Before going to bed, I throw two cloves of garlic into the toilet, which saves money from the family budget.

Toilet room is considered the main room of any residential house or apartment. Housewives always pay special attention to the cleanliness of this room. It should always smell good. And, as you know, a pleasant smell directly depends on the cleanliness and sterility of the room. The main source of pollution in the toilet is ceramic. It is the main breeding ground for bacteria and unpleasant smells.

Therefore, to avoid the spread of bacteria in the toilet, it is necessary to disinfect every day. For this, you can use household chemicals, which is enough in our stores. Every year, the range in stores becomes more and more, but the problem with bacteria remains unchanged. But there is always a way out of any situation, and nature is our best assistant in this matter. Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you about natural antiseptic and antifungal remedies.

It turns out that this product can be used not only in culinary delights. Garlic is a plant with a wide range of useful properties. And some housewives use it as a disinfectant when cleaning the house. Or rather, to remove bacteria in the toilet and directly in the toilet.

Many bacteria that spread in the toilet can cause severe illness. And to prevent this, you should regularly disinfect the toilet. At least three times a week.

As a rule, the toilet is disinfected with special means with a high content of chlorine. They have a specific smell that manufacturers often try to drown out with flavorings. But it can also be used for disinfection and garlic.


How do you do that? Before bed, cut two peeled cloves of garlic. Put them in the toilet and cover them. Leave it till morning. In the morning, before you lift the lid, wash the water in the toilet. Overnight, garlic will get rid of most microbes and bacteria under the rim of the toilet.

Another common problem with ceramic toilets is stone. It is formed most often where water drains. Its first formation is yellow spots, which further begin to grow on the toilet.

To get rid of lime plaque, you may also need some ingredients from the kitchen. For example, baking soda and citric acid. You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Mix two tablespoons of soda and a bag of citric acid. Add a few drops of essential oil and a little water.

The consistency should be loose and well sculpted. Form the balls or spread the mixture into an ice mold. Put three hours in the freezer. When the balls or cubes harden, you can take a few and throw them into the toilet.

And let them stay there for 30 minutes until completely dissolved. Then just rinse with water. And the toilet will sparkle white with cleanliness and smell very pleasant. In addition, there will be no trace of the limestone plaque. This procedure can be done at least once a week.

Peels Cleaning is a complex multifaceted process. And every housewife strives for a budgetary and efficient way of cleaning. Everyone has their own secrets of cleanliness and order. What secrets do you have? Ready to share them in the comments to this post?


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