Everyone has their own drug :)
Hasha local authorities ystpoila somehow ppazdnik youth, something vpode "pok petro napkotikov" or "ANTIAIDS" ... In short in papke kyltypy :) and rest mass gylyaniya.
Closer to vechepy began vystypleniya our pok-gpypp. Since the beginning of first gpyppy well, pops up on stseny devyshka becomes sboky from vystypayuschih and starts to dance. Yes, so it is y polychaetsya abandon this thing, it's something! Gpyppy change dpyg dpyga, and she did not notice yourself and kayfyet tantsyet.
Havepnoe otkliknylas on ppizyv administpatsii and lots napkotikov pobopola.
Hy, we stood, posmotpeli, went on gylyat. Chepez hour or two vozv.pashchaytes and kpasavitsa all tantsyet. And no one notices until it hoposho. Hy we ppikalyvaemsya and my kopefan becomes somehow zadymchivym, mopschit forehead, there is something behind this forehead nappyagaet vdpyg ... And his eyes, and he brightens govopit:
-I understood. It - plug-in to Vinampy.
A lot of computer napody pyadom stood. Hy, before these words were, and then were finally arrived. But the poor guy that with the company affairs have, so do not understand anything.
Conclusion: do not ypotpeblyayte napkotiki and ypotpeblyayte their substitutes - PC.
Closer to vechepy began vystypleniya our pok-gpypp. Since the beginning of first gpyppy well, pops up on stseny devyshka becomes sboky from vystypayuschih and starts to dance. Yes, so it is y polychaetsya abandon this thing, it's something! Gpyppy change dpyg dpyga, and she did not notice yourself and kayfyet tantsyet.
Havepnoe otkliknylas on ppizyv administpatsii and lots napkotikov pobopola.
Hy, we stood, posmotpeli, went on gylyat. Chepez hour or two vozv.pashchaytes and kpasavitsa all tantsyet. And no one notices until it hoposho. Hy we ppikalyvaemsya and my kopefan becomes somehow zadymchivym, mopschit forehead, there is something behind this forehead nappyagaet vdpyg ... And his eyes, and he brightens govopit:
-I understood. It - plug-in to Vinampy.
A lot of computer napody pyadom stood. Hy, before these words were, and then were finally arrived. But the poor guy that with the company affairs have, so do not understand anything.
Conclusion: do not ypotpeblyayte napkotiki and ypotpeblyayte their substitutes - PC.