There was no limit to my joy when my new husband became friends with my son, I did not even think that everything could change so quickly.

In the life of every child, no person is more important and more precious than a mother. I want to shout to the whole world: Take care of your children! Protect them from evil and injustice, and do not let them hurt you. Because from the most tender years, the mother’s attitude lays in the baby’s attitude to life. Will he trust the world and know it with an open heart? Or suffer from a sense of abandonment? The power of active maternal contact is great.

The heroine of our history is on the road. On the one hand, her beloved man pulls on herself, on the other - her son. Fate has prepared the girl a difficult test. What would she do in this situation?

I thought that I found the same female happiness, which chirps ladies in the movies. I found my only one who is not afraid of fire and water. But were they just my fantasies? Why did I not see in Maxim a calculating and cold-blooded man? But everything in order.

When I was born, I was all alone. It already happened. We dated his father for almost 4 years, but he was not in a hurry to propose to me. I was very young, just turned 23. When I found out that I was pregnant, no doubt ran to my beloved with the good news. I thought he'd be happy and ask for my hand right away. But it was different.

The guy just disappeared, but before that offered money. You know why. I refused because this child was a gift from heaven. I gave birth to Yegorka for myself and promised my son that I would do everything possible for his happiness.

I had my own apartment at the time, but I rented it out and moved in with my mom. So at least some money dripped while I was on maternity leave. I don’t know how I would have done without my mom. He helped me with everything, and I never felt alone for a minute.

A year later, I went to work. Grandma got along well with her grandson and continued to help. Egorka grew up a wonderful boy. 3 years later I met Maxim.

I don’t know how to describe the feelings I felt. Like I've been looking for him my whole life. We bonded very quickly. Max evoked trust and a sense of home and home. But I immediately told him about my son and the fact that the baby will always come first. I was glad to hear that Maxim supported me. A little later I introduced him to my little family.

My beloved easily joined our company. Befriended Egor - he choked with delight when Max came to visit and brought a advertised machine or robot. I swam with quiet joy.

We signed and moved in with my husband in his two-piece. My apartment I continued to rent and on the advice of my mother saved money “just in case”. There's an idyll in our family. I couldn't get over how well Maksim and Egor got along. The husband even arranged a children's room for his son. They spent a lot of time together: went to football, rode bicycles, walked in the park.

Everything changed when I told my husband I was carrying his baby under my heart. He was happy, but... I began to notice a strange thing: Maxim began to distance his son from me and did it so skillfully that you won’t bother.

One day he went to the kindergarten for Yegor and then took him to his grandmother. I explained this by the fact that my son became ill, began to cough, and I can not get sick. Let her stay with her mother-in-law for a week so I don't get anything. And there were lots of arguments like that. I knew Maxime was doing it for me. I didn’t like the fact that my husband separated me from my son. Something was wrong here.

Mom sided with her husband. Like, what did I want? He's gonna have a kid of his own, so Max is protecting his territory. But not my own 4-year-old son?
Take care of your children: what to do?

I used to run my mother's words through my head. How do you start a conversation with Max? He's trying for me, but on the other hand. When I was eight months old, the conversation finally took place. We had lunch, and while Yegorka was playing in the nursery, my husband stunned me with his decision. My son should be given to my grandmother for a month or two. They say that when the baby is born, he will interfere with the elder with his crying. I won’t be able to handle two children after birth.

Husband kept pushing. All this will benefit Egorka! He is jealous of his future sister, and will demand the attention he is used to. And here is a newborn baby, to which everyone will run for every squeak. It's better that way, why don't you understand, wife?

I just sat there and clapped my eyes. There was logic in her husband’s words, but her heart aching for Yegorka. Does Maxim really want to get rid of my son? I don't know what to do. I love my husband, but I am so confused.

What do you think the heroine of this story should do? Share your opinion in the comments.


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