How we lived in the difficult and sometimes frightening 90s and why some remember them with nostalgia

What I would have bought urgently in the '90s was a cassette tape of the band's Combination. Someone will say, “Go to YouTube and listen to your songs!” And no, my dear ones, it won't be the same. And here's a cassette tape recorder. songs by the band Combination It was an air of change and freedom. “Dashing nineties”: someone will remember them with shudder, and someone with a slight grin of nostalgia. But it was during this period that the people of the former Soviet Union seemed to shake up after sleeping. When the USSR collapsed, hard times came for the older generation. Young people adapt to change more quickly.

It was with the collapse of the USSR that censorship was abolished. Brazilian TV series, American advertising and new artists began to appear on TV screens. The popularity of the group "Combination" came in 1991. The repertoire of the group perfectly conveyed everything that happened to the people. The fallen Iron Curtain allowed citizens of the former Soviet Union to travel freely to Europe and America. Young men and women in search of a better life dreamed of leaving their native cities. It seemed to them that there, behind the bump, they were waiting for a fabulous life. “American boy, I’ll go with you,” all the girls knew and waited for their American white-toothed prince.

Instagram Songs of the band "Combination" And while languishing in anticipation of this prince, they read romance novels with spicy scenes and watched American films with Sylvester Stallone, Van Damme and Arnold Schwarzenegger. And you had to stand out from the crowd so that the prince could see you. Everything that was bright and unusual was used. Remember how in the spontaneous market shuttles on cardboard in minus 20 tried such long-awaited jeans? Or bright leggings and an Olympic? In such outfit and for a walk, and at a disco, and to visit relatives. And the makeup had to be bright. And the clothes on his head, lacquered with “Prelesti”, had to withstand any storm or hurricane.

In the 90s, many factories and factories were forced to close. There was a redistribution of markets and consumption. Few people imagined how to live further countries once united by one state. Millions of people were out of work. Some gave up, and those who were quicker opened cooperatives and private enterprises. The first businessmen appeared, or, as they were called, “raspberry jackets”. There were more cars on the roads – you could just buy them and not wait in line. “Cherry Nine” is another hit of the group “Combination”. Many people love this color in their car.

Instagram's "Two Pieces of Sausage" And the period of perestroika is remembered by many scammers. Everyone survived as well as they could, so in each city there were adepts of magic, clairvoyants and financial pyramids. Favorite actors of the USSR also experienced difficult times, so gladly agreed to star in advertising such pyramids. The gullible people of the former Soviet Union, accustomed to believing everything they say on television, contributed their money to various organizations. And they, in turn, burst like bubbles. Not everyone has a mental health after a failed attempt to get rich.

As the years passed, people got used to living in new countries in a new way. Once, new things became commonplace and familiar. So, lost its popularity group “Combination”, which did not have time to rebuild into a new format. More than thirty years have passed, a new generation has grown up, who know about the USSR only from the stories of their family. And we turn on the favorite songs of the 90s and remember how we saw the emergence of a new world. What are your memories of the '90s? Share in the comments the brightest moments of his life.


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