Recipe of the legendary cheesecakes Julia Vysotskaya, or Why everyone suddenly began to actively discuss the culinary failures of the star
Only the lazy one probably didn't hear Julia Vysotskaya prepares cheesecakes. Those in which the main thing is the “crust”. But if you're one of those people who doesn't follow Internet junkies, the explanatory team has already arrived. Today I will tell you why everyone suddenly attacked the guru of Russian cooking.
GettyImages Vysotskaya prepares cheesecakes In April of this year, social networks filled videos with, to put it mildly, failed recipes of Yulia Vysotskaya. In the comments, I wonder where everyone has looked before. After all, there was a time when a smiling host admired almost every housewife. And her show “Eating at Home” was one of the most famous and popular on the market. Moreover, we looked at culinary excesses not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the post-Soviet space. What kind of phenomenon is that?
Here's Vysotskaya frying chicken wings in bacon. And while she prepares a vegetable salad for them (a very wise step), behind her back, the barbecue literally covers the tongues of flame. Of course, all the meat turned black and became like coal. But for Vysotskaya wing is still "appetite".
And Julia fries pancakes made of cabbage, which more resemble a formless vegetable mass, and strives to fall into separate cabbage pieces. I especially remember the recipe for cancer soup. First, the host boils crayfish, and then grinds them in a stationary blender. along with the shell. Mmm, your fingers are good!
And the recipe for languished tomatoes is a separate type of culinary art. When Vysotskaya pulled out of the oven literally burned vegetable, the woman behind the scenes asked if tomatoes should be so black. The culinary diva replied confidently: "Yes, the blacker, the better."
Those same cheesecakes from Julia Vysotskaya And how Vysotskaya cooks cheesecakes! When I saw this video, I laughed loudly. Not everyone is allowed to comment so seriously on the cooking process, which obviously failed. The problems began at the stage of mixing the test.
If you at least once in your life cooked or ate cheesecakes, you probably know that cottage cheese dough should be dense. In the case of Vysotskaya, it almost spread. And this is not surprising, because she mixed cottage cheese, egg, sour cream and butter.
It was possible to save this slurry by adding enough wheat flour to it for balance. But instead, Vysotskaya used only 1 tablespoon of flour. That's critically low for so much testing.
But the most interesting thing began when Julia started frying cheesecakes. No matter how hard she tried to build small “tortillas” from the dough, they could not fire. On the cheesecakes formed a crust, which literally peeled off every cottage cheese. And inside, the dough wasn't baked. After frying, the host sent this culinary obscurantism to the oven “for 5 minutes, so that the cheesecakes become even more airy.” That's a lot more!
What's wrong with Julia Vysotskaya And now let's figure out what's wrong here. First, Vysotskaya pretends that she cooks really good dishes, without admitting mistakes. Second, she doesn’t even try to correct her mistakes. When a similar embarrassment occurs on the set, the program must simply be reshooted. But Julia doesn’t seem to care.
GettyImages About the banal respect for the viewer and, by the way, myself no one heard. But the worst part is that Eat at Home was the most popular program on the market. Thousands of women admired the skillful Vysotskaya. She flitted in the kitchen like a butterfly and hilariously commented on her every action. However, do not forget that Julia is an actress by profession. She was able to play an experienced cook with a hurrah, but cook with a three.
There are a lot of food blogs that are really worth your attention. And with Julia Vysotskaya it is long time to say goodbye. By the way, you knew she rarely eats her own cooking. I wonder why.
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GettyImages Vysotskaya prepares cheesecakes In April of this year, social networks filled videos with, to put it mildly, failed recipes of Yulia Vysotskaya. In the comments, I wonder where everyone has looked before. After all, there was a time when a smiling host admired almost every housewife. And her show “Eating at Home” was one of the most famous and popular on the market. Moreover, we looked at culinary excesses not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the post-Soviet space. What kind of phenomenon is that?
Here's Vysotskaya frying chicken wings in bacon. And while she prepares a vegetable salad for them (a very wise step), behind her back, the barbecue literally covers the tongues of flame. Of course, all the meat turned black and became like coal. But for Vysotskaya wing is still "appetite".

And Julia fries pancakes made of cabbage, which more resemble a formless vegetable mass, and strives to fall into separate cabbage pieces. I especially remember the recipe for cancer soup. First, the host boils crayfish, and then grinds them in a stationary blender. along with the shell. Mmm, your fingers are good!
And the recipe for languished tomatoes is a separate type of culinary art. When Vysotskaya pulled out of the oven literally burned vegetable, the woman behind the scenes asked if tomatoes should be so black. The culinary diva replied confidently: "Yes, the blacker, the better."
Those same cheesecakes from Julia Vysotskaya And how Vysotskaya cooks cheesecakes! When I saw this video, I laughed loudly. Not everyone is allowed to comment so seriously on the cooking process, which obviously failed. The problems began at the stage of mixing the test.

If you at least once in your life cooked or ate cheesecakes, you probably know that cottage cheese dough should be dense. In the case of Vysotskaya, it almost spread. And this is not surprising, because she mixed cottage cheese, egg, sour cream and butter.
It was possible to save this slurry by adding enough wheat flour to it for balance. But instead, Vysotskaya used only 1 tablespoon of flour. That's critically low for so much testing.

But the most interesting thing began when Julia started frying cheesecakes. No matter how hard she tried to build small “tortillas” from the dough, they could not fire. On the cheesecakes formed a crust, which literally peeled off every cottage cheese. And inside, the dough wasn't baked. After frying, the host sent this culinary obscurantism to the oven “for 5 minutes, so that the cheesecakes become even more airy.” That's a lot more!
What's wrong with Julia Vysotskaya And now let's figure out what's wrong here. First, Vysotskaya pretends that she cooks really good dishes, without admitting mistakes. Second, she doesn’t even try to correct her mistakes. When a similar embarrassment occurs on the set, the program must simply be reshooted. But Julia doesn’t seem to care.

GettyImages About the banal respect for the viewer and, by the way, myself no one heard. But the worst part is that Eat at Home was the most popular program on the market. Thousands of women admired the skillful Vysotskaya. She flitted in the kitchen like a butterfly and hilariously commented on her every action. However, do not forget that Julia is an actress by profession. She was able to play an experienced cook with a hurrah, but cook with a three.

There are a lot of food blogs that are really worth your attention. And with Julia Vysotskaya it is long time to say goodbye. By the way, you knew she rarely eats her own cooking. I wonder why.
Photo in article
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