I asked my mother-in-law to sit with my child while my wife and I went to the sea, her answer stuck in my head.
The best time for children to rest is a sweet warm summer. But when you're 5, it doesn't matter where you spend 3 months of happiness. At least at the sea, at the dacha. The main thing is that there are loving parents nearby. The hero of our story once heard strong words from an old wise woman. Now he has every chance to be the perfect dad for his son.
I have always believed that friendship between son-in-law and mother-in-law is as rare as the auroras in our latitudes. Usually, the wife’s mother is represented as a Cerberus in a skirt, with which it is impossible to find a common language.
But my friend Sasha doesn't think so. He loves his mother-in-law. Or at least treat it with great piety. When I asked them how they got there, they told me their story. From what he said.
After the wedding, I expected my wife's mother to do tricks and scum. At one time I heard complaints and terrible stories from friends about my pathetic mother-in-law. At that time, I got used to the idea that this happened to everyone. In addition, Valeria Sergeevna was a widow and a pensioner. I was determined that she would begin to interfere in our lives out of boredom.
That's kind of what happened. She called Ludka every day, and they were on the phone for an hour. But the mother-in-law did not let her know more about herself.
When Misha was born, I decided that the time had come. Now my wife's mother will surely strangle us with her care and teachings. I even started looking for a new folding sofa instead of the old one. I decided that Valeria Sergeevna will be with us all day long and teach young parents.
But mother-in-law surprised me again. She bought a cradle, brought us a mountain of diapers, sliders and other baby things. And just as quietly evaporated. Valeria Sergeevna never refused to sit with her grandson when she needed to go to the hospital. But I never asked to be a babysitter.
Once on a smoke break I heard from a colleague a laudatory review of one seaside recreation center. Paradise for couples, and money is available. He rushed to his wife with contacts and suggested packing suitcases. For 4 years as parents, we have not taken a minute for ourselves. And now the long-awaited rest floated into our hands.
All I had to do was solve the Mishka issue. I offered to leave the baby to Human Mother, let her pamper her grandson. My wife sent me to a private conversation with my mother-in-law.
My wife's mother has no questions! I took a cake, a pack of her favorite coffee and asked her mother-in-law to visit. She greeted me with a smile, brewed a fragrant drink. I told her that the grandson would do well to spend a couple of weeks with his beloved grandmother, and his parents - to gain strength at sea.
Valeria Sergeevna listened carefully to me and replied: Sasha, I can take Mishenka to me at least for the whole summer, it is not difficult for me. But tell me, my beloved son-in-law, when else can you take your 4-year-old son to the sea? Just now. Because in a year he'll be five, and then six and seven. You can't bring back a whole summer to hang out with your son if you fuse it with Grandma. Would you let go of that jewel so easily?
Listen to me, Sashenka. When Mishke is 18, he will not want to go to sea with his parents. Why would he have ancestors? He'll be a grown-up by now, give friends and girls. The sweet rest time of children and parents is so short.
It'll grow so fast you won't have time to blink an eye. And you won't even have those special memories of the first time you brought your son into the sea. You won't hear his rave laughter. You don't build your first sand castle with him, you don't show him gulls and albatrosses.
It's your right, Sasha. And your child's right to remember that it was Dad who first showed him the sea, not other people. Give him this miracle to remember!
Trust me, our kids aren't with us forever. Therefore, every moment near them is wonderful and unique.
Children's rest time: hearty wisdom And you know, the words of my mother-in-law are deeply embedded in me. I suddenly realized that I had no memories of going to sea with my parents. I spent every summer in the village with my grandmother. My father worked like a damn. All his free time was eaten up by work. And when my dad had a stroke, it turned out I had nothing to remember.
I changed my mind quickly and unconditionally. The three of us went to the sea that year. And the next one, too. And I respected my dear mother-in-law even more. This wise woman is a real treasure.
What did you think about this story? Share with us in the comments.

I have always believed that friendship between son-in-law and mother-in-law is as rare as the auroras in our latitudes. Usually, the wife’s mother is represented as a Cerberus in a skirt, with which it is impossible to find a common language.
But my friend Sasha doesn't think so. He loves his mother-in-law. Or at least treat it with great piety. When I asked them how they got there, they told me their story. From what he said.

After the wedding, I expected my wife's mother to do tricks and scum. At one time I heard complaints and terrible stories from friends about my pathetic mother-in-law. At that time, I got used to the idea that this happened to everyone. In addition, Valeria Sergeevna was a widow and a pensioner. I was determined that she would begin to interfere in our lives out of boredom.
That's kind of what happened. She called Ludka every day, and they were on the phone for an hour. But the mother-in-law did not let her know more about herself.
When Misha was born, I decided that the time had come. Now my wife's mother will surely strangle us with her care and teachings. I even started looking for a new folding sofa instead of the old one. I decided that Valeria Sergeevna will be with us all day long and teach young parents.

But mother-in-law surprised me again. She bought a cradle, brought us a mountain of diapers, sliders and other baby things. And just as quietly evaporated. Valeria Sergeevna never refused to sit with her grandson when she needed to go to the hospital. But I never asked to be a babysitter.
Once on a smoke break I heard from a colleague a laudatory review of one seaside recreation center. Paradise for couples, and money is available. He rushed to his wife with contacts and suggested packing suitcases. For 4 years as parents, we have not taken a minute for ourselves. And now the long-awaited rest floated into our hands.

All I had to do was solve the Mishka issue. I offered to leave the baby to Human Mother, let her pamper her grandson. My wife sent me to a private conversation with my mother-in-law.
My wife's mother has no questions! I took a cake, a pack of her favorite coffee and asked her mother-in-law to visit. She greeted me with a smile, brewed a fragrant drink. I told her that the grandson would do well to spend a couple of weeks with his beloved grandmother, and his parents - to gain strength at sea.
Valeria Sergeevna listened carefully to me and replied: Sasha, I can take Mishenka to me at least for the whole summer, it is not difficult for me. But tell me, my beloved son-in-law, when else can you take your 4-year-old son to the sea? Just now. Because in a year he'll be five, and then six and seven. You can't bring back a whole summer to hang out with your son if you fuse it with Grandma. Would you let go of that jewel so easily?

Listen to me, Sashenka. When Mishke is 18, he will not want to go to sea with his parents. Why would he have ancestors? He'll be a grown-up by now, give friends and girls. The sweet rest time of children and parents is so short.
It'll grow so fast you won't have time to blink an eye. And you won't even have those special memories of the first time you brought your son into the sea. You won't hear his rave laughter. You don't build your first sand castle with him, you don't show him gulls and albatrosses.
It's your right, Sasha. And your child's right to remember that it was Dad who first showed him the sea, not other people. Give him this miracle to remember!
Trust me, our kids aren't with us forever. Therefore, every moment near them is wonderful and unique.

Children's rest time: hearty wisdom And you know, the words of my mother-in-law are deeply embedded in me. I suddenly realized that I had no memories of going to sea with my parents. I spent every summer in the village with my grandmother. My father worked like a damn. All his free time was eaten up by work. And when my dad had a stroke, it turned out I had nothing to remember.
I changed my mind quickly and unconditionally. The three of us went to the sea that year. And the next one, too. And I respected my dear mother-in-law even more. This wise woman is a real treasure.

What did you think about this story? Share with us in the comments.
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