Romance and only ... (№1)
"Distant Love»
- Well, I decided to fly yet? - Sergei was thrilled.
- What is there to do? Business trips are not canceled, - I answered loudly and persistently.
- In Riga, like fog, nothing you started it, hand over the ticket - my friend was adamant.
- No way, I'm lucky.
- Come on ... lucky ... Just by Dainis miss.
- Oh-oh-oh, what we are insightful - I chuckled derisively, saying to myself that old reliable friend Serge is sometimes jealous.
- Lada now podedu, help you push the bag into the plane. But Anyutische, from Sheremetyevo I ran back at me in the morning lessons. In short, wait. I will.
I hung up the phone. Was the end of the 80s, I was flying to Latvia on a business trip as a methodologist of the experimental work. Yes, Serge was right. I probably do not have yearned to Riga, and fly from her husband all the more, if not Dainis. Dainis Ozolinsh. He was at a seminar on educational psychology, and I remember the first time. Bright intelligence, burning eyes, long soft hair, casual elegance of European style of dress, a subtle sense of beauty. In general, my heart trembled.
Dainis lived in the town of Ogre, near the capital of the Republic of Latvia, he worked in the school, led the children's choir, he played on a variety of musical instruments. And, of course, when the call came from his school, I immediately agreed to the trip.
We arrived at the Sheremetyevo hour before landing. Serge pointed out to me on the scoreboard, where large green letters light of the information about the transfer of my flight for three hours due to adverse weather conditions in Riga.
- Lucky. Oh, you lucky - my bearded friend smiled and went to take the trunk to the storage chamber.
After wandering around the airport and negotiations, all possible topics, we said goodbye.
Unbearably sleepy. Dark Night of the huge windows evoke a yawn and a terrible fatigue. Flight tolerated again. He bought newspapers and magazines, I sat down on the vacant place.
Suddenly a chill ran down his back. Yes ... a familiar feeling. I call it "a premonition of love."
Catching this pleasant emotional wave, I decided to hold in this state. I wonder whether I will meet Dainis? No mobile phones did not exist, and there is no place to call long distance, he did not have his number, and the school probably all asleep. Finally landing declared. I took the camera out of storage volume bag, noting to myself that was the worry, and the heart beats more than usual. I check the pockets. New packaging validol with him.
... The plane climbed out of the night right in the morning, in a pink sky. Then he turned around. Rising Sun is left behind, and we flew there, where else have only just begun to fade silver stars.
From Moscow to Riga fly about an hour. I had time to touch up makeup, a word with a neighbor, and look through the guide to Riga.
Damn, but the excitement was not held. On the contrary, the head climbed silly idea that if I do not meet anybody, how to get to the Ogre. Schedule of trains and buses. It stood while in the Baltic countries at the sound of Russian speech raised an unprecedented wave of aggression and common questions on a city street or a railway ticket office could provoke an attack of rampant ethnic intransigence.
I closed my eyes and dealt himself all possible scenarios.
Suddenly the voice of the stewardess brought me out of this state, we have announced that our plane went to the decline and it is necessary to fasten your seat belts. I looked out the window. Good God! As the pilot is going to put the car in such tumanische ?! The plane of the wing even to be seen! Complete darkness. And the gray-pink dense color. Inside, there was complete silence. I looked around. People stumble upon windows, and apparently thought the same thing about what I do.
Yes ... Stewardess with a cold smile on duty almost forcibly handing out bags and candy.
- Well, that I do not have - he whispered a neighbor to death frightened voice.
Yes, it is strange, but the children of our flight for some reason did not fly.
We began to decline. I'm under the tongue slowly resorbed just two pills validol, the rest moved into his mouth sitting next to ... squeezed his eyes shut almost everything ... I looked out the window unseparated as a rabbit on a boa. That darkness was black, so gray, so she turned pink ... Plane hooted down. Here she became crimson ... And then ... then flew swiftly up the sky, and I saw a white mist at the bottom, the blue light in the cabin and the air is completely golden on the outside ... ...
A sigh of relief swept through the ranks. We waited for the sound of the band chassis. Finally. The plane rolled on terra firma! I looked at the asphalt. He was absent! At all! At the bottom there was only milk! The dense layer of fog under the influence of natural forces unknown to me at a distance of half a meter of the compacted ground.
The plane stopped. We lowered the ladder. Passengers reached for the door. Finally, I was left alone. Stewardess relief goodbye, and I stepped on the gangway ladder. This I have never seen in my life! The sight was almost fifteen years, standing in front of his eyes. Overhead, the sky blue with a golden sheen, bottom white and gold mist, people like ships sailing to the airport terminal. I began to go down. The last step, and my feet did not become visible. I also - swam ... incredible, nothing inexplicable joy filled my heart. Alive!
I looked up. At a distance of ten meters from the airport building was Dainis. Long coat, scarf fluttering. In the hands - my favorite plant - a large white chrysanthemum.
- Hello, Anna. Your plane has been for the last two days of the first, - he handed me a delicate flower.
- Thank you.
- I wanted to tell you - Dainis paused, looked at me with red eyes, tired - I'll try to ... try in Russian.
- No, - I ran a hand through his overgrown cheek - is not necessary. I know.
