Zhytomyr is famous for its turns, one ingredient makes the taste 100 times richer
Potatoes can make a lot of delicious dishes. This root vegetable is probably the most versatile product in cooking. It can be baked, cooked, fried, stewed. And How to Make Potato Transcripts? For this treat, we will combine several cooking techniques. But the result will be great.
In general, in each region, draniks, they are deruns, cook in their own way. In this recipe, we will tell you how they are made in Zhytomyr. In the city where this dish even put a monument. So the locals can safely be called experts in this case. Well, let's go to the kitchen!
How to Make Potato Ingredients
From the finished test, we pluck a portion and roll out of it a kind of cake. You don't have to pull a roller from the far corner. We use our hands. In the cake itself, wrap a tablespoon of salted cottage cheese and roll the future drapnik into a flatbread again. Repeat this until the ingredients run out. We are delighted with the result.
At the end, we take out the pan, pour out the oil and warm up. We prepare Zhytomyr dranics on medium fire until they turn out to be saturated with gold on both sides. For those who are losing weight, we advise to bed at the bottom of the container, in which we will put the finished dish, a couple of kitchen paper towels. Thanks to this trick, the deroons will not be too greasy, the paper will absorb excess oil.
That's it, it's done. For the sauce, we advise cutting a fine bundle of dill, grinding garlic and mixing this matter with sour cream. This classic supplement to deruns refreshes the taste, gives a special texture to the dish and in general is almost the most important ingredient. After all, there is such a delicious dryness - it is sacrilege.
Dranks or potato decors are popular not only in the post-Soviet territory. Many people in Western Europe have been preparing them for a long time and offer their own recipes. So for the sake of such a dish, you can become tourists and try it in different cities and countries. Who is the best cooker in the world?

In general, in each region, draniks, they are deruns, cook in their own way. In this recipe, we will tell you how they are made in Zhytomyr. In the city where this dish even put a monument. So the locals can safely be called experts in this case. Well, let's go to the kitchen!
How to Make Potato Ingredients
- 1kg potatoes
- 2 eggs
- 200g cottage cheese
- 4 tbsp vegetable oil
- 3 tbsp sour cream
- 2 teeth. Garlic
- 1 bundle of dill
- salt, pepper
- First, clean all the potatoes available. It can be taken even with a margin: depending on what quality it will be. For example, if you cook tannics with your child or husband, you can get more peels than the potatoes themselves. The fourth part of the potatoes is sent to cook, and the bulk is rubbed on a small grater.
- Now mix the cottage cheese with a fresh egg, salt the resulting mass and pepper. You need to get more cheese. Preferably without excess fluid. Salt often solves this problem.

From the finished test, we pluck a portion and roll out of it a kind of cake. You don't have to pull a roller from the far corner. We use our hands. In the cake itself, wrap a tablespoon of salted cottage cheese and roll the future drapnik into a flatbread again. Repeat this until the ingredients run out. We are delighted with the result.

At the end, we take out the pan, pour out the oil and warm up. We prepare Zhytomyr dranics on medium fire until they turn out to be saturated with gold on both sides. For those who are losing weight, we advise to bed at the bottom of the container, in which we will put the finished dish, a couple of kitchen paper towels. Thanks to this trick, the deroons will not be too greasy, the paper will absorb excess oil.

That's it, it's done. For the sauce, we advise cutting a fine bundle of dill, grinding garlic and mixing this matter with sour cream. This classic supplement to deruns refreshes the taste, gives a special texture to the dish and in general is almost the most important ingredient. After all, there is such a delicious dryness - it is sacrilege.

Dranks or potato decors are popular not only in the post-Soviet territory. Many people in Western Europe have been preparing them for a long time and offer their own recipes. So for the sake of such a dish, you can become tourists and try it in different cities and countries. Who is the best cooker in the world?
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