Mother from year to year revises “the meeting place can not be changed”, and she is not confused by the weak spot in the legend of Volody Sharapova

My mother is a man of amazing taste in everything, especially when it comes to the art of cinema. Because she can not only re-read detective stories, but review them for years. Everyone on New Year’s Eve on TV is “With a light ferry” or, as it is now fashionable, “Harry Potter”. And I have been watching the actors of the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” in 1979. So this time, without changing traditions, my mother was watching this masterpiece of Soviet cinema when I came to her on a holiday visit.


In response, she only jokingly justified: “Well, how not to look at Vysotsky in the lead role?” This makes the mood go up immediately.” I think I understand why Dad didn’t like this movie. Although he admitted that he causes in him a sense of pride for his countrymen. After all, the picture was shot by the Odessa film studio. But I never stopped grumbled that, in fact, the film starred a lot of other talented actors besides Vysotsky.

The actors of the film “The meeting place can not change” in 1979 And now about the actors themselves and about whose story arc was made a fatal mistake. It breaks the whole logic of the film. My dad and I still don't understand how, knowing this, my mom keeps revising it.

Personally, I liked Alexander Belyavsky, who played the role of the mysterious Fox. Interested in the history of filming, I was surprised to find that he appeared in the cast by chance. He was supposed to be played by Boris Khimichev. But the directors of the film studio correctly judged that this actor looked too modern. Alexander Belyavsky himself was instructed by Vysotsky. In the interview, it later surfaced that he advised his colleague to play Fox as if the man had a lot of respect for himself. It was decent.

Charming Svetlana Svetlychnaya is the sister of the deceased. Beauty Natalia Danilova as Sinichkina. And the fatal Tatiana Tkach as a bandit. Remember the hunchback? Armen Dzhigarkhanyan played very convincingly. It's like the part of the Pahan was written specifically for him. Ivan Bortnik will always remain a bandit-six for me.

And, of course, Vysotsky himself in the role of Zheglov. I agree, although this is his only main role, but it immortalized himself. He doesn't have a problem arch. And Vladimir Alekseevich Konkin. Namely, his character is a young and ambitious detective Sharapov.

Wikimedia's Weakness in "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed" To be honest, I wasn’t the first to notice. I learned this from my pedantic dad. It was as if he needed to prove that the film was not worth the hype. I wasn't very good at these things. I looked at what they were writing on the internet. And indeed! Some things don't add up. And at the very climax of the film.

I'm talking specifically about the poignant moment when the Black Cats gang twisted Sharapov. And then I took him to my secret lair somewhere out of the way. This is where the problems begin not only with the main character, but also with the screenwriters. Probably because they were very decent people and did not understand the laws of theft. At least from the thieves, not the investigation.

So, Sharapov pretended to be a simple village chauffeur, who was put “on the bars” for nothing. He makes up his legend on the go, the gang doesn't believe him at first. And even Valeria Zaklunnaya, playing the role of the leader's passion, says: "Look at his hands, these are not the hands of the driver." Sharapov says he is a pianist in the past. And everyone immediately believes that. But I can't understand how a pianist's past can keep corns from appearing over the last couple of years.

Previously, the steering wheels were made of very rough materials, and drivers often had calluses from the fact that they “forever turned the lamb”. But it doesn't matter, it's just my little nitpicking. However, this slippery moment, which is played out even by writers, just throws dust in the eye before something more significant.

The character of Fox Fox Fox is described as a man of pride and yet cold-blooded and mean enough to kill a woman for dubious gain. But at the same time, the criminal, although he had dealings with the Black Cats, lived apart from them. Remember! He spent the night with familiar women, and spent the evenings in the restaurant Astoria. If he was so close to the bandits, why didn't he hide with them?

But in the "message" Sharapov came up with on the go, he calls the gang his dear friends. Allegedly, he passed along with the hapless driver a message to his friends: he is not going to roll the term for everyone, and if his dear friends do not even try to pull him out, he will pass everyone with a clear conscience. And, obediently obedient to blackmail, the entire gang goes to rescue a certain Mr. Fox, who has kept himself separate from them all this time.

And finally, the main inconsistency. Allegedly, the bandits are afraid that Fox will turn them in and thus reduce their sentence. But in the criminal world, things like that, especially before, worked differently. Think of the great movie “The Thief at Midnight” and how long they broke a criminal before he agreed to turn someone in. A whole series!

Wikimedia Actors of the 1979 film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” Znamensky no matter how much Mirkin broke, but he still did not want to give up. And some might think it's a matter of honor. That it is the unwritten laws of thieves to stand up for your own. But everything is much more prosaic: the snitching of criminals, for the most part, saved a sense of self-preservation. Especially when the witness protection mechanism is not in place. And the events of the film unfold in the turbulent postwar time, just in the midst of banditry.

So any snitch sooner or later got what he deserved from his own - somewhere clipped, somewhere accident, intimidation and so on. So Fox would hardly dare to blackmail an entire gang that definitely has connections in the criminal world, both at large and behind bars. This is much more felt in foreign crime films of the new generation, for example, in the Sopranos or in the Good Guys. Although, of course, the Italian mafiosi and our Fraers are very different, but life was dear to them in the same way.

Wikimedia I asked my dad how he came up with it. He admitted that a friend told him. Perhaps the friend had an interesting past, but it does not matter. And even though the film never won any major awards, the filmmakers would be happy to know they have a big fan in the form of my mom. She remains true to this film even after a flurry of criticism. And I really respect that.


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