"Classmates" are full of "Abramovich"
Governor of Chukotka and owner of the club "Chelsea" Roman Abramovich - the most popular person on the "Odnoklassnikah.ru" although he himself, according to the developers of the resource, the site is not officially registered, reports "Interfax".
As the founder and co-owner of the social network "Odnoklassniki.ru" Albert Popkov, the site has recently recorded profiles users often doubles of famous people who often do not use the resource.
"The most" unhappy "our users - Roman Abramovich, whom we once a week to remove, it is re-registered, and we remove it again. At the same time the governor of Chukotka, according to his press secretary, do not use the site, "- said Alexander Popkov.
He explains this situation by the fact that there is a certain part of people who want some time to be known for something and create duplicate profiles on the site. Many famous people, recognizing that someone is in correspondence on their behalf, are offended by the developers.
"Do not put the same to us, in fact, a stamp in the passport. Complaining about us - still, if someone writes on the wall something indecent about me, and then I will try to sue builders building "- said the owner of the resource. At the same time, according to A. Popkov, some asked not to remove their "twins».
On the "mates" created a lot of profiles of Russian politicians, pop stars and movies. Such questionnaires are marked with an asterisk, and collected in a special section.
"Some of them personally sits on the site, for someone to do the spokesperson, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, for this is the whole team. Philip is also an active user ", - he said, noting that for these users the Internet provides an opportunity to communicate with their audience and fans.
"We know that we have on the site registered a number of major ministers, who sometimes personally called to the office and complain that" they are not photos of Georgia ", - said A. Popkov.