About the "anti-piracy" fraud on the Internet
Who came across a grand "anti-piracy" scam that happened in the EU in December and January of this year, until I went to Moscow and was sick, and it seems to go unnoticed by the Russian public. More precisely, it began three years ago, and probably earlier, but now it had a regular series in which floated the light of day some savory items.
Somewhere at the end of January, the regular police noisy campaign to disperse warez underground. With searches confiscation and seizure. As usual, an integral part of long-term advertising campaign is a propaganda campaign of various "anti-piracy" offices. A similar campaign began here, which lasted a few days - and then stopped as the cut. The fact that the "fighters against piracy" this time caught by the hand on a hot.
Driving scam, which last year alone cranked at least three times, approximately as follows:
1) "Antipiraty" get control of one of warez ftp-server (meaning no public server with sour old software with counterfeit compact, and those through which the warez groups boast to each other the results of high-speed tyrennye not-yet-sold programs - t. 0day warez. However, for further big difference there). Or by bribing | intimidation operator of an existing server with a reputation, or simply basing your server and display it "in the people" - see. 2)
2) After the server "antipiraty" methodically begin pumping fresh warez into space, giving it to all comers. Warez produce them as persons closely related to the copyright cartels, razumeeetsya much easier than the average warez "dealer." There is some uncertainty about whether the transfer rights holders "antipiratam" software intentionally or last act on your own risk. In both cases, all further charges from them become funny character, but in different ways. Servers, of course, over time, become a very popular and prestigious.
3) At the same time, "antipiraty" gather the coordinates of machines, they are actively downloading. IP-address is transferred further to the names and apparently still produce some filtering.
4) All the while, of course, continued training of law enforcement agencies, so they do not let us down at the right moment. In related news, the details are not mentioned, but similar to the actions of these same offices in Russia, we can assume that the gentleman's set includes "sponsorship" spamming offices "samples of licensed products", the organization of all sorts of "conferences" and "courses" for police conducted mainly in the subtropical zone, and other quasi-legal methods of bribery.
What is said at these conferences, apparently is not so important, though, judging by the wafting to us scraps of the original interpretations of copyright, and the law itself, the Lord lecturers, any legally savvy human hair stand on end.
5) To some, the most politically opportune moment, "antipiraty" collect lists of 3) and go to the cops out of 4) a statement - we say, investigating and covered an extensive international network of piracy, causing losses of millions of mankind! Billions! Trillions! dollars.
Please, say, to make searches and arrests on the enclosed list. In the same list indicates some warez who should be sought. According to the law, in fact usually required to give at least minimal evidence, but how can you refuse such a nice cat and Dusko!
6) As a result of a search, most predicted "antipiratami" Varese is located in the predicted location. Which, given 3), it is not surprising. However, to give further evidence of criminal activity is usually a problem. That is, of course, has a chance to attack during searches for traces of real and not fraudulent warez networks, but in general - is a matter of chance. Especially if you do not know what to look for - and how did the police know.
7) The police in this case is enriched in the vast park of confiscated iron. Theoretically, after the termination of the investigation, these "clues" should be returned to the owners. In practice, science still has not registered any case to suspect in "hacking" and "piracy" article got back their equipment intact. In the best case possible to achieve through the courts the return of some Ohryzko, very remotely resembling confiscated.
8) In the next step, allegedly as a result of the investigation, "antipiraty" police hands with fanfare banging your warez server, preferably taking with him some of the accused the promising - the other, ignorant of the machinations of the operator, or a provider whose server hosts. Last - is the main (or, rather, the only) of the accused to court (if the case comes to court) and the justification made searches, arrests and seizures.
Some comments about the above schemes.
At first. Contrary to popular rumor (to dissolve the same "antipiratami") possessing counterfeit copies of software (warez), whether in the form of CD / DVD, or as files on the hard drive itself is not a violation of copyright, or something else. As well as not a violation of copyright to receive it through the Internet or in some other way.
The latter, however, strongly disputed by some American lawyers (in Country coincidentally, was in the service RIAA), but Europe - not America, views on the Internet, copyright, and copyright in the Internet we have with them significantly different. But, on the other hand, the presence of human copies of unpublished proprietary software - could be considered as evidence of illegal activity in the past, or an intention to be in the future. In the end, any prerelease Windows Vista on the road do not roll, and just to get to some Swedish students could not. But in this case, warez was obtained not from the mysterious "international pirate network, funded by global terrorism," and by themselves as "antipiratov" that the last - well known.
