Raskas about how I took the job
I woke up, began to get up in the morning with a cot, stretched, and immediately fell to the floor. Aluminum arc sick snapped my head na. Dick with her apyat Slaman. earn money - buy new raskloduhu, iron. navrode how it stronger will. prasnulsya patopal and in the shower. Shoot vada apyat not. But (abratiti attention on May saabrazitilnast) in a tank of the toilet was still vada. hozyaystvennae soap unfortunately zakonchelos. but it's no trouble. & quot; Pemo-Xolo & quot; still remained. vytrehnuv powder residue on his hand, I poured on the skull and started scraping. mylilos pachimuta bad. WADA from the toilet is not much pamagala.
ter ter, spat, put in sartir turnip and pulled the trigger. though refreshed. schetkay clothes brushed his teeth and mouth propalaskal for priyatnava vinegar smell.
Pat became odevatsa. Founded shirt in Qatar batyu took the Pioneers. it is almost pure and almost nervanaya. Well there vsevoto 2 pugavits polrukava and do not have a shortage. it's even better - will be spectacular smatretsa Mai chesy Mantana that have long Nekhoda. but it nonprincipal - direktar padumait I patsaks business and eventually follow. in a way dilavova chilaveka glavnae tie. in Minya nikagda nebylo him, but my mother's closet I Founded belt from his robe hlapchatabumazhnovo karichnevovo color and zavezal Evo top varatnika varatnika shirt. Kanets one belt left Balata at the navel. cool happened. pachti how nastayaschaya tie a businessman. Then put new red tights in palosochku there Cullen pachti not hang bubbles so chyut-chyut savsem. and had Abutov rezinavye sapagi. cuz it remains the only shoes I have nervanaya. Further he lays hair shoe polish, perfume asvezhitelem air sartire. And he went out into the street.
In pamoechke padabral good package pachti not dirty, judging by the smell of it just rotten fish and palazhil him to school titradku salidnosti. Neither one nor zahatel padbrosit let me work and I paetamu pashol on astanovku. He sat on the bus. Nimastrya that old women were already full, the place I pachimu at once conceded and asked Her praezdnoy no. Vidima poneli I beznesmen very steep, so even with the package. Dabralsya I let the office. Zahazhu to the secretary. Ghawar - I sabisedovanie. She paprasila I dakumenty: there Passepartout, diploma etc. I put it titradku, Mercator has managed to reek of rotten fish, said I - and went to the Chapa direktaru. Before I hand the door straightened hair, she sighed and zashol. Direktar akazalsya salidnym desisexyboy even scary, just like our old janitor Stepanovich.
I kaneshno abassalsya and once again poblagadaril himself for resourcefulness. All bedwetter went into rezinavyi sapagi and he did not notice anything. Direktar came because of became and held out his hand. I squeezed her. He quickly drew back her abratna and looked at his hand. Well, I think, a wimp. Akazalos not - it is mired in May of shoe polish. When I papravlyal hair shoe polish he has not had time to dry. Oh, yes, now the scaffold shoe polish release. He pridlazhil I sit down and I squelching sapagami, sat down on the chair. Tights immediately snapped in the middle. The main thing - do not tushevattsa, padumal I flick of the wrist loosened his tie and belted them. And I start a conversation. He asked me dusheschipatelnyi vapros, I am Katori Resk zabalel zhyvot. He started strong and I hum unbearably wanted to fart. That he did not notice the sound bunch, I think, nada padgadat next moment a loud rumbling sound bunch. So I did. Adnavo kanechno not provided - the smell of the ostaettsa! When I smelled the ass that went through a zagazovkoy atmosphere, I realized that it is necessary ulybattsa as much as possible. Who would think a man who affable ulybaetsa that the names he farted? Yes anybody.
