What signs scream that you are in front of an insecure woman, it is not in appearance at all
It is said that the most important thing to fear is the wrath of a patient woman. But I don't agree with that because anger is a very honest emotion. Not always appropriate and rational, but open. Much more frightening than me is the insecurity of a person, especially women. Insecure woman can be even more destructive, ready for any meanness. And the reason for this is low self-esteem. In especially severe cases, such ladies can ruin the fate of others, but usually it turns against them.
Some people think that people with low self-esteem are poor and unhappy victims. But psychology proves the opposite. To hide their weakness and insecurity, in society such women go into passive or quite active aggression. The best defense is an attack! And here are just a few signs that your friend, co-worker, or acquaintance is actually a deeply complex person.
Looking in the mirror, some balding man with a beer tummy will think: "Beautiful!" And will go on, demonstrating the highest aerobatics of good self-esteem. What would an insecure woman think? “We need to lose weight!” – and sit on a grueling diet under motivational training on slimness. Even the woman who seems to have nowhere to lose weight. Not only that, she herself will suffer on a diet and dream of cakes. She will not give these cakes to others, accusing them of weakness, excess weight and in general ugliness. This is how human insecurity manifests itself.
You've definitely met them in school and university, on the street, at work, insecure people. In adolescence, this is very simple, in the form of bullying. Children often resort to this tool to find a boy or girl to beat, thereby trying to prove their superiority and hide their own shortcomings. While everyone is muddying one, the problems of others remain in the background. In adolescence, the circuit works like a Swiss watch! But what happens when children become adults?
Most of us grow out of our complexes like old clothes. But when they don't, they don't just poison the lives of those who haven't grown up. They, like a contagion, creep into society, and it is extremely important to be able to recognize them in time.
Human insecurity: 5 signs Fight for a male I do not know how it happened, but female competition is worse than male. And, believe me, insecure ladies are ready for any meanness. Probably because we ladies aren't used to dealing with things with our fists. Instead, we often resort to manipulations that lead to equally dire consequences. It is the competition and struggle for male attention that is the most vivid sign that you are facing a woman with low self-esteem.
In a purely female company, her behavior is quite normal, but once an attractive man appears in sight, write is gone. She will do her best to win his attention and denigrate her competitors. This can be an inappropriate comment that will put a friend in an awkward position. Or focusing on the fact that someone has peeled off their nails or broken hair. It can also be frankly offensive jokes that make fun of the appearance or behavior of another woman.
When a woman looks after herself, it’s one thing, and when it turns into a paranoid hair fix or makeup every 30 minutes, it’s another. The desire to always look perfect usually does not speak of self-love, but quite the opposite. This happens when a person simply does not allow himself to be imperfect (i.e. normal). And most importantly, they sacrifice much more valuable things.
Unsplash For example, few people will pay attention to the fact that somewhere rubbed blush or lipstick. But everyone will pay attention if you interrupt the conversation and get a mirror to fix the makeup. Or, for example, you went to the beach unplanned (or planned) but (oh, horror!) shaved your legs for the last time 3 days ago. And now you're sitting in your clothes, despite the hot weather, while your friends are basking in the surf. But no one will see an unshaven strip on his legs.
If a woman with low self-esteem cannot forgive herself a single extra calorie, if she blames herself for every mistake, if she is ashamed of every pimple and wrinkle, be sure - she will ask others doubly.
Unsplash She will condemn anyone and everyone who dared not give a damn about the standards she invented. Such colleagues or classmates will be the first to notice that someone did not wash their hair or came in yesterday’s clothes. Why? Because they are panicked about being in this position and think they will be judged for any mistake. Ironically, people with normal self-esteem don’t care what others say about them. Some people find it amusing.
Another red flag is a partner whose behavior transcends all boundaries. You may not know this, but many envious women actually have a very unenviable role in the family. Because deep down in their hearts, they either don’t think they deserve more, or they find someone with the same unhealthy standards. And it turns out that even if it is a handsome millionaire, as she dreamed, in the end it is either a callous or dependent person with sadistic tendencies. And almost always the victims of abuse are women with low self-esteem, who allow themselves to be treated this way.
Unsplash Angry Comments on Social Media This is when we meet, we are all polite and understanding, but it is worth being alone with social networks, as some just blows the roof. Some blogger pumped up her lips? It is necessary to write a critical comment about it (as if the blogger does not know the size of his lips).
The most poisonous females love to appeal to the high! To natural beauty, family values, health and any sacred themes, just to establish yourself at the expense of another person. Why are they doing this? It's kind of like a vapor descent: "I'm not, I'm better."
Painful jealousy and insecurity of the person and, of course, jealousy. Jealousy itself is a dangerous side of a relationship. Her absence should not be confused with indifference. But her presence in the relationship indicates the insecurity of one of the partners. If a woman (or a man) is jealous of anyone, it is a wake-up call. Jealousy almost always speaks of a complex or desire for superiority.
If your girlfriend stopped being your friend just because her man paid a polite compliment or said hello on the street, then you did not need such a friend.
Working on self-esteem is a long and time-consuming process, but it’s worth it. It is only necessary to throw off the fetters of complexes, behind the back appear wings. And as soon as that happens, there will be people in life who appreciate you for your real qualities. Not for any standards.
Unsplash Dear Women! So let’s not turn into a migraine just because we are afraid to hear some gossip about ourselves. Let’s allow ourselves to go to the store without makeup, which you have to paint for an hour. Sometimes we value our time with friends more than our reflection in the mirror. And let's be kind to each other.

