers) — idlers because most of their day, they hang out in hammocks hundreds of feet from the ground and taking selfies.
Walking tall (Toronto)

For someone: For those who always wanted to take a walk outside of the building.
Anyone can walk on the very edge of the tower, located at an altitude of 356 meters (The 116th floor). Visitors to securely attach a special safety system designs of the CN Tower, but not tightly, and so, to be able to walk along the edge, looking down.
Jacob's Well (Texas)

For someone: For those who promise not to explore the bottom of the cave.
Unusual underwater cave with a diameter of 4 meters, facing the outside in one of the ponds of the city of Wimberley, Texas. Cave vertically goes deep into the rocks for a few dozen meters, then branched into underwater corridors stretching into unknown directions.
National Park", Madidi" (Bolivia)

For someone: For those who want to compete in strength with nature.
Feature of reserve is that literally all of this creates the danger: in order to survive, every living organism in this place he developed his own poison. It is here that inhabits the poisonous moths, ants, snakes, jaguars, bears and wild pigs, sometimes attacking people. The most terrible of the insect here is the kind of flies bot fly Dermatobia hominis — all members of the expedition somewhere in the body have been found at least one larva of the gadfly. The water is teeming with rays and poisonous mushrooms, and even plants have poisonous leaves and seeds.
Royal trail (Spain)

For someone: For those who are not looking for easy ways.
The trail is located between the Chorro falls and gaitanejo in the province of Spain. The road is located on a very large distance from earth, its length is 3 km and the width is only 1 meter. Many people prefer extreme if you pass the trails choosing places without handrails, using safety equipment in the form of a tether with a carabiner, which were fastened to the steel safety cables.
Jellyfish Lake (Palau)

For someone: For those who have a totem animal — a jellyfish.
The lake is located in the archipelago of Rocky Islands (Palau) and known isolated populations of two species of jellyfish — the Golden (papua Mastigias) and the moon (Aurelia). Due to the lack of many natural enemies jellyfish have multiplied to 2 million individuals. In addition, the tentacles of the jellyfish have lost their stinging cells (which are responsible for the defeat of the enemy or food source), so this lake is popular with divers and tourists.
A garden of poisonous plants Alnwick (England)

For someone: For those who like everything is forbidden.
This is one of many public gardens, adjacent to the castle Alnwick in Northumberland, England. But the main difference is that here are many the most dangerous plants of the world that can easily kill a man. Behind the black gates of the garden grows about 100 varieties of prohibited plants, of which doing drugs. The main objective of the Park is to convey to the people how harmful and dangerous drugs, what great detail says the guide.
Pool Devil (South Africa)

For someone: For those who have ceased to hold the pools in the hotels.
It is a natural pool located at the edge of the famous Victoria falls (has a width of about 1 800 metres and height of 108 meters). In the dry season (from September to December) when the water level in the river is getting low, tourists can swim,not afraid to fall into the abyss. The pool is the guide that will show you where to go in the water, and insure if necessary.
Waterslide (Brazil)

For someone: For those who life is not without speed
Insano is a water slide located in the entertainment complex "Beach Park" was awarded with the Guinness world records. It reaches a height of 41 meters (for comparison — a little higher than 14-story building), the whole descent takes about 4-5 seconds, the average achieved speed drive on this slide is of the order of 105 km/h.
Photo on preview, wikipedia, Image by joepyrek used under CC
via www.flickr.com/photos/joepyrek/8301662174
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