Why older men are looking for relationships with young girls and what lies behind it

You walk down the street and look at people passing by. There's an old lady in a hurry to get her pension. The couple walks around holding each other’s arms. She's 25, and he's over 40. She's good enough for his daughter. Well, whatever. Young beloved woman It can inspire an older man to continue to feel young. Age, health, salary and bank account are superfluous. It has almost nothing to do with the topic of our conversation. The main thing is love.

In this article, we would like to talk about why society in most cases reacts negatively to marriages with a large age difference. After all, if people live together, they have a stamp in their passport, what difference does it make? And yet, the reality is not that simple. Is it just jealousy, or does it have to go deeper?

The most obvious reason for marriage is youth. Yes, a man, let him be over forty or even fifty, banally likes the attention of young girls. And with age, this feeling does not go away. And if a man at the same time knows how to dress stylishly, can find a topic for any conversation, and also has the opportunity to have a good time without calculating the exact percentage of tips in the restaurant, he magically turns from "grandfather" into a mature, interesting and promising gentleman. Magic, indeed.

In addition, it all depends on the attraction of two people. For example, if a man worked all his life in a factory, and then rose up, became a master, manager, and recently even acquired this very factory. Then his life experience will continue to revolve around this factory. It is unlikely that a young woman would be interested in something like this. Well, they don't like stories about the light industry of your village for some reason. On the other hand, a man who has seen a lot, read a lot, and has charisma is interesting at any age. Jack Nicholson is still loved by women today.

As for the girls, there is a lot about mental magnetism. She could be, for example, about 28 years old. That, in fact, is not such a young age. But mentally, she can be a typical inhabitant of social networks. Who does not know how many days in a leap year, but is well versed in the filters of Instagram and knows for memory that Scorpio and Leo are absolutely inappropriate signs of the zodiac, with which you can not have anything in common.

With such girls will be boring even the most amorous “grandfather”. After all, finding a common topic for conversation is definitely not possible. This means that you can forget about walking around the city. Do not be silent all the time, walking with your companion by the hand. And to introduce her to friends will not work either. After all, their older wives will not miss the chance to “finely” laugh at a young girl, especially in public.

What a novelty. The thing is that a woman who has lived a life and seen something, will not be so sincerely surprised by everything. She was already abroad, bathed on warm shores, tried all these delicacies, and the starry sky for her lost its former charm. The young woman has not seen it and does not know it. For her, such tricks are still relevant, even if she has already looked at hundreds of photos of similar places on the Internet. It's a different, special experience.

Therefore, many wealthy elderly people choose for their wives rather behind themselves in age Mademoiselles. And the law doesn't bother them. Who cares anyway? But why do some people feel so negatively and even with a strong sense of disgust? Let's try to figure it out.

What's the negativity? Most often, adult women can not understand why young girls surrendered “these old depraved foreheads”. After all, when it comes to serious relationships, children from them simply do not wait. And if you wait, there is a good chance that their health will not be so rosy. After all, in marriage, it is important to think not only about yourself and your partner in the present time, but also about the future and legacy. And if, say, his children from his first marriage are older than his beloved, what can be the legacy?

In addition, an older man can generally be an old bachelor. Maybe he never had a wife. Only short and unserious connections. Then how? On the one hand, it should be a problem of only two people, and they should solve it on their own. However, relatives or friends often climb where they do not ask, which is why such embarrassments arise. Being disabled at home is not the best thing to dream of.

Peels Young Favorite Woman Well, for dessert: health. Old people are lucky in one, now young girls have absolutely no fashion for active rest. That is, no one will force a man to ride a bicycle for hours or go on vacation in the mountains. Skating, skiing, snowboarding – all this is not necessary now. Don't worry. And on fitness girls usually go on their own to relax and distract. Just like cosmetic procedures.

But this does not negate the fact that with age people are forced to go to the doctors more often, drink medicines and adhere to a diet. This can cause some discomfort in the undisturbed consciousness of a young girl. Then what do we do? The question, of course, will remain open. Because it's pretty uncomfortable on its own, and some will just prefer to keep quiet. Why spoil the mood?

So these unequal marriages have their pros and cons. Just like the usual ones. Someone they can fit, and someone can not even think about it. People are all different. The main thing is that you and your partner feel comfortable and easy together. And the rest will come. Or not. Life will put everything in its place. It's always been and always will be.


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