Some people think that people with low self-esteem are poor and unhappy victims. But psychology proves the opposite. To hide their weakness and insecurity, in society such women go into passive or quite active aggression. The best defense is an attack! And here are just a few signs that your friend, co-worker, or acquaintance is actually a deeply complex person.
Looking in the mirror, some balding man with a beer tummy will think: "Beautiful!" And will go on, demonstrating the highest aerobatics of good self-esteem. What would an insecure woman think? “We need to lose weight!” – and sit on a grueling diet under motivational training on slimness. Even the woman who seems to have nowhere to lose weight. Not only that, she herself will suffer on a diet and dream of cakes. She will not give these cakes to others, accusing them of weakness, excess weight and in general ugliness. This is how human insecurity manifests itself.
You've definitely met them in school and university, on the street, at work, insecure people. In adolescence, this is very simple, in the form of bullying. Children often resort to this tool to find a boy or girl to beat, thereby trying to prove their superiority and hide their own shortcomings. While everyone is muddying one, the problems of others remain in the background. In adolescence, the circuit works like a Swiss watch! But what happens when children become adults?

Most of us grow out of our complexes like old clothes. But when they don't, they don't just poison the lives of those who haven't grown up. They, like a contagion, creep into society, and it is extremely important to be able to recognize them in time.
Human insecurity: 5 signs Fight for a male I do not know how it happened, but female competition is worse than male. And, believe me, insecure ladies are ready for any meanness. Probably because we ladies aren't used to dealing with things with our fists. Instead, we often resort to manipulations that lead to equally dire consequences. It is the competition and struggle for male attention that is the most vivid sign that you are facing a woman with low self-esteem.

In a purely female company, her behavior is quite normal, but once an attractive man appears in sight, write is gone. She will do her best to win his attention and denigrate her competitors. This can be an inappropriate comment that will put a friend in an awkward position. Or focusing on the fact that someone has peeled off their nails or broken hair. It can also be frankly offensive jokes that make fun of the appearance or behavior of another woman.
When a woman looks after herself, it’s one thing, and when it turns into a paranoid hair fix or makeup every 30 minutes, it’s another. The desire to always look perfect usually does not speak of self-love, but quite the opposite. This happens when a person simply does not allow himself to be imperfect (i.e. normal). And most importantly, they sacrifice much more valuable things.

Unsplash For example, few people will pay attention to the fact that somewhere rubbed blush or lipstick. But everyone will pay attention if you interrupt the conversation and get a mirror to fix the makeup. Or, for example, you went to the beach unplanned (or planned) but (oh, horror!) shaved your legs for the last time 3 days ago. And now you're sitting in your clothes, despite the hot weather, while your friends are basking in the surf. But no one will see an unshaven strip on his legs.
If a woman with low self-esteem cannot forgive herself a single extra calorie, if she blames herself for every mistake, if she is ashamed of every pimple and wrinkle, be sure - she will ask others doubly.

Unsplash She will condemn anyone and everyone who dared not give a damn about the standards she invented. Such colleagues or classmates will be the first to notice that someone did not wash their hair or came in yesterday’s clothes. Why? Because they are panicked about being in this position and think they will be judged for any mistake. Ironically, people with normal self-esteem don’t care what others say about them. Some people find it amusing.
Another red flag is a partner whose behavior transcends all boundaries. You may not know this, but many envious women actually have a very unenviable role in the family. Because deep down in their hearts, they either don’t think they deserve more, or they find someone with the same unhealthy standards. And it turns out that even if it is a handsome millionaire, as she dreamed, in the end it is either a callous or dependent person with sadistic tendencies. And almost always the victims of abuse are women with low self-esteem, who allow themselves to be treated this way.

Unsplash Angry Comments on Social Media This is when we meet, we are all polite and understanding, but it is worth being alone with social networks, as some just blows the roof. Some blogger pumped up her lips? It is necessary to write a critical comment about it (as if the blogger does not know the size of his lips).
The most poisonous females love to appeal to the high! To natural beauty, family values, health and any sacred themes, just to establish yourself at the expense of another person. Why are they doing this? It's kind of like a vapor descent: "I'm not, I'm better."
Painful jealousy and insecurity of the person and, of course, jealousy. Jealousy itself is a dangerous side of a relationship. Her absence should not be confused with indifference. But her presence in the relationship indicates the insecurity of one of the partners. If a woman (or a man) is jealous of anyone, it is a wake-up call. Jealousy almost always speaks of a complex or desire for superiority.

If your girlfriend stopped being your friend just because her man paid a polite compliment or said hello on the street, then you did not need such a friend.
Working on self-esteem is a long and time-consuming process, but it’s worth it. It is only necessary to throw off the fetters of complexes, behind the back appear wings. And as soon as that happens, there will be people in life who appreciate you for your real qualities. Not for any standards.

Unsplash Dear Women! So let’s not turn into a migraine just because we are afraid to hear some gossip about ourselves. Let’s allow ourselves to go to the store without makeup, which you have to paint for an hour. Sometimes we value our time with friends more than our reflection in the mirror. And let's be kind to each other.
The son asked what to give the daughter-in-law for her birthday, so I advised him to make a practical gift, but who knew that she would react so much.
If you want to help birds, don’t feed them these foods, many people make this mistake.