After the divorce, I was left without a roof over my head, so I went to work, now I am building my own house, but I am worried about my date.

What are the chances that a man is already divorceeIs this the kind of person a woman has dreamed of all her life? And the third and the fourth? In fact, there is simply no way to verify. New relationships can, of course, bring some completely new positive emotions to life. But it doesn't really mean anything.

Some women try to choose a life partner, using the most non-trivial landmarks. Like the zodiac sign. And sometimes it even works! What to do if all other methods have already been tried? Go to the fortune teller? What a woman is not ready to do for the sake of a normal family life.

With my first husband, we lived a happy 10 years. The remaining 3 years were a nightmare that I cannot even remember without flinching. I won't wish on the enemy.

Sergey and I knew literally from school. They were in parallel classes. I remember him carrying my briefcase, protecting me from bullies and even other girls. After school, everything continued, and our parents were wrong: they predicted an imminent break-up due to a new life turn.

Anyway, we started living together after college. There was no money for a rented apartment, and studying, for me personally, was in the first place. But then the wedding, the common housing, the adult life. I felt like a girl who suddenly found out she was doing so well in her 20s. Everything was a curiosity to me.

Nevertheless, our business was going well and we even exchanged the apartment for a larger option. Then my son was born and I thought life was a success. There's a husband, a child, an apartment. Good job and prospects. It was a few years before Sergey suddenly broke down. He was tired of everything and he was attacked by some terrible spoof. Nothing seems to have changed, but I couldn’t recognize my husband anymore.

He began to drink, raised his hand on his son Vanya. I tried to fight it somehow, but it was useless. We went to doctors, psychologists, fortune tellers. We spent a lot of money. But my Sergey disappeared somewhere in the past. Instead, there was a swollen man on the couch that I just couldn't recognize. And then we got divorced.

Due to debts, the apartment had to be sold. I left my son in the care of my grandmother. She gave her some of the money she earned for the apartment and went to work abroad. My profession was very narrowly focused and therefore not very popular. At the other end of the country I could have settled, but there was no desire to move permanently. So I chose a short part-time job to raise some capital or, even better, buy an apartment.

In another country, I met a worker like me. Dima seemed to me a good person: working, a lot of jokes, not afraid to look into the eyes. Something got me. We started talking, and I found out he broke up with his ex, too. But for another reason, she was walking left.

As time passed, our friendship grew stronger and somehow became something more. I had another one after my divorce. By then I had made some money and Dima was running out of visa. I had to decide what to do next and decided to stay with him. We went home with enough money in our pockets to feel good for a while.

I bought a piece of land near my mom's house. She and Vanya lived in the village, so it was very comfortable for me. Started building a house. Well, let it be out of town. There's a car. But the air is cleaner and Mom is here.

Dima started to help me and we finally started a normal relationship. I found a job by profession. And he was in charge of the construction, purchase for her and a couple of times a week went to work. He could not find a permanent job, but he brought some money. I was also building a house because I don’t know anything about it.

All this time we lived in a rented apartment. But when the construction had already gained momentum and it was going to clean repairs, my Dima finally spoke out. He has put a lot of time and effort into building my house. And the gas money is running out. What does he care? By all accounts, the house is mine and no one else.

Another after the divorce, so he wouldn't mind if I gave him a small share. So that, in any case, he is not left naked. Torsom. And no prospects. At first, I thought he was joking like this: a big man, he took possession of other people's property. Yes, he helped, but I rented an apartment for us and most often I paid for groceries. What claims?

We're not even registered, but we're still there. He has little trust, we need to protect ourselves. I don’t know that my mother and son are the closest people. Where's he going? In a couple of weeks, a month at most, the house will be ready. I still don't want to share anything, because it's my dream and I've worked so hard for it. But with Dima do not want to part. I got used to it, and where will I find a new business man?

The situation is strange and I don’t know what to do. Mom says I should hold onto him. Oh, better yet, married. Vanya needs a father. I'm still thinking. It was once. What did that lead to? Maybe living alone isn't so bad.


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