7 things you can overdo in a relationship, and how to avoid it

Introduction: Balance is the key to harmony in relationships
At the beginning of a relationship, everyone wants to show their best side: be attentive, caring, romantic. But sometimes the desire to impress a partner can lead to the opposite effect. Too much with some things, be it calls, gifts, or attention, can create tension and even push back. In this article, we will discuss what you can overdo in a relationship and how to find a middle ground.
1. Excessive calls and messages
The urge to be in touch 24/7 is understandable, but calling and texting too often can make you feel pressured. The partner needs personal space, and his absence can lead to irritation. How do you avoid too much? Set a comfortable rhythm of communication for both. For example, agree to call each other at a certain time or not write too often unless it is urgent.

2. Excessive attention
Attention is fine, but its excess can be suffocating. Constant questions like “How are you?”, “Where are you?”, or “What are you doing?” can be perceived as control. How do you avoid too much? Show interest, but do not forget about personal boundaries. Give your partner the opportunity to breathe and do their own thing.
3. Excessive gifts
Gifts are a way to express your feelings, but an excess of them can make you feel like you’re trying to “buy” love. It can also put your partner in an awkward position. How do you avoid too much? Make gifts appropriate: for holidays, as a sign of gratitude or just to please, but not too often and not too expensive.
4. Too much romance
Romance is important, but too frequent surprises, candlelight dates, or poems can become intrusive. The partner may begin to feel that he is expected to be constantly delighted. How do you avoid too much? Keep romance alive, but make it a natural part of a relationship, not a daily show.

5. Too much care
Caring is a manifestation of love, but when it becomes overprotective, it can be annoying. Constant advice, reminders, and attempts to control a partner’s every move can cause feelings of unfreedom. How do you avoid too much? Take care, but do not forget that your partner is an independent person who can make decisions.
6. Overcompensation
Compliments are nice, but their excess may sound disingenuous. Your partner may begin to doubt your honesty or feel that you are trying to manipulate. How do you avoid too much? Give compliments when they are appropriate and sincere. Let them be rare but significant.
7. Excessive frankness
Trust is the foundation of a relationship, but being too early or too candid can be an overwhelming burden for a partner. Sharing your experiences is important, but don’t overload the other person with your problems. How do you avoid too much? Dosage candor, given the partner’s willingness to talk.
Conclusion: How to find balance in a relationship
The secret of harmonious relationships is balance. Love, care, attention and romance are important, but their excess can destroy even the strongest feelings. Learn to feel the boundaries of your partner, respect their personal space and remember that the relationship is not only about you, but also about them. Find a middle ground and your relationship will be even stronger and happier.
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