Who and at whose expense were built factories in the USSR, information for thought
There is a lot of talk about the Soviet Union. Someone remembers beautiful times with nostalgia, and someone shudders with horror. The main pride of the great power was the Soviet factory. Every second resident of the country dreamed of working in a factory or factory. The period of industrialization of the USSR fell on the 20-30s of the last century. This decision was made by the Central Committee of the CPSU to accelerate the development of industry of the then backward USSR.
But where do we get the money for industrial development? Editorial "Site" He invites you to plunge into the history of the formation of a great power. In the second half of the 1920s, the Soviet government entered into contracts with American companies to design and build factories. The tasks of the USSR were grandiose. The country had to fully provide itself with metallurgical, chemical, engineering, mining, oil, electrical and aviation industries. It was supposed that in 10 years the country should get out of the food and economic crisis.
Soviet factory agriculture flourished. Mainly due to the fertile lands of modern Ukraine. Therefore, in order to conduct settlements with American companies, it was decided to redirect money from agriculture to industry. About 200,000 engineers and technicians were invited to direct the construction, installation and commissioning of plants from America. American professors trained more than 300,000 highly qualified personnel who provided Soviet industry with workers for many years to come.
Most of the factories were designed by Albert Kahn, an American industrial architect from Detroit. His company Albert Kahn Inc. not only drew drawings for 500 enterprises, but also built them in the USSR. As it turns out, design isn't the biggest problem in the Union. Plants that were built according to American projects, Soviet workers simply could not build. Therefore, most of the plants were built in America, then dismantled, transported to the USSR and assembled as a designer on the spot. This happened to one of the giants of the USSR - the Stalingrad Tractor Plant, it was transported on 100 ships.
Albert Kahn is the founder of technology for the design of industrial enterprises of high productivity. His firm, which employed only 400 people, designed all the Henry Ford plants. These plants are still one of the innovative plants in the world. In their image and likeness on the territory of the entire Soviet Union and created industrial enterprises of various directions. But Kahn was not the only one who worked to industrialize the Soviet Union. For example, the American company Cooper Engineering Company together with the German company Siemens built in Zaporozhye DniproHPP.
Another American company Austin built the Gorky Automobile Plant, which still produces the famous GAZ. By the way, the famous “Moskvich” of the Moscow Automobile Plant, which is a complete copy of one of the Ford plants, is also a close relative of the Ford car in appearance. And the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works is a full copy of a metallurgical plant in Indiana.
Entire cities were built with factories. German architect Ernst May, together with a team of like-minded people, came to the USSR to create satellite cities around the main center, which was supposed to be Moscow. Under his leadership, about 20 such cities were built.
Thus, in 10 years, America was able to build about 1,500 factories in the USSR, which for a long time were the pride of the Soviet people. Today they continue to work, only in different countries.

But where do we get the money for industrial development? Editorial "Site" He invites you to plunge into the history of the formation of a great power. In the second half of the 1920s, the Soviet government entered into contracts with American companies to design and build factories. The tasks of the USSR were grandiose. The country had to fully provide itself with metallurgical, chemical, engineering, mining, oil, electrical and aviation industries. It was supposed that in 10 years the country should get out of the food and economic crisis.

Soviet factory agriculture flourished. Mainly due to the fertile lands of modern Ukraine. Therefore, in order to conduct settlements with American companies, it was decided to redirect money from agriculture to industry. About 200,000 engineers and technicians were invited to direct the construction, installation and commissioning of plants from America. American professors trained more than 300,000 highly qualified personnel who provided Soviet industry with workers for many years to come.

Most of the factories were designed by Albert Kahn, an American industrial architect from Detroit. His company Albert Kahn Inc. not only drew drawings for 500 enterprises, but also built them in the USSR. As it turns out, design isn't the biggest problem in the Union. Plants that were built according to American projects, Soviet workers simply could not build. Therefore, most of the plants were built in America, then dismantled, transported to the USSR and assembled as a designer on the spot. This happened to one of the giants of the USSR - the Stalingrad Tractor Plant, it was transported on 100 ships.

Albert Kahn is the founder of technology for the design of industrial enterprises of high productivity. His firm, which employed only 400 people, designed all the Henry Ford plants. These plants are still one of the innovative plants in the world. In their image and likeness on the territory of the entire Soviet Union and created industrial enterprises of various directions. But Kahn was not the only one who worked to industrialize the Soviet Union. For example, the American company Cooper Engineering Company together with the German company Siemens built in Zaporozhye DniproHPP.

Another American company Austin built the Gorky Automobile Plant, which still produces the famous GAZ. By the way, the famous “Moskvich” of the Moscow Automobile Plant, which is a complete copy of one of the Ford plants, is also a close relative of the Ford car in appearance. And the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works is a full copy of a metallurgical plant in Indiana.

Entire cities were built with factories. German architect Ernst May, together with a team of like-minded people, came to the USSR to create satellite cities around the main center, which was supposed to be Moscow. Under his leadership, about 20 such cities were built.
Thus, in 10 years, America was able to build about 1,500 factories in the USSR, which for a long time were the pride of the Soviet people. Today they continue to work, only in different countries.
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