My aunt once again came to teach me life, but my dog was smarter than me and did not want to tolerate her annoying murmur.
For some people. dog picked up dearer than any colleague or acquaintance. Animals are our lesser brothers, our friends. They don't cheat, they don't pretend, they don't do anything evil. That is why they are so valuable to our inner, mental and spiritual health. They say you have to be human. Not like animals. But more and more practice shows that we humans need to learn from animals.
Dogs and cats who were homeless in the past will give all their love and affection to the person who shelters them. Therefore, single people often become great hosts who do not need to share news with friends or go to appointments with a psychologist. Because their friends and their psychologists are right there. Spread out on a warm, comfortable couch and yawn, waiting for a delicious dinner. They won't betray or condemn. Real friends of the heart.
After the appearance of my dog at home, the cat for the first couple of weeks was very nervous. It makes sense. But I tried to think that “living like a cat and a dog” was just a figure of speech. That's actually how it worked. Marquise and Butch later became good friends. If I understand correctly, animals that have nothing to share lose all hostility to each other. And most often they even show interest. It’s a nice fact, because I can’t always be at home and I’d like to hope that without my presence, the animals won’t make a pogrom.
I brought Butch from the street. He hurt his paw somewhere, so we had to go to the vet first. After all the injections and dressings, the dog looked at me with an honest but slightly incredulous look. All right, trust must be earned. I don't know much about dog food, but the good doctor told me everything. Having calculated how much it will cost me to take care of the animals monthly, I was not slightly surprised. When I was young, that was my standard salary. Who knew a dog on the street would cost me that much? But, on the other hand, why count the money that goes to a good cause?
When you live alone, sometimes you want to communicate. But with people, when it comes to friendship, I have a hard time. At my age, it's either going to a bar with colleagues, or a shared hobby. But in both cases, the problem is that I have to pretend to be a completely different person. Not a real person. Keeping up a conversation, being interested in other people's business, maybe family. But to be honest, I'm not interested.
It's easy with animals. They do not need to tell anything, invent some funny stories or recall interesting facts. They perceive you as you are. On the other hand, that cat, that dog immediately feel in you negative or, for example, weakness. So I try never to grumble under their noses or raise my voice when I talk on the phone. Since they're my pets, let me be the leader of our little motley pack.
That was when my aunt came to see me. This big, slightly cheeky woman always wants to find me a bride and thinks that I will agree with her only because she will raise her voice at me. You know, even though I work in headphones, listening to loud, heavy music, at least there's a melody in it. But Aunt Angela manages to strain my eardrums in the first seconds of communication. But I'm not angry. I am who I am. And so is she.
But Butch then did not understand the humor at all and began to bark, apparently with fright, at a woman unfamiliar to him. Barking, not out of spite, but as a surprised overgrown puppy. I forgot to mention that the dog is not small. Although, after my insecure commands, he fell silent. I was just looking at my aunt and me. Marquise did not get involved in these matters, the women had long known each other and ignored each other, with all the grace inherent in the female sex.
When my aunt came to her senses, according to our old tradition, she began to criticize me. Everything went into the matter: and the fact that I walk some kind of eternally asleep, as if not of this world. And the fact that the dog will smell, why did I just take it, did I not have a one-eyed cat? Well, my favorite thing is when I already find a bride, or, better, a wife at once and she does not have to teach me life. This baton, in her opinion, will have to be taken over by an innocent girl whose raison d'être will be to saw me 24/7, without stopping.
Mostly I try not to answer Aunt Angela until she's done yelling. I mean, minus 15 minutes of life. But not this time. No sooner had my relative brought her tirade even to the middle than Butch stood on all four legs and stood between us, clearly making it clear that someone was wrong and not welcome here. No barking or even growling. Although, it was clear that it was not easy for him to do this: the sick paw froze in an unnatural position and shuddered a little.
Then the aunt looked first at the dog, then at me, then at the dog again, and, smiling, slyly asked: how much, Mishenka, do you pay for all this zoo? Why don't you get some more goldfish and a parrot? But I decided this time not to turn our meeting into a farce and called the full amount, especially since in my opinion, to discuss such topics with me is maveton and sheer lack of manners. Because my job makes me more money than her husband, her and even her son make combined. Although he received his paid “higher” education.
And that's where it started. What? How is it? You can save this money and then buy something useful! Go somewhere! And you spend so much money on your trash animals! Go outside and meet someone! Well, that sort of thing. As you can see, we did not have a constructive conversation. And under the pretext that I still have important things to do, I escorted my beloved aunt out of the apartment. Honestly, I think the Marquis sighed with relief from the other room, too.
So I want to say that we need animals. Before, after communicating with relatives, I lost my mood for a day or more. It was even hard to do anything. But now that I'm not alone, past nerves and resentments only make me feel ironic. What was I so worried about? Maybe there's some negativity in that animals are more close to me than people are. But who knows, maybe in the future, I'll find a soul mate. In the meantime, the dog I picked up on the street is closer to many. I will continue to help our younger brothers. They need it more than anyone else.

