Is it true that a mistress for a man is the most true love?
In a relationship between a man and a woman, it is important to observe all the unwritten rules of life together. It doesn’t matter if they are married or not. From the purely psychological side, this “game” never ends, there is not a single day when you can give up on everything and just relax. Even if it just broke out between them. lovelessOne careless gesture or statement can easily confuse all cards. And you have to start from the beginning.
For example, there are frequent examples of wives finding lovers not because of the difficult marital situation, but simply because they wanted revenge on their spouses for one single spoiled romantic evening. So to speak, they were catching up. The men were not left out either. Sometimes they only have a slanted look to cheat. And that was always the case, hundreds and hundreds of years ago. Just because of the abundance of social media, cheating has become easier to spot. But to prevent them without some decisive action on both sides is still almost impossible.
However, if the situation has developed in such a way that a man still has a mistress, the further state of affairs can be the most unpredictable way. Some wives even find benefits for themselves and the quality of their lives. But you need to be cunning, wise and be able to look at things from a variety of angles. Let us give an example of some of the most common models.
In this case, it means that the spouse has a mistress not because of revenge or moral dissatisfaction. Unreal love has nothing to do with it. He needs another woman only for a change of scenery and new intimate adventures. To do this, he secretly begins to meet other women with whom he meets on the Internet, on the street, in cafes and so on. Do not forget about the professional priestesses of love, the most ancient profession, no matter what. But morally, the man is with his family and has no plans to leave it.
You won’t believe it, but a lot of couples live this way. Social or financial indicators do not matter. Everyone changes, rich and poor. A woman only has to choose for herself whether she is ready to divorce if the man is not faithful to her physically. Every person has their own needs. And the fact that the norm for one, for another, may not be the norm. The well-known Pushkin walked and curated as soon as he could. However, on a moral level, the poet was completely attached to his woman.
A man needs a change of partner and he has not decided why this situation is much more dangerous than the previous one. Most often, 2 or 3 years after the wedding, a man has a feeling of dissatisfaction. Both moral and intimate. The first child has arrived. The wife appeared to him, being beautiful at the beginning of the relationship. And he's already seen her in position. Swollen, tired, always unhappy. I think he's studied this man up and down. In addition, over time, her feelings from passionate and hot switched to maternal. At the same time, he remained the same as he was. What do I do?
Yes, in principle, the same as in the first version. Men look for a woman and eventually find her. But here's the problem. It turns out that other single and unmarried women are much more attractive than a natural spouse sitting with a child. They have a lot to talk about, and in addition to intimacy, there are many advantages. No stretch marks on the body, folds or anything. And there's time to cook. Maybe her family life, maybe it's better to start with a clean slate.
In this case, a man has a problem with himself. Head he understands that an ordinary affair is not worth leaving the family, losing his wife and child. But another place whispers to him all sorts of other patterns of behavior. He needs to be patient and patient with his wife. So that this heresy would disappear from his head and the couple could love each other again, as they did before the wedding. The ice is thin, but it does not have to break under your feet.
In fact, for most couples, this means the end of marriage. A man, if he is a leader in the family, just takes the situation into his own hands and takes the most important steps. He almost completely understands that he does not need his wife, but another woman. Maybe an employee, a former classmate, an old friend, whatever. And all, having decided for himself that this will only be better for everyone, he leaves the family. And then a divorce, alimony, a meeting with a child a couple of times a month. Standard circuit. Unreal love is over.
But in the case when the spouse really wants to save his marriage, when she has female intuition and developed intelligence, everything can go according to a different scenario. Even if a man falls in love with his mistress, all sorts of thoughts still swarm in his head and there are grains of uncertainty in the current situation. And they can be competently beaten if you act quickly, confidently and essentially. Every smart woman knows that men often love with their eyes. So don't be tempted to shout about injustice from a pile of used diapers. Beautiful clothes and makeup will raise her status in the eyes of any man, not only her husband.
In addition, the man is not 100% sure about the correctness of his action. Especially when it comes to your own child. It is not a reason to shed tears in three streams and hide behind a son or daughter, as most women would do. But hints and indirect indications that a father who has run away from his own child will forever brand himself a disgrace - this will have a good effect on the inner world of any papa. But that, of course, is not enough.
A wise woman knows her strengths, so she can always use them. Cooking or talking, or maybe a simple smile will melt the heart of the person they used to be so good with. It needs to be used. In parallel, it would be nice to know what a young or not very mistress won the heart of her husband. It cannot be that the corner was only intimacy. They know you won't get enough. Maybe it's about attitude.
Most often, men are disliked and neglected morally. Their wives simply dive into the routine of relationships, treating their husband as someone who should solve all their problems without getting anything in return. Therefore, the new partners look much more profitable and promising in this regard. Maybe you should change your approach to living together?
Unreal love: a man needs a change of partner, but a woman does not mind Finally, a woman can simply put up with the love affairs of her husband. The child has a father, and the relationship between a man and a woman flows into a working and household plane. They continue to communicate, discuss the upbringing of the child. Only from this moment everything about intimacy and the like is already off the scene. The spouse is free to find women from the outside, and the spouse acts as she sees fit.
Surprisingly, thousands of families live in this mode and believe that this is exactly what they have always been looking for. The rear is covered, the children grow up and do not even know what relationship their parents are in. Sometimes, of course, things can go wrong. Someone can break psychologically and take rash steps. The spouse can finally go to the mistress or spend a significant part of the family budget on her. But this only shows that for a particular couple, this model is not the best choice. Other couples are fine, right?
As a result, I would like to say that these models are not all possible, which are used by modern couples in search of a comfortable life. Some of them are so exotic that sometimes you wonder how this can even come to mind. And yet, the fact remains. It is sad if, in order to achieve a certain balance within the union, it is necessary to take some desperate steps. But this is life and no one can say with complete certainty that it will give us a new one tomorrow. So you have to be prepared for anything.

