About a year ago, I noticed that my neighbor had become very ill, decided to help her out of the kindness of my heart, but soon regretted it.
In our time, when volunteering Even some frozen kitten is put on display, online, the true care remains in the shadows. Yes, indeed, there are volunteers, about whom no one knows and only some scraps of their work fall on the human court. What does that say about our callousness, our lack of involvement and cooperation? Maybe. But perhaps we have become so busy with our own affairs that ordinary human compassion for our neighbor no longer evokes any reaction or respect. Who knows.
Peels Abandoned people, old people. This population literally needs our attention. But how exactly can we help them? There are various government programs, but they are naturally lacking. What's next, kids? Yes, they should be the first to help their parents. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. And sometimes the ones you least expect come to the rescue, the ordinary neighbors. The ones they lived with for years. But is everything so clear in this case? As life shows, not always.
Do you know how much food has gone up in stores recently? The cereals went up in price like crazy. A dozen eggs stand like a wing from a Boeing. I am not talking about meat and fish. Pharmacy medicines were not left out either. It seems that soon you will have to be treated with herbs and roots. Traditional medicine, man. Where can I get the money for all this? I have no idea, and I don't have to buy it by myself, but I also have to buy it for the old lady from the apartment across the street. Imagine how stressful this is for the budget.
About a year ago, I noticed that Mary Evgenyevna had become very ill. If before she could go down from the third floor, sit on a bench, discuss things with other pensioners and walk around the house, now this marathon has become too difficult for her. The maximum is to get out of the entrance, get some fresh air. And then she was just waiting for someone to help her up. Health is no longer the same.
She has children, one son, for sure. But in recent years it has become completely invisible. Must be a lot of work, family. He's not young anymore, but what difference does it make if your mother has to turn to other people for help just to get home? So no, he'll come every six months with packets of food, sit and be healthy. Not him. What about Grandma? In general, at some point I was tired of it and I decided to help Mary Evgenyevna. Voluntary assistance, so to speak.
I started coming to her from time to time, helping her as much as I could. Here, for example, rubbed dust throughout the apartment, you can imagine how much it accumulated there. Then I thought maybe the old woman was tired of eating the same buckwheat. I went to the store, bought some other products, apples, the same eggs. For your money, blood. This has happened more than once, I assure you. Then we started going out together. In the evenings, I also work during the day. In short, I've been caring for my grandmother like I've been a family all along.
My son came a couple of times. He had the same policy towards his mother. Come and make sure she's still alive. And leave in half an hour. Is that a case? Is it possible to call a son a man who cares so much about his own mother? To be honest, I didn’t go to their apartment at that time. I was just shaking with outrage. What else can I say?
Sometimes I was even angry, but Mary Evgenyevna constantly defended her old son. I was sorry and just kept telling me what a "difficult" situation he had. Three kids, a grumpy wife and a lot of work. But, let's be logical, if he's so busy, then he has money, so he could hire a nurse, right? But no, apparently, the son stingy for his mother.
And then, one day in our conversation, a topic came up that got me thinking. It turned out that in the plans of my neighbor was the following: to rewrite all your property, namely a two-room apartment in our entrance, on your favorite offspring. Just imagine. I understand, they're related. Maternal instincts and all. But let's be honest. I spent a year looking after her, cleaning her, buying groceries, walking. He did everything he had to do, in fact. Isn't it? And thank you so much. In short, my voluntary assistance was not appreciated.
Since then, we have touched on the subject several times. And I was totally convinced of the old lady's attitude. Her son is her son, no matter how irresponsible and stupid he is. I even hinted that you can see who is serving you that glass of water in old age. But she didn't. And something broke inside of me. I realized that maybe he's not for nothing. That ingratitude is just a character trait of their family and they just don't see the good of others. I guess so.
That's when I decided to slow down. Became less to come, less to communicate. And how to communicate with a woman, even if not young, who at point-blank range does not see that I should not babysit her at all. That I have things to do, too, but I still find time to help a stranger. Like peas against a wall, honestly.
Then I decided to calculate how much money I spent on one trip to the store for Marya Evgenyevna. You see, it's not that I buy her black caviar, there's no such means for myself. But the groceries on the shelf, they're, you know, not free. Even household chemicals to wash dishes. Is she falling out of the sky? There you go. I have been shopping for a whole year! What did you get in return? No thanks.
Therefore, it is not surprising that when I stumbled upon the son of the old woman, the very “busy”, I suggested that he somehow close this account. Rest assured, I rounded the number down. And it still turned out a lot of money. Yeah, what was he expecting? But his response was surprisingly boorish and rude. He said he owed nothing to anyone but his mother. He will pay his debts as he wishes. And just moved on. How impudent people are after all!
But I'm not just going to leave it all behind. There is an idea to contact a lawyer and sue him in court. Or their entire family. People who do not value the good and help of others must be held accountable by law. It's the right thing to do. Unfortunately, this is not a quick matter, I do not have any experts I know. I don’t know how to search for such information on the Internet. You know, I'm not 25 either. At 56, I know that you can’t let people down. Otherwise they will sit on my neck and come to me for food. They'll sit down and hang their legs. What a son, his mother. I just decided to be kind one day. Just voluntary assistance. Now I will know that this cannot be done in our time.