In other words, the actions of "antipiratov" in this situation, do not qualify as "operational activities" (as say the last being entrapment), and not as a "provocation" (as gently suggest journalists) - as well as the lzhestvidetelstvo and forging evidence. That is - the action itself a criminal offense (though, as a rule, do not punish).
Secondly. It is easy to notice, even according to official triumphant "anttipiratov" that the relationship of "anti-piracy" to the number of attacks did indeed convicted on the result of the raids - is not enough. In some cases - is infinitely small. That is one way, and do not condemn, it's falling apart before the trial. The above diagram shows why. But for the purpose of carrying out attacks "antipiratov" it is not a criminal prosecution of anyone buy. The purpose - to cause maximum damage to the hands of police as many people as before and without any trial.
In other words, the purpose of anti-piracy raids - terror.
Third. There is a psychological phenomenon known as "complex Zheglova." Willingness to justify lawlessness, particularly on the part of public officials, if it is aimed at "good cause." I do not think the fight for copyright such a good purpose, but it must be noted that by themselves these scams contribute to the spread of Varese where more so than hinder.
Warez scene, if we discard psevdokriminalny entourage, on their motives and the social structure is not so fundamentally different from any other hobbies such as hiking or stamp collecting. The goal of the hacker group - to get a rare or valuable warez to show off in front of their other such groups. Distribution of Varese, in principle, that the public does not contradict, but is not a priority, and therefore - is financed by a residual principle. From the pocket money the participants, who is not that very large.
Apparently, some of the activity funded by the manufacturers / dealers of pirated compact sets, but generally speaking, they are interested in the warez scene is very limited. Merchants counterfeiting pirates ready and massive popular programs - that is, such that it is easier to buy in the nearest software store for much less money and with far less risk.
Motivation and the possibility of "psevdopirata" completely different. It has almost unlimited access to the unpublished proprietary programs that do not cost him anything. It has over a dozen financial support for transnational corporations. And he is interested in is to tie bonds with a maximum number of people. The budget (and therefore the scope and activity) a dummy server is comparable with the budget of the rest of the warez scene together.
In other words, the task of "Hunting hackers" is not reducing the amount of walking on a network of counterfeit goods, and to achieve some other purpose, most likely - the political.
Somewhere at the end of January, the regular police noisy campaign to disperse warez underground. With searches confiscation and seizure. As usual, an integral part of long-term advertising campaign is a propaganda campaign of various "anti-piracy" offices. A similar campaign began here, which lasted a few days - and then stopped as the cut. The fact that the "fighters against piracy" this time caught by the hand on a hot.
Driving scam, which last year alone cranked at least three times, approximately as follows:
1) "Antipiraty" get control of one of warez ftp-server (meaning no public server with sour old software with counterfeit compact, and those through which the warez groups boast to each other the results of high-speed tyrennye not-yet-sold programs - t. 0day warez. However, for further big difference there). Or by bribing | intimidation operator of an existing server with a reputation, or simply basing your server and display it "in the people" - see. 2)
2) After the server "antipiraty" methodically begin pumping fresh warez into space, giving it to all comers. Warez produce them as persons closely related to the copyright cartels, razumeeetsya much easier than the average warez "dealer." There is some uncertainty about whether the transfer rights holders "antipiratam" software intentionally or last act on your own risk. In both cases, all further charges from them become funny character, but in different ways. Servers, of course, over time, become a very popular and prestigious.
3) At the same time, "antipiraty" gather the coordinates of machines, they are actively downloading. IP-address is transferred further to the names and apparently still produce some filtering.
4) All the while, of course, continued training of law enforcement agencies, so they do not let us down at the right moment. In related news, the details are not mentioned, but similar to the actions of these same offices in Russia, we can assume that the gentleman's set includes "sponsorship" spamming offices "samples of licensed products", the organization of all sorts of "conferences" and "courses" for police conducted mainly in the subtropical zone, and other quasi-legal methods of bribery.
What is said at these conferences, apparently is not so important, though, judging by the wafting to us scraps of the original interpretations of copyright, and the law itself, the Lord lecturers, any legally savvy human hair stand on end.
5) To some, the most politically opportune moment, "antipiraty" collect lists of 3) and go to the cops out of 4) a statement - we say, investigating and covered an extensive international network of piracy, causing losses of millions of mankind! Billions! Trillions! dollars.