For example, there are frequent examples of wives finding lovers not because of the difficult marital situation, but simply because they wanted revenge on their spouses for one single spoiled romantic evening. So to speak, they were catching up. The men were not left out either. Sometimes they only have a slanted look to cheat. And that was always the case, hundreds and hundreds of years ago. Just because of the abundance of social media, cheating has become easier to spot. But to prevent them without some decisive action on both sides is still almost impossible.
However, if the situation has developed in such a way that a man still has a mistress, the further state of affairs can be the most unpredictable way. Some wives even find benefits for themselves and the quality of their lives. But you need to be cunning, wise and be able to look at things from a variety of angles. Let us give an example of some of the most common models.
In this case, it means that the spouse has a mistress not because of revenge or moral dissatisfaction. Unreal love has nothing to do with it. He needs another woman only for a change of scenery and new intimate adventures. To do this, he secretly begins to meet other women with whom he meets on the Internet, on the street, in cafes and so on. Do not forget about the professional priestesses of love, the most ancient profession, no matter what. But morally, the man is with his family and has no plans to leave it.

You won’t believe it, but a lot of couples live this way. Social or financial indicators do not matter. Everyone changes, rich and poor. A woman only has to choose for herself whether she is ready to divorce if the man is not faithful to her physically. Every person has their own needs. And the fact that the norm for one, for another, may not be the norm. The well-known Pushkin walked and curated as soon as he could. However, on a moral level, the poet was completely attached to his woman.
A man needs a change of partner and he has not decided why this situation is much more dangerous than the previous one. Most often, 2 or 3 years after the wedding, a man has a feeling of dissatisfaction. Both moral and intimate. The first child has arrived. The wife appeared to him, being beautiful at the beginning of the relationship. And he's already seen her in position. Swollen, tired, always unhappy. I think he's studied this man up and down. In addition, over time, her feelings from passionate and hot switched to maternal. At the same time, he remained the same as he was. What do I do?
Yes, in principle, the same as in the first version. Men look for a woman and eventually find her. But here's the problem. It turns out that other single and unmarried women are much more attractive than a natural spouse sitting with a child. They have a lot to talk about, and in addition to intimacy, there are many advantages. No stretch marks on the body, folds or anything. And there's time to cook. Maybe her family life, maybe it's better to start with a clean slate.

In this case, a man has a problem with himself. Head he understands that an ordinary affair is not worth leaving the family, losing his wife and child. But another place whispers to him all sorts of other patterns of behavior. He needs to be patient and patient with his wife. So that this heresy would disappear from his head and the couple could love each other again, as they did before the wedding. The ice is thin, but it does not have to break under your feet.
In fact, for most couples, this means the end of marriage. A man, if he is a leader in the family, just takes the situation into his own hands and takes the most important steps. He almost completely understands that he does not need his wife, but another woman. Maybe an employee, a former classmate, an old friend, whatever. And all, having decided for himself that this will only be better for everyone, he leaves the family. And then a divorce, alimony, a meeting with a child a couple of times a month. Standard circuit. Unreal love is over.
But in the case when the spouse really wants to save his marriage, when she has female intuition and developed intelligence, everything can go according to a different scenario. Even if a man falls in love with his mistress, all sorts of thoughts still swarm in his head and there are grains of uncertainty in the current situation. And they can be competently beaten if you act quickly, confidently and essentially. Every smart woman knows that men often love with their eyes. So don't be tempted to shout about injustice from a pile of used diapers. Beautiful clothes and makeup will raise her status in the eyes of any man, not only her husband.

In addition, the man is not 100% sure about the correctness of his action. Especially when it comes to your own child. It is not a reason to shed tears in three streams and hide behind a son or daughter, as most women would do. But hints and indirect indications that a father who has run away from his own child will forever brand himself a disgrace - this will have a good effect on the inner world of any papa. But that, of course, is not enough.
A wise woman knows her strengths, so she can always use them. Cooking or talking, or maybe a simple smile will melt the heart of the person they used to be so good with. It needs to be used. In parallel, it would be nice to know what a young or not very mistress won the heart of her husband. It cannot be that the corner was only intimacy. They know you won't get enough. Maybe it's about attitude.

Most often, men are disliked and neglected morally. Their wives simply dive into the routine of relationships, treating their husband as someone who should solve all their problems without getting anything in return. Therefore, the new partners look much more profitable and promising in this regard. Maybe you should change your approach to living together?
Unreal love: a man needs a change of partner, but a woman does not mind Finally, a woman can simply put up with the love affairs of her husband. The child has a father, and the relationship between a man and a woman flows into a working and household plane. They continue to communicate, discuss the upbringing of the child. Only from this moment everything about intimacy and the like is already off the scene. The spouse is free to find women from the outside, and the spouse acts as she sees fit.
Surprisingly, thousands of families live in this mode and believe that this is exactly what they have always been looking for. The rear is covered, the children grow up and do not even know what relationship their parents are in. Sometimes, of course, things can go wrong. Someone can break psychologically and take rash steps. The spouse can finally go to the mistress or spend a significant part of the family budget on her. But this only shows that for a particular couple, this model is not the best choice. Other couples are fine, right?

As a result, I would like to say that these models are not all possible, which are used by modern couples in search of a comfortable life. Some of them are so exotic that sometimes you wonder how this can even come to mind. And yet, the fact remains. It is sad if, in order to achieve a certain balance within the union, it is necessary to take some desperate steps. But this is life and no one can say with complete certainty that it will give us a new one tomorrow. So you have to be prepared for anything.
Icons can be placed in almost any room, but there are places in the house where they are superfluous.
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