Peels Abandoned people, old people. This population literally needs our attention. But how exactly can we help them? There are various government programs, but they are naturally lacking. What's next, kids? Yes, they should be the first to help their parents. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. And sometimes the ones you least expect come to the rescue, the ordinary neighbors. The ones they lived with for years. But is everything so clear in this case? As life shows, not always.
Do you know how much food has gone up in stores recently? The cereals went up in price like crazy. A dozen eggs stand like a wing from a Boeing. I am not talking about meat and fish. Pharmacy medicines were not left out either. It seems that soon you will have to be treated with herbs and roots. Traditional medicine, man. Where can I get the money for all this? I have no idea, and I don't have to buy it by myself, but I also have to buy it for the old lady from the apartment across the street. Imagine how stressful this is for the budget.
About a year ago, I noticed that Mary Evgenyevna had become very ill. If before she could go down from the third floor, sit on a bench, discuss things with other pensioners and walk around the house, now this marathon has become too difficult for her. The maximum is to get out of the entrance, get some fresh air. And then she was just waiting for someone to help her up. Health is no longer the same.

She has children, one son, for sure. But in recent years it has become completely invisible. Must be a lot of work, family. He's not young anymore, but what difference does it make if your mother has to turn to other people for help just to get home? So no, he'll come every six months with packets of food, sit and be healthy. Not him. What about Grandma? In general, at some point I was tired of it and I decided to help Mary Evgenyevna. Voluntary assistance, so to speak.
I started coming to her from time to time, helping her as much as I could. Here, for example, rubbed dust throughout the apartment, you can imagine how much it accumulated there. Then I thought maybe the old woman was tired of eating the same buckwheat. I went to the store, bought some other products, apples, the same eggs. For your money, blood. This has happened more than once, I assure you. Then we started going out together. In the evenings, I also work during the day. In short, I've been caring for my grandmother like I've been a family all along.
My son came a couple of times. He had the same policy towards his mother. Come and make sure she's still alive. And leave in half an hour. Is that a case? Is it possible to call a son a man who cares so much about his own mother? To be honest, I didn’t go to their apartment at that time. I was just shaking with outrage. What else can I say?

Sometimes I was even angry, but Mary Evgenyevna constantly defended her old son. I was sorry and just kept telling me what a "difficult" situation he had. Three kids, a grumpy wife and a lot of work. But, let's be logical, if he's so busy, then he has money, so he could hire a nurse, right? But no, apparently, the son stingy for his mother.
And then, one day in our conversation, a topic came up that got me thinking. It turned out that in the plans of my neighbor was the following: to rewrite all your property, namely a two-room apartment in our entrance, on your favorite offspring. Just imagine. I understand, they're related. Maternal instincts and all. But let's be honest. I spent a year looking after her, cleaning her, buying groceries, walking. He did everything he had to do, in fact. Isn't it? And thank you so much. In short, my voluntary assistance was not appreciated.

Since then, we have touched on the subject several times. And I was totally convinced of the old lady's attitude. Her son is her son, no matter how irresponsible and stupid he is. I even hinted that you can see who is serving you that glass of water in old age. But she didn't. And something broke inside of me. I realized that maybe he's not for nothing. That ingratitude is just a character trait of their family and they just don't see the good of others. I guess so.
That's when I decided to slow down. Became less to come, less to communicate. And how to communicate with a woman, even if not young, who at point-blank range does not see that I should not babysit her at all. That I have things to do, too, but I still find time to help a stranger. Like peas against a wall, honestly.

Then I decided to calculate how much money I spent on one trip to the store for Marya Evgenyevna. You see, it's not that I buy her black caviar, there's no such means for myself. But the groceries on the shelf, they're, you know, not free. Even household chemicals to wash dishes. Is she falling out of the sky? There you go. I have been shopping for a whole year! What did you get in return? No thanks.
Therefore, it is not surprising that when I stumbled upon the son of the old woman, the very “busy”, I suggested that he somehow close this account. Rest assured, I rounded the number down. And it still turned out a lot of money. Yeah, what was he expecting? But his response was surprisingly boorish and rude. He said he owed nothing to anyone but his mother. He will pay his debts as he wishes. And just moved on. How impudent people are after all!

But I'm not just going to leave it all behind. There is an idea to contact a lawyer and sue him in court. Or their entire family. People who do not value the good and help of others must be held accountable by law. It's the right thing to do. Unfortunately, this is not a quick matter, I do not have any experts I know. I don’t know how to search for such information on the Internet. You know, I'm not 25 either. At 56, I know that you can’t let people down. Otherwise they will sit on my neck and come to me for food. They'll sit down and hang their legs. What a son, his mother. I just decided to be kind one day. Just voluntary assistance. Now I will know that this cannot be done in our time.
When you need to treat the house milk, so that he loved you, and things in the house stopped disappearing.
Recently, my thirty-year-old son announced that he wanted to take the apartment on a mortgage, at first I was happy, but a week later I received a call.