I bought groceries for the holiday and put them in the fridge, but by morning half was gone, I even have a suspect.

Childhood lies are an unpleasant thing. It indicates that in the education of the child there are gaps and shortcomings. A child lies for a reason: he may fear punishment, manipulate or imitate his parents in this way. Will mom and dad be able to assess the situation impartially and take their share of responsibility for children’s lies? Let's take an example of a story.

When my husband and I built a two-storey house for 5 rooms, we dreamed of a big friendly family. Everything happened: my son brought my daughter-in-law Irina to the house, she gave birth to my granddaughter, and we healed no worse than others. But my son’s wife was just that.

On weekdays, we rarely see each other, disappearing at work. We have separate meals. I cook for myself, but Ira is always on diets. One, apparently, is bored, because with her the whole family is losing weight and choking on buckwheat without salt and boiled chicken breast.

On this basis, my daughter-in-law and I are balancing in shaky neutrality. All conflict comes down to food. On weekends, I get up early, and my son and wife sleep until noon. The poor grandson is scouring the house in search of food, interrupted by a dry grinder. My heart breaks with his hungry eyes. Therefore, I feed my food: cakes on cottage cheese, soup or noodles with a cutlet.

I don't want to go against my daughter-in-law. They feed the child with their proper food, but Ira does not cook anything for the future. Barely by lunch he tears his eyes and starts cooking. My grandson and I will have breakfast and we will be back for a walk.

Of course, Irina does not miss an opportunity to show her discontent: she freaks out, rattles dishes. I'm poisoning her child with fatty soup with roast and junk cakes instead of steaming fish. But my granddaughter is six years old. At his age, my son, as an adult, used to eat roasted potatoes and meat by both cheeks.

I have repeatedly reminded her to leave healthy food in the fridge. I'll warm it up for the baby. But she just shrugs off and promises to get up early. And lies every time!

I prepared for my birthday in advance. I bought a package of food and put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. I told my family it was for dinner.

On a holiday morning, I went to cut salads and found the package untied. He lost a can of canned peaches, jamon and half a pack of salami slicing. The daughter-in-law and his son reported on the phone that they did not take anything. There's a grandson left. I could have been hungry when I wasn’t home.

I bought some groceries, got some cake, made some roast. I invited my friends to a modest table. When my family returned from work, I called them. But they refused to give up the fat and fried.

When the guests separated, the grandson caught his eye. I caught him and asked him if he had taken food from the bag. He began to recoil, but his eyes ran, and the tips of his ears turned red. I repeated the question more strictly, but then his mother grew out of the ground and rushed to protect the child.

Convinced me that I had already asked about it on the way from kindergarten. And she added that her grandson would not open peaches on his own. We don't have an opener, it's knife-operated. I was scolded as a schoolgirl and forbidden to cling to a child with these questions.

The child is lying: who is to blame? A jar of peaches was found a week later under his grandson’s bed. Ira found it while cleaning the nursery. Hardly threw a find at me. She accused me of planting peaches on the baby. A beloved grandmother who doesn't love him? What nonsense!

My son got involved. He realized that the child was lying and put him in a corner until he confessed. The daughter-in-law shouted, accused her husband of indulging in my fantasies. She rushed to drag her grandson out of the corner, but her son took her out of the room and told her not to interfere.

The truth and the consequences of the child confessed. He ate hamon and sausage. I wanted to eat peaches, but I couldn't open the jar. I was afraid to admit it. I got a slap from my father and a week of punishment without cartoons and sweets. Because he lied and didn't confess. Irina said the punishment was too severe. Eventually, she and her husband quarreled again.

Dpositphotos Now the daughter-in-law is sulking at me. Who else? Of course I understand her as a mother. Trusting your child is normal. But making up conspiracy theories that I deliberately planted a peach jar to smear my own grandson? I think this is a reason to go to a specialist.

Who do you think was wrong in this situation?


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