Suppose he thinks his secretary. Vopschem further conversation took place slowly. Kafeёchku or seagull I do not even pridlazhili. But I kagda upaminul that there Minh gonachnaya kapeechka, direktar decided porobovat me pridlazhit dolzhnast pradavtsa-kansultanta bytavoy tehneke. I was so glad that he hatel Padar pile old school titradku in katoray 10 years abucheniya whole 3 pages covered with writing. He has thrown refused. Vopschem said INTO pazvanit. I will wait.
ter ter, spat, put in sartir turnip and pulled the trigger. though refreshed. schetkay clothes brushed his teeth and mouth propalaskal for priyatnava vinegar smell.
Pat became odevatsa. Founded shirt in Qatar batyu took the Pioneers. it is almost pure and almost nervanaya. Well there vsevoto 2 pugavits polrukava and do not have a shortage. it's even better - will be spectacular smatretsa Mai chesy Mantana that have long Nekhoda. but it nonprincipal - direktar padumait I patsaks business and eventually follow. in a way dilavova chilaveka glavnae tie. in Minya nikagda nebylo him, but my mother's closet I Founded belt from his robe hlapchatabumazhnovo karichnevovo color and zavezal Evo top varatnika varatnika shirt. Kanets one belt left Balata at the navel. cool happened. pachti how nastayaschaya tie a businessman. Then put new red tights in palosochku there Cullen pachti not hang bubbles so chyut-chyut savsem. and had Abutov rezinavye sapagi. cuz it remains the only shoes I have nervanaya. Further he lays hair shoe polish, perfume asvezhitelem air sartire. And he went out into the street.
In pamoechke padabral good package pachti not dirty, judging by the smell of it just rotten fish and palazhil him to school titradku salidnosti. Neither one nor zahatel padbrosit let me work and I paetamu pashol on astanovku. He sat on the bus. Nimastrya that old women were already full, the place I pachimu at once conceded and asked Her praezdnoy no. Vidima poneli I beznesmen very steep, so even with the package. Dabralsya I let the office. Zahazhu to the secretary. Ghawar - I sabisedovanie. She paprasila I dakumenty: there Passepartout, diploma etc. I put it titradku, Mercator has managed to reek of rotten fish, said I - and went to the Chapa direktaru. Before I hand the door straightened hair, she sighed and zashol. Direktar akazalsya salidnym desisexyboy even scary, just like our old janitor Stepanovich.
I kaneshno abassalsya and once again poblagadaril himself for resourcefulness. All bedwetter went into rezinavyi sapagi and he did not notice anything. Direktar came because of became and held out his hand. I squeezed her. He quickly drew back her abratna and looked at his hand. Well, I think, a wimp. Akazalos not - it is mired in May of shoe polish. When I papravlyal hair shoe polish he has not had time to dry. Oh, yes, now the scaffold shoe polish release. He pridlazhil I sit down and I squelching sapagami, sat down on the chair. Tights immediately snapped in the middle. The main thing - do not tushevattsa, padumal I flick of the wrist loosened his tie and belted them. And I start a conversation. He asked me dusheschipatelnyi vapros, I am Katori Resk zabalel zhyvot. He started strong and I hum unbearably wanted to fart. That he did not notice the sound bunch, I think, nada padgadat next moment a loud rumbling sound bunch. So I did. Adnavo kanechno not provided - the smell of the ostaettsa! When I smelled the ass that went through a zagazovkoy atmosphere, I realized that it is necessary ulybattsa as much as possible. Who would think a man who affable ulybaetsa that the names he farted? Yes anybody.
Suppose he thinks his secretary. Vopschem further conversation took place slowly. Kafeёchku or seagull I do not even pridlazhili. But I kagda upaminul that there Minh gonachnaya kapeechka, direktar decided porobovat me pridlazhit dolzhnast pradavtsa-kansultanta bytavoy tehneke. I was so glad that he hatel Padar pile old school titradku in katoray 10 years abucheniya whole 3 pages covered with writing. He has thrown refused. Vopschem said INTO pazvanit. I will wait.