Please, say, to make searches and arrests on the enclosed list. In the same list indicates some warez who should be sought. According to the law, in fact usually required to give at least minimal evidence, but how can you refuse such a nice cat and Dusko!
6) As a result of a search, most predicted "antipiratami" Varese is located in the predicted location. Which, given 3), it is not surprising. However, to give further evidence of criminal activity is usually a problem. That is, of course, has a chance to attack during searches for traces of real and not fraudulent warez networks, but in general - is a matter of chance. Especially if you do not know what to look for - and how did the police know.
7) The police in this case is enriched in the vast park of confiscated iron. Theoretically, after the termination of the investigation, these "clues" should be returned to the owners. In practice, science still has not registered any case to suspect in "hacking" and "piracy" article got back their equipment intact. In the best case possible to achieve through the courts the return of some Ohryzko, very remotely resembling confiscated.
8) In the next step, allegedly as a result of the investigation, "antipiraty" police hands with fanfare banging your warez server, preferably taking with him some of the accused the promising - the other, ignorant of the machinations of the operator, or a provider whose server hosts. Last - is the main (or, rather, the only) of the accused to court (if the case comes to court) and the justification made searches, arrests and seizures.
Some comments about the above schemes.
At first. Contrary to popular rumor (to dissolve the same "antipiratami") possessing counterfeit copies of software (warez), whether in the form of CD / DVD, or as files on the hard drive itself is not a violation of copyright, or something else. As well as not a violation of copyright to receive it through the Internet or in some other way.
The latter, however, strongly disputed by some American lawyers (in Country coincidentally, was in the service RIAA), but Europe - not America, views on the Internet, copyright, and copyright in the Internet we have with them significantly different. But, on the other hand, the presence of human copies of unpublished proprietary software - could be considered as evidence of illegal activity in the past, or an intention to be in the future. In the end, any prerelease Windows Vista on the road do not roll, and just to get to some Swedish students could not. But in this case, warez was obtained not from the mysterious "international pirate network, funded by global terrorism," and by themselves as "antipiratov" that the last - well known.
In other words, the actions of "antipiratov" in this situation, do not qualify as "operational activities" (as say the last being entrapment), and not as a "provocation" (as gently suggest journalists) - as well as the lzhestvidetelstvo and forging evidence. That is - the action itself a criminal offense (though, as a rule, do not punish).
Secondly. It is easy to notice, even according to official triumphant "anttipiratov" that the relationship of "anti-piracy" to the number of attacks did indeed convicted on the result of the raids - is not enough. In some cases - is infinitely small. That is one way, and do not condemn, it's falling apart before the trial. The above diagram shows why. But for the purpose of carrying out attacks "antipiratov" it is not a criminal prosecution of anyone buy. The purpose - to cause maximum damage to the hands of police as many people as before and without any trial.
In other words, the purpose of anti-piracy raids - terror.
Third. There is a psychological phenomenon known as "complex Zheglova." Willingness to justify lawlessness, particularly on the part of public officials, if it is aimed at "good cause." I do not think the fight for copyright such a good purpose, but it must be noted that by themselves these scams contribute to the spread of Varese where more so than hinder.
Warez scene, if we discard psevdokriminalny entourage, on their motives and the social structure is not so fundamentally different from any other hobbies such as hiking or stamp collecting. The goal of the hacker group - to get a rare or valuable warez to show off in front of their other such groups. Distribution of Varese, in principle, that the public does not contradict, but is not a priority, and therefore - is financed by a residual principle. From the pocket money the participants, who is not that very large.
Apparently, some of the activity funded by the manufacturers / dealers of pirated compact sets, but generally speaking, they are interested in the warez scene is very limited. Merchants counterfeiting pirates ready and massive popular programs - that is, such that it is easier to buy in the nearest software store for much less money and with far less risk.
Motivation and the possibility of "psevdopirata" completely different. It has almost unlimited access to the unpublished proprietary programs that do not cost him anything. It has over a dozen financial support for transnational corporations. And he is interested in is to tie bonds with a maximum number of people. The budget (and therefore the scope and activity) a dummy server is comparable with the budget of the rest of the warez scene together.
In other words, the task of "Hunting hackers" is not reducing the amount of walking on a network of counterfeit goods, and to achieve some other purpose, most likely - the political.
The response letter from the village leadership "Euroset"
I liked very much. Museum unusual handcuffs