- Well, I decided to fly yet? - Sergei was thrilled.
- What is there to do? Business trips are not canceled, - I answered loudly and persistently.
- In Riga, like fog, nothing you started it, hand over the ticket - my friend was adamant.
- No way, I'm lucky.
- Come on ... lucky ... Just by Dainis miss.
- Oh-oh-oh, what we are insightful - I chuckled derisively, saying to myself that old reliable friend Serge is sometimes jealous.
- Lada now podedu, help you push the bag into the plane. But Anyutische, from Sheremetyevo I ran back at me in the morning lessons. In short, wait. I will.
I hung up the phone. Was the end of the 80s, I was flying to Latvia on a business trip as a methodologist of the experimental work. Yes, Serge was right. I probably do not have yearned to Riga, and fly from her husband all the more, if not Dainis. Dainis Ozolinsh. He was at a seminar on educational psychology, and I remember the first time. Bright intelligence, burning eyes, long soft hair, casual elegance of European style of dress, a subtle sense of beauty. In general, my heart trembled.
Dainis lived in the town of Ogre, near the capital of the Republic of Latvia, he worked in the school, led the children's choir, he played on a variety of musical instruments. And, of course, when the call came from his school, I immediately agreed to the trip.
We arrived at the Sheremetyevo hour before landing. Serge pointed out to me on the scoreboard, where large green letters light of the information about the transfer of my flight for three hours due to adverse weather conditions in Riga.
- Lucky. Oh, you lucky - my bearded friend smiled and went to take the trunk to the storage chamber.
After wandering around the airport and negotiations, all possible topics, we said goodbye.
Unbearably sleepy. Dark Night of the huge windows evoke a yawn and a terrible fatigue. Flight tolerated again. He bought newspapers and magazines, I sat down on the vacant place.
Suddenly a chill ran down his back. Yes ... a familiar feeling. I call it "a premonition of love."
Catching this pleasant emotional wave, I decided to hold in this state. I wonder whether I will meet Dainis? No mobile phones did not exist, and there is no place to call long distance, he did not have his number, and the school probably all asleep. Finally landing declared. I took the camera out of storage volume bag, noting to myself that was the worry, and the heart beats more than usual. I check the pockets. New packaging validol with him.
... The plane climbed out of the night right in the morning, in a pink sky. Then he turned around. Rising Sun is left behind, and we flew there, where else have only just begun to fade silver stars.
From Moscow to Riga fly about an hour. I had time to touch up makeup, a word with a neighbor, and look through the guide to Riga.
Damn, but the excitement was not held. On the contrary, the head climbed silly idea that if I do not meet anybody, how to get to the Ogre. Schedule of trains and buses. It stood while in the Baltic countries at the sound of Russian speech raised an unprecedented wave of aggression and common questions on a city street or a railway ticket office could provoke an attack of rampant ethnic intransigence.
I closed my eyes and dealt himself all possible scenarios.
Suddenly the voice of the stewardess brought me out of this state, we have announced that our plane went to the decline and it is necessary to fasten your seat belts. I looked out the window. Good God! As the pilot is going to put the car in such tumanische ?! The plane of the wing even to be seen! Complete darkness. And the gray-pink dense color. Inside, there was complete silence. I looked around. People stumble upon windows, and apparently thought the same thing about what I do.
Yes ... Stewardess with a cold smile on duty almost forcibly handing out bags and candy.
- Well, that I do not have - he whispered a neighbor to death frightened voice.
Yes, it is strange, but the children of our flight for some reason did not fly.
We began to decline. I'm under the tongue slowly resorbed just two pills validol, the rest moved into his mouth sitting next to ... squeezed his eyes shut almost everything ... I looked out the window unseparated as a rabbit on a boa. That darkness was black, so gray, so she turned pink ... Plane hooted down. Here she became crimson ... And then ... then flew swiftly up the sky, and I saw a white mist at the bottom, the blue light in the cabin and the air is completely golden on the outside ... ...
A sigh of relief swept through the ranks. We waited for the sound of the band chassis. Finally. The plane rolled on terra firma! I looked at the asphalt. He was absent! At all! At the bottom there was only milk! The dense layer of fog under the influence of natural forces unknown to me at a distance of half a meter of the compacted ground.
The plane stopped. We lowered the ladder. Passengers reached for the door. Finally, I was left alone. Stewardess relief goodbye, and I stepped on the gangway ladder. This I have never seen in my life! The sight was almost fifteen years, standing in front of his eyes. Overhead, the sky blue with a golden sheen, bottom white and gold mist, people like ships sailing to the airport terminal. I began to go down. The last step, and my feet did not become visible. I also - swam ... incredible, nothing inexplicable joy filled my heart. Alive!
I looked up. At a distance of ten meters from the airport building was Dainis. Long coat, scarf fluttering. In the hands - my favorite plant - a large white chrysanthemum.
- Hello, Anna. Your plane has been for the last two days of the first, - he handed me a delicate flower.
- Thank you.
- I wanted to tell you - Dainis paused, looked at me with red eyes, tired - I'll try to ... try in Russian.
- No, - I ran a hand through his overgrown cheek - is not necessary. I know.