I worked for years to build a big family home, but my dreams turned against me.

What could be better than double-story Out of town? Clean air, plenty of space, no noise. This can fit a large and friendly family. Make a few exits to make it comfortable. Enoble the garden around the building. Put some swings for children and a gazebo. Why don't you dream?

Peels Many people think the same. The bigger the house, the better. One has only to look at the private sector: behind almost every fence flaunts someone’s small modern castle. The only problem is that such a pleasure has an extremely expensive price tag and it is often built for quite a long time. For such a time in life, everything can change. As was the case with one of our readers.

Since childhood I do not perceive an apartment as a normal housing for a person. Concrete box, cramped, stuffy, uncomfortable. There's still someone up and down. And you hear people in the neighborhood talking, arguing, walking. Worse yet, they hear you. And when you go outside to take a break from all this, it doesn't get better. There's no greenery, one solid asphalt and other people's cars. Is that life?

But most of the time I lived in the country. It's good: lake, garden, garden. There is a lot of room and a lot less people than in the city. Beautiful! Our family moved out of town when I was 10, and I think it was a very good decision in our lives.

When I grew up and began to build a relationship with my future husband, I was saddened by the fact that Vanya was urban. He did not want to live with my parents. After all, all the work and prospects were in the city. I did not have a higher education, so for me, living in the countryside seemed a great and understandable option. But youth, love... After the wedding, I had to move into an apartment.

But after a while it became clear that even the city does not guarantee you a job with stable pay and quality life. I got pregnant and my husband got lowered. It was our first child, so both of us were getting nervous. The husband hardly appeared at home, plowed like a damn, on part-time jobs.

I was engaged in the household, despite the fact that my stomach grew every day. The birth of my son was worth all that effort. Kostya was born a hero, under 5 kilograms of weight. I was recovering, my husband slowed down a little, and then I thought maybe it wasn't so bad. What if we have a good life in this birdhouse? Not in the crowd, right?

No, you're not. A year later, when I got pregnant for the second time, the apartment was sorely short. Although we had two rooms and I knew that some of my neighbors lived in similar conditions, I was choking. I was stuffy and sick. I couldn't help myself. There was no money to move, so we were waiting for family life four in forty square meters. It was a sentence for me.

After years of washing, cooking, ironing in a concrete box, I couldn’t stand it and started looking for alternatives. I loved my family, but you can't go against your nature. Soon it was decided that I would go abroad. My husband stays with the children, the salary promised to me should be enough for household expenses and even on top of that. Picking berries or digging a vegetable garden: it does not matter, the main thing is that I will break out of this nightmare.

I was lucky and fate brought me to a large private house. The Italians call them villas. I was given a room, and most of the day I had to take care of the old lady. She herself was able to walk and even run, but the caring children did not want the old woman to be left alone. She was a nice woman and soon we became friends.

The employers paid my salary and I enjoyed the local nature. How beautiful and sunny it was! From time to time, the lady and I went to the beach. Or walk around the local cafeteria. Do you like Italian cuisine? I love her! All those sauces and pastes and cheeses. We didn't have anything like that, so I finally got a taste for life.

Meanwhile, my dream house was being built with my money. I wanted two floors so everyone could fit in. My husband didn't mind, there was enough money. And the kids were happy to call me, so I wasn't worried they'd get away from me. Yes, it was a long-distance relationship, but I flew home from time to time. Not for long, though. But at least I could hug my kids and my husband. It's a sin to complain, really.

I didn’t have time to come to my senses as it was 17 years ago. I would probably still live in two worlds. But at one time too many things happened. It finally brought me down from heaven. First the lady left us. Just without waking up one day. It was an easy departure, and all her relatives thanked me for spending so much time with her. She became almost her own person.

The house is finished. I didn't even notice. I'm used to the villa, the sea air. Olives and lemons growing near the house did not surprise me. And my breakfast of fresh mussels and cheese with olive oil was common. I could afford it without any problems, although I did not have any special money.

Peels and the eldest daughter got married. That was the main reason for my arrival. My whole plan was for this event. My daughter brings my son-in-law to the house, my husband and son live there. Isn’t that what it took so much to work for?

But when a person plans something, life only laughs back. In fact, it was much more prosaic. My daughter, like me, refused to live with us and chose the city. Because of my son-in-law, of course. My son wanted to live with us. But it alerted me: he spent all his time in his room at the computer. For me, such a man is not a man at all. Where are the aspirations and goals in life?

My husband dropped his mask. He has been having an affair with another woman for years. And how serious they are, not even he knows. It happens when the wife is not around.

As a result, I live in a huge empty house with a slacker son. Sometimes the husband comes looking at the floor. We communicate, but rather as good acquaintances. Nothing more. And the bills are coming and I can't even imagine how I'm going to have to pay them. My dream has become an anchor that drags me deeper and deeper every day.


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