Mom constantly talks about how she coped with everything herself, but I would never want to live a life like that of Soviet women
In Europe, the first feminist movement arose at the end of the 17th century. Since then, in the West, women began to actively fight for their rights. And our beauties learned what feminism is much later. Even then, in the USA and Europe, representatives of the fair half of humanity organized rallies and parades to declare themselves as full members of society.
Our ancestors at that time dreamed of how to get married successfully, because from childhood they were tirelessly told that their place was with their husband. Even the Christian Orthodox Church preached the superiority of men and encouraged women to be submissive and tolerant.
What is feminism What is feminism abroad? These are equality of rights between men and women, absence of gender discrimination and prevention of sexual harassment. This is the exclusion of humiliation and violence against a woman, as well as her right to control her own body. This is an opportunity for women to choose a job they like and receive equal pay. This is the participation of women in the political and cultural life of society and the like.
How are things going here? How were things going with us? Our young ladies heard what feminism is, but had no idea how this ideology should manifest itself in real life. Relations between people of different sexes that existed in the USSR could not be called equal rights. The wide dissemination of feminist views was hindered by the “Iron Curtain” and the mentality of Soviet citizens, which was based on appropriate education. At school, girls were prepared for marriage: future wives were taught how to run a household, raise children and take care of their spouses.
Women were given a secondary role, and the world, that is, the state, was ruled by men. And not only by the state: all leadership positions were occupied predominantly by men. The girls couldn't even think about a career. But they were allowed, along with the guys, to stand behind the machine, supply cement mortar at a construction site, carry sacks of grain, fell wood and do other hard work.
And at home, the housewife had to do laundry, cleaning, cooking and handicrafts. At the same time, no one canceled marital duties, and the wife had to, at the request of her husband, shower him with love and affection, and then also take care of primitive contraception.
In some families, assault was considered commonplace. He hits - it means he loves! What smart guy came up with this saying?! The wives endured violence to the last and forgave their husbands for the offenses caused. It is amazing that in modern society there are couples in which women continue to suffer and are afraid to openly share their problems.
Why I wouldn’t want to be a woman in the USSR So it turns out that there was feminism in the USSR, but it was kind of one-sided. And when they start telling how everyone lived well under the Union, I remember my childhood and am convinced that I don’t want to live like that. I was always surprised how Soviet housewives knew how to do everything and managed to do everything everywhere? True, they often had to stay awake at night, but they did not complain. Probably there was no time or no one.
The women spun around like squirrels in a wheel, were content with little and were sure that this was women’s happiness. Perhaps they simply did not have enough time to think about their fate, analyze their personal lives and answer sincerely whether they feel happy. At least once in their lives, each of them regretted that she was not born a man.
Now life is easier for women, they have more rights and opportunities, but only a few can call themselves happy. What do you think, are you happy? Will you share your thoughts?

Our ancestors at that time dreamed of how to get married successfully, because from childhood they were tirelessly told that their place was with their husband. Even the Christian Orthodox Church preached the superiority of men and encouraged women to be submissive and tolerant.
What is feminism What is feminism abroad? These are equality of rights between men and women, absence of gender discrimination and prevention of sexual harassment. This is the exclusion of humiliation and violence against a woman, as well as her right to control her own body. This is an opportunity for women to choose a job they like and receive equal pay. This is the participation of women in the political and cultural life of society and the like.

How are things going here? How were things going with us? Our young ladies heard what feminism is, but had no idea how this ideology should manifest itself in real life. Relations between people of different sexes that existed in the USSR could not be called equal rights. The wide dissemination of feminist views was hindered by the “Iron Curtain” and the mentality of Soviet citizens, which was based on appropriate education. At school, girls were prepared for marriage: future wives were taught how to run a household, raise children and take care of their spouses.

Women were given a secondary role, and the world, that is, the state, was ruled by men. And not only by the state: all leadership positions were occupied predominantly by men. The girls couldn't even think about a career. But they were allowed, along with the guys, to stand behind the machine, supply cement mortar at a construction site, carry sacks of grain, fell wood and do other hard work.
And at home, the housewife had to do laundry, cleaning, cooking and handicrafts. At the same time, no one canceled marital duties, and the wife had to, at the request of her husband, shower him with love and affection, and then also take care of primitive contraception.

In some families, assault was considered commonplace. He hits - it means he loves! What smart guy came up with this saying?! The wives endured violence to the last and forgave their husbands for the offenses caused. It is amazing that in modern society there are couples in which women continue to suffer and are afraid to openly share their problems.

Why I wouldn’t want to be a woman in the USSR So it turns out that there was feminism in the USSR, but it was kind of one-sided. And when they start telling how everyone lived well under the Union, I remember my childhood and am convinced that I don’t want to live like that. I was always surprised how Soviet housewives knew how to do everything and managed to do everything everywhere? True, they often had to stay awake at night, but they did not complain. Probably there was no time or no one.

The women spun around like squirrels in a wheel, were content with little and were sure that this was women’s happiness. Perhaps they simply did not have enough time to think about their fate, analyze their personal lives and answer sincerely whether they feel happy. At least once in their lives, each of them regretted that she was not born a man.
Now life is easier for women, they have more rights and opportunities, but only a few can call themselves happy. What do you think, are you happy? Will you share your thoughts?
Why the concept of “old maid” has long been out of date and how we can fight it
I was incredibly annoyed by my husband’s pettiness, so I decided to tell him about it, but during the conversation another interesting thing became clear