History On How To my friend worked as a welder suits

Familiar to work happy. Welder. Interview. Shop Master has come and sit with the girl-kadrovichkoy (fashionable now - "eychar") to communicate. Master asks that cooked, discharge and other subtleties (sorry, colleagues, but I like the welding of "girl kadrovichka"). There are many questions asked, answered and told an acquaintance. The girl listened.
We talked for twenty minutes. Master said the girl right in front of the familiar: "Well, a specialist, like, clever - please arrange to us»
. Girl: "Wait! It is necessary to pass the psychological test yet! »
Master: "And what kind of test»
? Girl: "Well, the psychological! We must realize, man suits us or not, how do you not understand? »
Master: "So what is this test»
? Girl: "Well, there is a line, krugleshochki, pictures show the man, but on the basis of his answers are paintings compatibility, give management a clear view of the workers who accept»
. Master: "Give a piece of paper - I'll draw for it»
. Girl slightly perplexed, but gives the A4 sheet and a pen. Master takes on the contours of her (no anatomical detail!) Member holds her and asks: "What I drew»
? The girl blushes, embarrassed, but so quietly says: "Member»
. Wizard girl says: "Julia! Kindly, to issue a person without all this your garbage until I did not say all that you have HB-46-39-00 part of our factory directory member confusing. »
Has issued.
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