Dogs and cats who were homeless in the past will give all their love and affection to the person who shelters them. Therefore, single people often become great hosts who do not need to share news with friends or go to appointments with a psychologist. Because their friends and their psychologists are right there. Spread out on a warm, comfortable couch and yawn, waiting for a delicious dinner. They won't betray or condemn. Real friends of the heart.
After the appearance of my dog at home, the cat for the first couple of weeks was very nervous. It makes sense. But I tried to think that “living like a cat and a dog” was just a figure of speech. That's actually how it worked. Marquise and Butch later became good friends. If I understand correctly, animals that have nothing to share lose all hostility to each other. And most often they even show interest. It’s a nice fact, because I can’t always be at home and I’d like to hope that without my presence, the animals won’t make a pogrom.
I brought Butch from the street. He hurt his paw somewhere, so we had to go to the vet first. After all the injections and dressings, the dog looked at me with an honest but slightly incredulous look. All right, trust must be earned. I don't know much about dog food, but the good doctor told me everything. Having calculated how much it will cost me to take care of the animals monthly, I was not slightly surprised. When I was young, that was my standard salary. Who knew a dog on the street would cost me that much? But, on the other hand, why count the money that goes to a good cause?

When you live alone, sometimes you want to communicate. But with people, when it comes to friendship, I have a hard time. At my age, it's either going to a bar with colleagues, or a shared hobby. But in both cases, the problem is that I have to pretend to be a completely different person. Not a real person. Keeping up a conversation, being interested in other people's business, maybe family. But to be honest, I'm not interested.
It's easy with animals. They do not need to tell anything, invent some funny stories or recall interesting facts. They perceive you as you are. On the other hand, that cat, that dog immediately feel in you negative or, for example, weakness. So I try never to grumble under their noses or raise my voice when I talk on the phone. Since they're my pets, let me be the leader of our little motley pack.

That was when my aunt came to see me. This big, slightly cheeky woman always wants to find me a bride and thinks that I will agree with her only because she will raise her voice at me. You know, even though I work in headphones, listening to loud, heavy music, at least there's a melody in it. But Aunt Angela manages to strain my eardrums in the first seconds of communication. But I'm not angry. I am who I am. And so is she.
But Butch then did not understand the humor at all and began to bark, apparently with fright, at a woman unfamiliar to him. Barking, not out of spite, but as a surprised overgrown puppy. I forgot to mention that the dog is not small. Although, after my insecure commands, he fell silent. I was just looking at my aunt and me. Marquise did not get involved in these matters, the women had long known each other and ignored each other, with all the grace inherent in the female sex.

When my aunt came to her senses, according to our old tradition, she began to criticize me. Everything went into the matter: and the fact that I walk some kind of eternally asleep, as if not of this world. And the fact that the dog will smell, why did I just take it, did I not have a one-eyed cat? Well, my favorite thing is when I already find a bride, or, better, a wife at once and she does not have to teach me life. This baton, in her opinion, will have to be taken over by an innocent girl whose raison d'être will be to saw me 24/7, without stopping.
Mostly I try not to answer Aunt Angela until she's done yelling. I mean, minus 15 minutes of life. But not this time. No sooner had my relative brought her tirade even to the middle than Butch stood on all four legs and stood between us, clearly making it clear that someone was wrong and not welcome here. No barking or even growling. Although, it was clear that it was not easy for him to do this: the sick paw froze in an unnatural position and shuddered a little.

Then the aunt looked first at the dog, then at me, then at the dog again, and, smiling, slyly asked: how much, Mishenka, do you pay for all this zoo? Why don't you get some more goldfish and a parrot? But I decided this time not to turn our meeting into a farce and called the full amount, especially since in my opinion, to discuss such topics with me is maveton and sheer lack of manners. Because my job makes me more money than her husband, her and even her son make combined. Although he received his paid “higher” education.
And that's where it started. What? How is it? You can save this money and then buy something useful! Go somewhere! And you spend so much money on your trash animals! Go outside and meet someone! Well, that sort of thing. As you can see, we did not have a constructive conversation. And under the pretext that I still have important things to do, I escorted my beloved aunt out of the apartment. Honestly, I think the Marquis sighed with relief from the other room, too.

So I want to say that we need animals. Before, after communicating with relatives, I lost my mood for a day or more. It was even hard to do anything. But now that I'm not alone, past nerves and resentments only make me feel ironic. What was I so worried about? Maybe there's some negativity in that animals are more close to me than people are. But who knows, maybe in the future, I'll find a soul mate. In the meantime, the dog I picked up on the street is closer to many. I will continue to help our younger brothers. They need it more than anyone else.
I was shocked when an elderly plumber threw a lit match down the toilet, but now I do it myself.
My Italian fiance offered to celebrate the wedding in my homeland, I organized a holiday, but on the appointed day no one came.