Three iron rules of reputation on the Internet for everyone

What happens if an employer or business partner will see a social network or forum scandalous review about you? What to do if you vilify online? Alexander Fedotov personally confronted with the negative about themselves on the Internet and has developed step by step practical guide to action, how to protect themselves from the shame of the network.
Google is becoming not only our right, but also left-handed. And without rapid reconciliation "and that write about it on the internet?" No action was taken. So no matter who you play: their own, in a big company or on behalf of your business, you have to control what they write about you on the Internet. Shoemaker still be in his boots, because in this article I will give step by step methods of managing your reputation online.
Why is important to you reputation online? If you work for someone else, then your HR department will look about you and your relationship with the employer company all possible information.
When hiring all HR looking through the search engines and in all social. networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki) information about you. If you open your photos wherever you are drunk or compromising your state, then your chances of getting a job are sharply reduced
If your customers are unhappy with your goods or services, then you should not ignore these reviews. After a certain time and a certain amount of negative reviews, you will already be difficult to fight off a snowball that flies in your direction. A negative about you on the Internet is always four to five times greater than the positive.
In line speed of information can be extremely high
Step by step instructions for managing your online reputation
1. Gather all the possible combinations of key queries that you or your company can be found - name, company name, service name, product name, and so on (depending on whose reputation you need to monitor). For example, in my case - Alexander Fedotov, Ashmanov and partners Ukraine, an expert in Internet marketing in Ukraine and so on.
2. Perform a search in two main channels:
Social Networks. Facebook, Vkontakte, Twitter, which will lead you to the inner group of public and private messages.
Search Engines and their services. Google and Yandex (blog search, video search), which further show what they say about you on video sites (eg YouTube and so on), blogs (LiveJournal, a separate blog on Wordpress, etc.), forums and other sites.
If the information is too much, then you need automated monitoring tools.
3. If you find a negative right on the first page in the SERPs, then it will also find your customers. In this case, use the service SERM (Search Engine Reputation Management), the meaning of which is to raise the positive information about yourself in the top 10 results. If you can not find positive information about yourself, then you can rise above the neutral or not directly related to the information you so zashumlyaete extradition.
If you want to ensure that all information was "correct", then publish the article with the headline "name-surname-text" or the "Company-text" on industry resources (in the amount of 10-20 pieces). Then you go to the SEO company and ask them to buy links to required to "uplift" page. In my case, it is irrelevant, since all the information is positive.
4. If you find information about yourself in a social network or forum, then the following flow chart:
If the information is completely absurd, then, most likely, this comment wrote the so-called troll who just wanted to draw attention to themselves in this way. You can directly contact them, find out the reasons and asked to remove information or to apologize, if you make a mistake in your service or product was substandard. What I did in the above example, at the beginning of the article - written directly to the author and asked what I had touched.
If commentator agrees to remove information that is not responding or behaves inappropriately, then you either publicly respond constructively and ask to clarify the situation - briefly and without falling into the controversy. Either you are betraying the situation publicized via their own media (that's why it's so important company blog). Or go to the third media and give an official response and translate communication on their own site, which you can control.
Or a third option - you can postpone the discussion on related topics. To do this, you need to have the so-called "partisans" who come to the site and will translate the discussion in another direction. For example, the discussion of the Mayor to discuss the bad roads, further to the discussion of taxes, further to the discussion of the IMF and the crisis in the world. So like the negative and went in another direction.
Of course, you can always hold a press konferetsniyu, invite journalists and tell them what happened. But it is for the "big».
Three iron rules of reputation management on the Internet
Never go to the individual. Only a constructive and peaceful "debriefing».
Always answer (at least briefly, to show that you care), and preferably quickly.
Always be aware and make sure that they write about you on the Internet, because if you do not, then most likely, you write about the bad.